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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Didn`t i read somewhere that the 2 door needs to run on super ..the twin cam probably runs on regular AND it is stock color which i like alot..straight trade seems more than fair.
  2. Oops didn`t read whole post. the question i posted about water pump cover is invalid It is the coolest looking thing just never seen one in use or even referenced before.
  3. Im a better at accumulating than selling ,,, but if i ever get rid of it (not happening ) i hope it would go to someone that loves Datsuns as much as YOU. Not changing color, because there is something about these old colors that just stick out in a crowd . But mainly because the cars door and fender are on my brothers car, the plan was to paint him a door and fender to match his /our / my orange mobile, and put the ones now on his car, back on my / our / his car...BTW..my door and fender have already went to a Ratsun get-together. Spent yesterday cleaning out mouse pee smell old moldy carpet :sick: Rustina is your floor this BAD?? :poke: rusty on top but none that i could see from under car ,,thick flooring material may be holding metal together Spare tire drain hole kinda fuzzy around edges but rubber still fits good. no actual holes though. headliner moldy around bottom but otherwise usable. And the junk in the trunk, funny thing is there is a NEW starter on engine also:confused:
  4. Heres some of the replacement parts to make car an actual car. the stuff that came in trunk The door phil almost GAVE to us $30. seats not sure if im using any of these 7---well 7 and a 1/2 ... rope is 1 inch+ thick to hold down plastic probably going to use one of these one is 71 1600 with 80 l20 head,, other is 77 low miles l20 that has sat since 89 so kinda scared to even open that kettle up not sure if i can lower it by june but would like to run my minilite type 13"s but have swaztica type to fill up wheel well if dont get to that.. Now i must get out and clean that butterscotch mobile out
  5. thought as long as i was updating title ,, :lol: I don`t really want to drive our 83 280zxt to Canby Oregon ( and for my first time in an actual Datsun) and have a 71 four door that we bought out of Centralia WA for $200. dollars a couple years ago. The car is now a auto but I have most of the parts to make it a 4 speeder 1600, or possibly a 5 speed L20.The motor now in car is all apart but have others that could give head gasket, timing chain, or even valve job if needed. I takes me a real long time to type anything so heres some pictures.. Loader pictured really pisses me off lately The single best reason to have children I know there isn`t much time but im not going to build the perfect car just reliable
  6. A few pictures of Datsuns that were at the swap meet Saturday In parking lot on the way in............... THE REST Had to ad this for the lols,,sorry
  7. jalopalink down on the steet........the guys roaming around Amameda California taking pictures of all the old rigs ,,parked on street ( obviously )
  8. My new project is trapped and the loader wont start.

  9. Thoughts of terror? My flag? Alot of people have been exterminated under the guise of " it`s good for the country " And yes i do think there is a hint of racism in your diatribe 30 million or so blah,blah,blah-s as opposed to 6 million folks ,your words, because that`s what scares white people about nazis...........their viciousness and hatred is also aimed at white people and not just us minorities. My great grandma and her brothers were taken away from her mother and put into a school a long distance from her home to learn the white way, which probably flew a stars and stripes but it`s just a flag. And the dude put it on the side of his shitty looking car to get noticed not make some psycho political statement and he got it posted on here so i guess he has the last laugh.
  10. Well ya know that the Japanese killed at least 15 million some estimates are as high as 30 million Chinese,Filipino,Korean, Vietnamese ( pretty much any country in east Asia ) and WHITE people by using them as slave labor.Under the same flag as alot of people are running on their cars ,,,ME being one of them,,, So where do you stand on that??
  11. Tried to multiquote the first bunch of oics and my computers gay porn blocker crashed....
  12. What i am worried about is huge gap and really poor stainless fitment and how someone with lots of ANY experience might solve such a problem..ie. prying ,twisting under rubber putting more sealer under edge or whatnot DatsNooB-er i may take you up on your option --- if old windshield doesn`t help problem,,,,car is totally and completely mobile and currently in Auburn.
  13. I ain`t even worried about cracking and if that day comes im sure we`ll settle up..........i just used your name as reference NOT to slight you.
  14. I need to know if we can fix a couple of problems we ran into during window install ,,,the following pictures show that on the passenger side the rubber wont go down to meet window.. When we were putting window into rubber the rubber seemed to be really loose fitting ( kept falling off ) but we installed anyway.Is there any tips to maybe rolling rubber somehow? The windshield is aftermarket and have not tried putting original back in ( fogged ). We already had put sealer under edge before we noticed the problem....The second thing is that the metal does not hardly fit at all.In pictures you will see that in the corners the metal wont tuck under the rubber all the way ..The right side of trim is almost hanging out but in picture it looks like rubber is missing.The trim fitment is real bad at three of the corners and pretty bad at the other. We just put in rear window in another 510 using NOS rubber and had none of these problems.The rubbers are / were supposed to be Datsunlandsocal but i bought them from Zhiguli510 ( because he takes PayPal ) ..Have any of you had this kind of poor fitment ,or do you use another source for rubbers..Because the last thing i ever want to do is rant if problem can be fixed ,,even if it is manufacturers fault.BUT here we are All four corners are this bad or worse Wire is the same size as second stage of antenna and is NOT being forced under rubber we also bought rear window rubber but now we are afraid to use it. and for those with high speed
  15. We almost never buy anything either but every once in a while there is a affordable gem. We usually do the race track first so a location that we might be able to find to swoop in and meet fellow Ratsuners would be a fun end to the day. the map shows 6000 as outside on the upper level so should be able bug ya..
  16. The always in April PIR / Expo center swap meet is this weekend 1-2-3rd and was wondering if anybody on here was selling and where abouts would you be located. There is usually a couple of Datsun sellers but they are far and few.... Didn`t put this in events because it is mostly American car swap meet..And i go mostly because my cardiologist is always bitching about me not walking enough
  17. Thanks....now i have that picture in my head.
  18. Hate to be a doomsayer but has anybody noticed the weird blue color the sky has today??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. paradoxx


      after months of cloudy sky, rain and snow.....i trully believe that you forgot how sky is....haha

    3. kmc63


      Psychadelics are bad for you. I quit them years ago.

    4. Guest


      I saw a burning ball in the sky today... coming sign of the apocalypse

  19. But the dude NEVER sleeps EVER he`s his own night watchman. I am multiquote challenged.
  20. My friend made 3/4" boards that were hinged to top of windows so windows were still functional but when swung down almost impenetrable without a bunch of noise..But i try to use the option--maybe they wont take anything i need-- because , and you know i know this, stress will kill you faster than old age. He noticed your little back door No homo
  21. Here is pictures of the last guys house that the state of TEXAS thought had to many guns....in the states opinion Never verified. the year is 1993 look it up
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