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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I thought you were putting chevy in a Ford, this is alot better .........Portland swap meet ,April 1,2,3 ( 76 days away lol ) start at the speedway and work your way over to expo center plan two days and bring notebook and talk to the scruffiest guys cause they usually have more ( cheaper ) crap back at their house. But there is website called __Rat Bastards__ and they are somewhat local and check out oics of dude building rod using 1994 honda passport frame and in main picture section he has 6 wheel truck riding on Izuzu trooper frame..it`s not really a forum like this but you can contact ( i think ) people on there for advise and they INFEST a LOT of local shows. Chevy in a Chevy ...............im good with that
  2. By Atoms posts he does seem like a pretty level headed young dude well, for any age really.
  3. Soooooooo you guys are being told what to do .........BY A CHICK !!
  4. Had one exactly like that, WA state dot orange and all,, got T-boned by a brand new 1988 nissan hardbody truck about a month after i bought it from state at auction.Fixed cab & bed ( well kinda ) and put 3 inch body lift and 15 x 7.00 snow tires on it,but the funny part was it left 4 separate tracks going down beach.
  5. How does one become a mod-squad type dude? And no I aint trying to be one im not even capable of remembering to actually log on at times, i find myself in lurker-mode half the time...
  6. Well the school ( yes the school ) also supplies the rifles, armored jackets and spotting scopes which are used in the matches and they are a little more adjustable than this but same model. .22 rimfire single shot Of course the kids that WIN walk in with guns like those down there.
  7. Your posts sound alot more optimistic and that is a good thing..
  8. i think he meant this but i was thinking of my neighbors , and the worst part is their all retired and have failing eyesite but they never sleep.So it`s like Korean DMZ if in backyard after certain hour. Just me taking out the garbage boss !! Just me walking the dog boss !! I also wanted to add that my son lettered on the Tumwater high school rifle team last year as a freshman so anti-gun im NOT.
  9. I was thinking that exact same thing.
  10. I only seen it out of the corner of my eye the first time ( and a shit load of coffee ) but it looks like going around corner at intersection....
  11. And its a FULL side view not just at a distance shot car takes up almost the whole screen .......................going sideways for like 3 seconds
  12. It was just on N.W.C.N at the 9:32 point.western Washington edition again........ i think it was SKUNK i will try to get it next news cycle ( but i dont have a recorder at all ) with my camera....... today January 12 2011
  13. Top fuel cars also use nitro because it burns so much SLOWER ,not faster than ,gasoline but it uses less air to burn . Some of it actually burns outside of cylinders thus pulling spent gases out of engine..thats why exhaust always flames and also why ( if you ever noticed ) all top fuel engines have exactly the same size zoomie headers its because thats the optimum length to use as down force also.Most of all they can cram in ten times as much air, then dump ten times as much fuel into engine ( as apposed to gas ) thus cooling the monster as well. In other words unless your running a diesel OR a supercharger as big as a Datsun it wont do shit nitro-methane and nitroglycerin arent really the same type of substances
  14. So are these E-bay ? and do you have user name or auction link to like parts???or company name you ordered through..
  15. IN OTHER NEWS in the Yard Birds parking lot yesterday the stuff that looks like rust is actually moss and the truck is licensed till july 2011 so i think its DD
  16. LETHAL WEAPON with goofy voice over but only clip i could find
  17. Maybe you could take a couple a shots of it and save-em till what ever happens to it happens to it,, then post-em.back up in here. Please....
  18. bananahamuck

    Skunk's 610

    Didn`t want to ask before so nobody would scoop it on you but whats the story,, where was it, and what not
  19. Thought i would post a oic of my brother after i told him i snagged him up that brake booster.. And he is that old and bald
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