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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Did you make this track ?? because it is just the biggest pile of AWESOME!! Makes me feel like a bad parent...
  2. Harbor freight night vision ones are like $29.99 but they dont catch things very far away. Hook it up to V.C.R. on 6 hour slow record..
  3. Ok then, on your marks get set GO!! http://maps.google.c...=12,250.68,,0,5
  4. As the title says but not completely sure if Lynnwood is right location but pretty certain..he was always on craigslist ,had link that showed huge amount of parts ad also mentioned he purchased a few new windshields ,,contacted him months ago got his name and number now i cant find.Can anybody help.. anybody? help.......................
  5. I was pulled over test driving my brothers 521 and it was to tell me his dad had one when he was a kid and cop was wondering if i knew of any for sale.
  6. I must have driven by that car 1000 times ( not an exaggeration ) and just figured it was so out in the open somebody MUST have already asked to buy it
  7. Yep that`s the one.......funny thing is that car is probably the only Datsun i didn`t cold call in the area. Also that light tan $500. 1200 that was on craigslist about a week ago was located about 4 blocks away from there.. On the tow----- we actually drop my son off in Monte on Friday evenings so he can go to beach to work on his grandparents farm and we pick him up Sunday nights,,in Monte at the chevron by the freeway.But we could go get it, this Thursday ,,Friday and leave it in my yard ( very secure ) till Sunday it is a manual shift right??
  8. Is this the blue one in Elma by a two story apartment building?? cause if it is ..you should scoop, scoop,scoop that thing up..I could help ya tow it
  9. These are the cords i use, the 100 ft black one is one i TRY to use, but 50 ft yellow one is the one i predominantly use and it works just fine ,. If welder blows breakers ,,open up breaker box and try to locate highest amperage breaker than figure out which outlet it gos to.
  10. Ive been using same exact setup as -blue72- Except mine is a earlier 120 not a 125..since 1989, built 2 FULLSIZE street stock cars 1 bump to pass car and 3 demo derby cars plus mega other projects..It runs on 110 volt i can EASILY run it on a 50 foot extension cord ( but not a tiny g string one although it would if needed ) if you got a 220 stick then you dont need a 220 mig ,hell you don`t really need a 220 mig really anyway . I have a couple of friends that bought Millers from home depot and they seem to be happy as hell with them..Also if you can afford it, try to buy a model that has the gas hook up,,then when you get rich again you could purchase a gas bottle setup for it (way smoother welds ) Anyway i type so slow someone might have already said all this but .....there ya go Rustina the plug you show is a 220 plug
  11. There is one nobody bid on last time around relisted on ebay right now..........#310288966988 Oops new # 310290949066 It`s not mine,,,,, just was thinking of buying but didn`t
  12. Jesus,,, i could have just sent you 5 bucks anonymously in the mail for the stickers and i still would have got them.
  13. Are you only interested in old collector plates?? because i got a few take offs ( that i haven`t thrown away ) i could throw at you.plates are newer style but they could be used as filler or around corners. Some look better in pictures than they are, and some look bad but are in good shape..I could trade you for free a admission for me and my family..... Could not get flash turned off so they look white but they are actually this style below
  14. Anybody ever watch the movie/ documentary " Yank Tanks " because of USA embargo the Cubans make parts for the American cars imported there in the 50s. In the movie they talk to this old dude that makes brake shoes out of epoxy and asbestos in a oven on his back porch...they interview a bunch of guys like him..pretty awesome movie ,I had my friend get it through Netflix
  15. Since i didn`t have to go buy that dual solex wagon today We installed a rear window BEFORE AFTER And a couple of you on here may claim this last oic is photochopped IT`S NOT YOU BASTARDS!...i told you i had just started cleaning garage
  16. Hey, metalmonkey ........im diggin yer new summertime avatar man.............it makes me smile thinkin of winter being over soon.
  17. There is a red wagon race car ,in project datto ,,page 4 titled "Wagoon race car" ( Troyt ) then on page 4 post # 75 , there is a link and it shows the underside of door / body cut out ,and how piece was welded in to seal it. I know the long way there,, but i have no idea how to link one thread to another..
  18. There is plenty of compact engines that could make the 411 go like hell, including a rotary .It`s the getting it to stop from that high speed that seems to be the REAL problem..At least for me
  19. Ran plates like that on my 64 galaxie and dug down trying to get to the oldest tag. And i think it was 1965 was white and shaped like the state of washington.. Also the plates were kind of a pain cause i kept getting pulled over for expired tags,, and the licence # isn`t in the licence # spot on registration.( can you say deputy rhetorical question ) .or at least it wasn`t on mine but that was like 8 years ago..
  20. Check to make sure vacuum advance is working properly.Take cap off them suck on hose does advance plate rotate a little bit?
  21. It wasn`t that bad rust wise but it was getting there ,,funny thing his phone rang 4 times while i was there this morning ,,pretty decent car over all though.. still for sale
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