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Status Updates posted by wayno

  1. What is up with the messaging system, I cannot even send a message about messaging not working.

    1. wayno


      It appears there is no way to delete this update either as after what seems like 30 tries the original message finally went thru.

    2. datzenmike


      You are at 84 of a 200 allowance or 42% full private messenger. There are no restrictions on your messenger use. All I can say is keep hitting the enter button.

  2. So are there any members here that live in Santa Rosa CA or that area that have an early Datsun truck rim with the hubcap nubs(pre 1980) they could loan out for a while to someone that lives i Santa Rosa?


  3. Is anyone else having loading issues with this site?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. wayno


      OK, if my truck ran like this I would be fixing it, but it appears that reliability goes up and down with the.............. 

    3. Charlie69


      I have had problems off and on the Ratsun all day with clicking on a link in General, Classifieds, Trucks 520, 521, 720 with going to a blank screen the page never loads.  when I back arrow out of the blank screen instead of going back to the Ratsun screen I clicked on the link on I get another blank screen.  It sucks but it is free!  LOL

    4. wayno


      This site is acting like it is on a dial-up modem, every once in a while I have to close the window and open a new one to get it to load anything, very aggravating, I actually am coming here less and not trying to post when I do, seems like since I am staying home I would be here more.


  4. Are these for your 79 Datsun 720?

    I have a set of them aftermarket Bumperettes, they are not the best quality, but I would use them if I needed a set, you will have to make a set of brackets to mount them.

    Also shipping is unknown, so you might be able to have them shipped to you directly from overseas.

    I can take photos of them if your interested.

    1. Rat-a-tat-Dat


      Yes, Wayno, they are for my 720.

      I have been looking on E-bay and Kijiji hoping to find them closer to home but

      I'm open to different options, so perhaps a photo wouldn't hurt.


    2. wayno


      I sent you a message with photos.

  5. I do believe I lost a transmission bearing in the work truck today, so I have to drop the tranny tomorrow on the best/nicest day of the month. :(

    1. TasoZ24


      my tranny started screaming at me in fred myer parking lot yesterday. breaking down tomorrow as well :(

  6. I beat you by a couple hours VTR, but I will be in your rear view mirror by tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      Smoke isn't doing 200+ posts a day, VTR is on a mission, in a couple years he will have Dmike in his rear view mirror also.

    3. VFR800


      I don't know no Tristin but I post tits,ass,cars,bikes and planes. And Love it :)

    4. wayno


      Tristin is 4242 posts away from you, at 100 posts a day, that is almost a month and a half till you pass him. lol

  7. I have to say guys, that foster road wrecking yard crew is psychotic, they just quoted me $160.00 a side for the spindle/balljoints, hub/rotor, caliper for a 1986 Nissan 720, I can do new cheaper, don't go there, and maybe they will figure it out one day, but I won't hold my breath.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Draker


      ^^ Yes.


      I was quoted $40 for a small turn signal lens. I laughed.

    3. bananahamuck


      $5.99 for the side markers,, seems kinda high too.

    4. wayno


      I just priced every piece separately, and could not even come up with $160.00 for both sides, and the guy at the counter said it was that for each side, I am tempted to go there and buy the parts, and make sure I get that guy, and when I walk out of there go straight to the attorney generals office(consumer protection) and file a complaint that they are not following their posted prices.

  8. He is about two weeks from passing me by, maybe 3 weeks. lol

  9. Is craigslist down for everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wayno


      It's working for me now, I would not get anything when I tried, just ophs, it's broke, didn't send me anywhere.

    3. MicroMachinery


      Then they'll starve.

    4. wayno
  10. VTR has 233 posts today, WTF!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shacks510


      How else would the post-as(s) thread have got to 303 pages?

    3. graveltrapp


      Must have lost his job, wife ,and dog, clearly has lots of time to post lotttttts of titties

    4. Gradyfest


      Is that a record!?

  11. So, who in Vancouver WA is driving the 720 dually I seen on Mill plain?

  12. I am having issues with Ratsun right now, sometimes it seems to lock and I have to close the window and open a new one to go forward, anyone else having page loading issues?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      Google chrome, it doesn't do it all the time, as a matter of fact I have not had an issue since posting this status update.

    3. wayno


      I did close the window and open a new one a couple times though.

    4. laotsu


      I've had issues with IE but not Chrome

  13. Have had a slight miss for a while, thought it was the back SU screwing up, pulled the choke on full while driving down the freeway, the miss is gone now, I am very happy. :)

    1. bho_dy503


      how do i post pictures?


  14. I finally got to talk to a person at paypal, it took clicking on the call paypal icon a whole bunch of times in a row and that got me an access number good for 60 minutes and a number to call, it turns out they are opening an account for you even if you don't activate the card.

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Weird they'd do something like that. Thanks for the update. Good to know.

    2. wayno


      They said they were offering it to those they thought would benefit from it, I look at it as another thing an ID thief can use to steal money, and this happened to come just after it was announced that secure sites have been hacked, I just don't need this shit out there, I would rather not have something else to keep track of.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Totally agree. It's weird PayPal would do something like considering how security conscious they are. Doesn't make sense on their part.

  15. Has anyone one else received an unsolicited credit card from Paypal?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      I don't like it, it says I can access my paypal account by using this card, all I have to do is call to activate it, as far as I can tell, anyone could call from any phone and have access to my bank account using this card, it might be time to close my paypal account.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      That sounds weird. You also might want to contact PayPal and let them know you received it. If it's a scam they'll want to know so they can alert others.

    4. graveltrapp


      Think I got one last week, Have not looked into yet, figured it was just another way to use my Paypal funds.

  16. I want to see if this happens to anyone else, search "wannaby", the first result will be about a 320 puking oil, click on that, and tell me where you end up, close that box and click on it again, where do you end up this time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. izzo


      First time was about piston rings, second time had some wiring thing in it for vg30, third time i clicked it was fuel injection for a Z car... lolz... Wayno found the black hole of searches.


    3. wayno


      I thought it was totally weird, I started looking down wondering if I was hitting a key or something, it would never go to where I wanted, just random threads.

    4. wayno


      I mean I could see where I wanted to go right there, but it would not go there.


  17. Want to see something cool.

    1. hagendatson
    2. wayno


      A guy on the diesel forum makes them.


    3. graveltrapp


      I have a 1200 we can use as a prototype, not sure where we will run the 12" exhaust though.

  18. What happened to insomniacs?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Someone should delete that whole thread, to give me some of my posts back.

    3. Jayden71


      Epic troll was successful. Boohoo

    4. MikeRL411


      DatsenMike got tired of telling potty mouths where to put it?

  19. Is this place slow or what, it takes forever for pages to load, I have tried everything, then figured out that it is Ratsun, as all other sites are acting normal(fast).

  20. Did someone on here snag that datsun 520 box trailer on the portland craigslist?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      I just want to know what they are going to do with it, I was going to make an offer, but then it was gone before I could, I need a set of 520 inner fender wells from the box.


    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      If you want a 521 trailer,i will have 2 back halves that someone started making trailers out of,but didn't finish. I had planned on keeping the green one to match my 521. I don't really have plans for the other one though.

    4. wayno


      I need the 520 box inner fender wells, they are different than the 521 inner fender wells, thankyou very much for the offer.


  21. 35 to go guys, I need help here! Lets see some posting!

  22. We can do it, less than a hundred to go!

  23. WTF is going on here, you guys are now locking threads, but first you delete whole pages, that Troy Ermish screws up, and now you hide it for him???

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. wayno


      If it had not been for that thread, likely nothing would have changed.

    3. Draker


      He didn't vent.. and it was simply a document to note how things were going. He was never negative or bashed Troy. He never vented or blew up.. that would have been Troy. Do you thing he didn't know Troy's reputation? Apparently he shits gold nuggets. Gonna take you 5 months and a half dozen blown promise times. At the end you will really be asking, does he really shit gold nuggets?

    4. jrock4224


      its peculation that troy had anything removed and or asked for it to be.....stop speaking on dtps behalf ....

  24. I'm back, total computer crash, when I opened an email with a photo attached, it shut down windows, and it would not start again, I hope all my recent photos can be retrieved from the old hard drive.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wayno


      It's hard to remember exactly where I have went in the last 3 weeks, I actually did go to ebay AU, and that gumtree site over there, it's like a craigslist in Australia.


    3. tdaaj


      Hope it wasn't my email

    4. wayno


      LOL, yes it was, but that has nothing to do with it, the computer had crashed because of photos several times yesterday, each time it was slower to recover. I did not have anything running except outlook express, so it was going to crash anyway, that was the first thing I did when I woke up, I checked my email, and it crashed.

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