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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Saw this thing today the oics dont even come close to showing how nice this car is.. Inside the trunk is so nice i couldn`t help but to touch it..One word......... UNBELIEVABLE oh and it started with just i reach-in no pedal pump.
  2. Its funny while reading this a sander truck just drove by but its only 31 so it could be worse.
  3. My question is how did you know who that actor was so fast there fancy pants??
  4. Although this info wont help OP--- the inlet connection--- in Olympia WA, fixes radiators ,not brakes,mufflers,tires and wheels just radiators, and he will only sell you one as a LAST resort..Big tank of water a propane torch and a brain.fixed me up a couple of times.
  5. I think those interior shots are some of the best photos of all time...OF ALL TIME !!
  6. That is a good one ,ive had it favorited for like six months on youtube
  7. Right,, shortening driveline isnt out of question just wasn`t sure what yolk i would have to find or if it would fit drivelines i already have. but i think im on it. well kinda
  8. See if the county or town that you got ticket in has a ticket deferment program , its where you pay court processing fees and have to not get another ticket for a set amount of time and ticket is expunged after that set date. and no traffic court crap BUT if you get another ticket before that date BOTH the new and old tickets will now have to be payed and put on driving record,,and of course you loose that initial processing fee .
  9. My hopes were that i would get "way to use the search option dumbass " and not All kidding aside just want to go a little faster not re-invent the wheel but i do have more than my share of Datsun "stuff" and i will try mixing and matching and if it works out it will be great but if it dont the car will get a 4speed thats just got yanked out of brothers 70 ,,,,,,,cause as bulletproof as that B&W may be it makes for real boring ride..
  10. Since my hopes have been dashed upon the rocks of reality, ill finish this out.. using 12:00 as starting point and one full-ish rotation of clutch disc 1st.................1/4+................3:20 2nd...............1/2+.................6:20 3rd................3/4...................9:00 4th................1:1.................12:00 5th................1 1/4.................one rotation then 3:00 rev............ about .................8:00 all these are subjective Thanks for your help
  11. Stick is real straight just couldn`t rouse neighbors to come out into cold to hold metal framing square ..anyway seems its 30 1/4" and I think my having it in first gear and thinking there was NO lean started this question in the wrong direction so i didn`t edit my first posts to avoid confusion ----
  12. Maybe i should have checked parts for sale before PM-ing you today... OOPS !!
  13. Not sure if it`s getting parted or if being fixed
  14. So it does LEAN,,it just did not look like it did when test fit on motor ( must have been the angle i had ) but when my camera man took pictures from behind with it lined up again it showed up better .. disc is froze on right now can still measure more accurately tomorrow can i mix and match with 4 speed parts ( like the one in first post ) or other trannies to make this fit a L16 powered 510 ? or am i barkin up the wrong tree
  15. I also need help ...need to ID but also if this is the type to use bell housing off of to make the nap-z trans fit in 70 510 and what it came in because it came in a pile of stuff and not sure of what to get yolk out of if i decide to just use this trans....... 31" to starter spot 30 3/4" between arrows Also put this up to L18 and it didnt seem to have any noticeable lean off center if that matters
  16. Datsun content added to keep mods happy
  17. I found this threads theme song
  18. Because i figured he was senior when songs from that album (referenced in another thread ) came out (edit) not sure if they have them learnin type deals in Canada though
  19. I actually had you pegged at 45 , because of Def Leotard--- pyromania music post, but that makes sense..
  20. Why is there such a big hole where ignition switch is,or is it a optical illusion ?
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