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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Store by my house about hour ago
  2. Although this was the first thread it has now become.......................
  3. Is that your photoshop work, or is that a found picture? you get pos rep either way Now that there are two oics I can see what you did there.....have no clue as to how you did it but... (edited)
  4. After recieving new SOFT rubbers got me thinking i should change seals in all my 510s ...you can count on me buying from you again.. i know theres a buyer feedback but needed to put thank you HERE!!
  5. Well by the looks of your avitar you already have the dictator type hairdo.. j/k
  6. i will be waiting for your reply
  7. Thanks qwik510 for helping get windshield ,and thanks to Carter for making it easyer to find parts

    1. INDY510


      and thanks to the academy, and thanks to....


    2. bananahamuck


      You forgot Gary.


  8. 280z been sitting since 2008 looks better than cell phone pictures show ALOT better. and K-mart hub caps to boot..
  9. Was thinking of posting this in " what you did to you dime today " but i think it fits better here.
  10. I think it`s just the smaller set has been painted farther out to the lip than the bigger set .
  11. Some sort of fanatic......i know a guy that has bought something like 5 or 6 520 trucks because he couldn`t find a starter for his J motor ten or fifteen years ago. With one car and enough parts to almost build another, you may well be on your way to becoming a Datsun fanatic/ lover. welcome aboard!!
  12. Will really try, missed the last couple ( titlow & sonic ) want to bring a couple non member Datsun freaks to get them out of their holes but they are ol` farts, but me and my son will put it on calender .. I know I know " try not ,do "
  13. No harm came to any shaving equipment that day.
  14. I know i have never personally seen a sedan delivery 510 wagon that looked RIGHT, but in this picture, it sure makes one think it`s possible ..At least in my mind.. Thank you for the great pictures.
  15. So after making him meet all the local WEIRDOS noobs has left the building

  16. Which "it " were you referring to.....
  17. It`s been so long it seems like it was someone else's life, but, i used to build derby cars and run bump to pass / rolling thunder cars. I only ran Fords though.
  18. In Thurston county district court #3,and also in Thurston county superior court ( yes we took it that far to bide some time to get into compliance ) they allow pictures from aircraft ,,Got German Shepherd but can`t jump that high. .... Although anyone on the ground is considered ...BAIT Except for Philcas1987 that dang dog wanted to stay at his house ..
  19. Five acres of storage..no mortgage and i still pay the county $ 2000.+ a year just to use / keep it .And for that money they hire a code enforcement officer,dickless sonofabitch to tell you where ( on your own property ) you can park ... ,you can`t win..
  20. In Auburn almost to Kent, older dude does like to drive fast.. Also Nuff if your co-worker mentions ne`er-do-well scoping out yer truck Sunday it was me..I figured it wasn`t you because you didn`t try selling it me.
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