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Status Updates posted by crackerjack69

  1. I wanna trade my goon for a quad, or 4x4 (prefferably Nissan) Or would take $850-ish cash.

  2. Back to the woods. City life has become so boring. Was only back in town for less than a week, already sick and tired. Time for home-brewed cider, and passing out naked on a bear skin rug next to the wood stove.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MikeRL411


      New England twist.Put that hard cider in a jug on the back porch on a really cold night. Next morning chip through the frost and pour into another jug. Repeat until no more frost appears on the surface. AppleJack!

    3. crackerjack69


      Quite familiar with cold distillation :D I'll have a 50 gallon barrel on the porch this winter. We get 6 month winters, so it should have no prob jacking down. I also decided I'll try it with some of my blackberry wine this year also. That should taste pretty damn good, 30% ABV blackjack :D

    4. LenRobertson


      Tracked down that stray 510 yet? Maybe you can trade hard cider for it. - Len

  3. I think I'll cold crash my next batch of cherry cider and forget about carbonation. Cuz fuck Xylitol.

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I don't get fancy with it. Just cork it while it's still brewing lol

    2. crackerjack69


      That's the way I've done the last 5 batches. But I'm shooting for a sweetie this time.

  4. Anyone know the owner of the orange dime in Tonasket, WA? Seen him rollin twice now :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LenRobertson


      If you get bored, search Spokane craigslist for Datsun. Ad from Omak for a 1978 Datsun 510 Hatchback project car. Those are cool! - Len

    3. LenRobertson


      Reg says the 510 he saw was an orange 4-door. I don't remember Tonasket being very big. Drive up and down every street and alley. You might find the 510 or several other Datsuns. Get pics! - Len

    4. crackerjack69


      I bet that was the guy. Yeah Tonasket's not real big :D

  5. Headed back North. I should be back in PDX for a while after the 23rd.

  6. Back in town briefly to pick up some livestock. Did I miss anything?

    1. bananahamuck


      Is Jayden selling his sheep then?? cuz the way he talks those things are pretty well used

  7. Leaving town in a few hours. 500 miles later and I'll be back in paradise until after my birthday. Then shoot back to PDX to take another whack at getting my wagon running.

  8. Back to the woods. I still cut vinyl up there, so you guys can still get shirts and decals from me :D Gonna be a busy Summer of building and prepping for Winter.

  9. My GF is amazing in the kitchen.

  10. I'm gonna take a whack at replacing the rear brakes and wheel cylinders on my goon tomorrow. I've got plenty of PB Blaster, hoping it will go smoothly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. laotsu


      then kick it's ass!

    3. Eagle_Adam


      make sure you have anti seize and clean the adjusters!!!

    4. crackerjack69


      Like that grey anti-seize paste stuff?


  11. Back in town long enough to get my goon running. Time to get greasy :D

    1. izzo


      wish I was closer man i'd come over and tinker with ya

    2. crackerjack69


      Well so far the Rockauto gas cap don't fit, the new pass side wiper blade won't stay on, Gotta do front and rear brakes and wheel cylinders, and all the studs/lugs.

  12. Back in town for a week or so, accepting orders for custom vinyl decals, and Datsun related articles of clothing :D

  13. Just folded down my goon's rear seat, cleaned the cargo area, put a shit ton of blankets in there, and slapped a chrome "Do it in aDatsun" decal on the quarter glass. Got a bag of sour cream and cheddar ruffles, a bottle of barefoot muscato, and some hard cider. The female here is dressed nice, and giving me frisky eyes. Well fuckers, I'm logging off and looks like I'll have a good night.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. H5WAGON


      Moar lower!


    3. Draker


      Yeah, goon is gonna be -1 to -2 moar lowar.

    4. RedBanner


      If.this.wagons.rockin... some ones.getting a.cockin

  14. Ratsun (or custom) panties and spanky shorts noaw available!

  15. Did everyone get their sticker fix? I'm still open for custom orders!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oldskoolvws


      I'm still in for our project.

    3. '70dime


      Have you seen the 'salt life' stickers? I want one just like that but it needs to say 'slut life'

    4. Jesse D

      Jesse D

      im looking for the one that is a riding sun in the shape of oregon know anything about those?

  16. Anyone wanna make some money in the PDX area? I need all 4 spider gears for a rear diff on a 93 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Willing to pay for the correct parts if you have em laying around, or take me to the North Portland PnP and back, could be an easy $50 if you're local :D

    1. H5WAGON
    2. crackerjack69


      Yeah, as soon as you can. And fawk, I think the Ranger spun a rod.


  17. 6 tshirts to make today, then starter repair on the ranger, and new front axles on the cherokee. Rushing to get everything done before the trip, but I'll find time tonight for homebrewed honey wine and scotch eggs :D

  18. Just ordered a ton of goodies for the goon. Hoping to get her driving and stopping by next weekend. Any pitfalls I should watch for while doin front and rear brakes and wheel cylinders on '70 goon? Any volunteers to come drink beers and help me not break anything?

    1. laotsu


      motherfucking stripping brake line connectors and losing irreplaceable parts. ( I just did both of these and now have a perfectly running no stopping 521)

  19. Another ride fail. Anyone else wanna help me out?

    1. crackerjack69


      Janksun needs a promotion!

    2. danfiveten


      where do u live?

    3. H5WAGON


      You make it yet?


  20. I'm gonna live in my Datsun for a month or two after Canby. It's the last thing holding me from driving balls to the walls towards Canada. Well that, and my car doesn't run.

    1. crackerjack69
    2. laotsu


      Canada turned me away... and stole my weed. Fuck you, you fucking canucks. I didn't want to go to BC anyhow.


    3. crackerjack69


      I'm not goin in Canada, just by it. And I'll be growing me my legal limit.


  21. Working my plotter like a mule today, rushing to get all the decals made for Canby! No clothing for sale this year :/

    1. laotsu



    2. jon521


      haha hell ya


    3. TENDRIL
  22. The girl I've been seeing is pissed at me. She cut up all the ratsun girl shirts and panties we made for the show, and strew them about my work table. Looks like I'm goin solo for the show. Some women, I just don't understand. See ya'll at Canby :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DatMo


      micro. lolol

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Well that was a childish maneuver. Not all us women are like that. Some of us are actually grown ups. Too bad but you're better off without a twit like that.

    4. crackerjack69


      Happier already, and have most of my products ready for Canby!

  23. Aint found a way to kill me yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crackerjack69


      Another badass in the dirt :(

    3. Guest_kamakazi620


      They come to snuff the rooster......cuz alarm clocks replaced you der der

    4. crackerjack69


      Fuck alarm clocks. I sleep till I feel like getting up. One of the perks of being self-employed.

  24. Any Ratsuners near Oroville WA? Calling all Canadians, come drink homebrew and smoke a bit with me in a few months:D I plan on starting an all Datsun junkyard. Might need a hand here and there. Also willing to set up a postal center for all you dirty Cannucks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crackerjack69


      Ha! Well god-speed postal worker.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ^^^ Nightmares ... Nigtmares eberywhere..!!!


    4. plumb420


      Save me everything I need for my 620 haha

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