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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. I wanna trade my goon for a quad, or 4x4 (prefferably Nissan) Or would take $850-ish cash.

  2. Yeah, not gonna do anything copywritten :/ I'm still alive. Been really hard to get online lately. The solar panel blew over during a fierce wind storm last night, but luckily didn't break. Made a solid frame for it this morning. Had to bury one of our calves, he got bad abscesses on his jaw. I drained them, but he couldn't beat the infection. That's less meat for this winter :( Waiting on some software to be delivered, and I'll have the cutter up and runnin again, sorry for lack of presence lately.
  3. Back to the woods. City life has become so boring. Was only back in town for less than a week, already sick and tired. Time for home-brewed cider, and passing out naked on a bear skin rug next to the wood stove.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MikeRL411


      New England twist.Put that hard cider in a jug on the back porch on a really cold night. Next morning chip through the frost and pour into another jug. Repeat until no more frost appears on the surface. AppleJack!

    3. crackerjack69


      Quite familiar with cold distillation :D I'll have a 50 gallon barrel on the porch this winter. We get 6 month winters, so it should have no prob jacking down. I also decided I'll try it with some of my blackberry wine this year also. That should taste pretty damn good, 30% ABV blackjack :D

    4. LenRobertson


      Tracked down that stray 510 yet? Maybe you can trade hard cider for it. - Len

  4. I think I'll cold crash my next batch of cherry cider and forget about carbonation. Cuz fuck Xylitol.

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I don't get fancy with it. Just cork it while it's still brewing lol

    2. crackerjack69


      That's the way I've done the last 5 batches. But I'm shooting for a sweetie this time.

  5. I'm back in town for a bit finishing up some orders, and fundraising to save my 510 wagon. Hit me up if you need some decals :D
  6. Anyone know the owner of the orange dime in Tonasket, WA? Seen him rollin twice now :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LenRobertson


      If you get bored, search Spokane craigslist for Datsun. Ad from Omak for a 1978 Datsun 510 Hatchback project car. Those are cool! - Len

    3. LenRobertson


      Reg says the 510 he saw was an orange 4-door. I don't remember Tonasket being very big. Drive up and down every street and alley. You might find the 510 or several other Datsuns. Get pics! - Len

    4. crackerjack69


      I bet that was the guy. Yeah Tonasket's not real big :D

  7. Headed back North. I should be back in PDX for a while after the 23rd.

  8. Oh, these are gonna turn out really cool! I may have to snag one once the FS thread starts.
  9. I'm 60 miles North of Omak. I may be able to make it. I'd just have to hustle about $40 gas money round trip. I can bring stickers :D
  10. Gotta get Dat SUN!!!! :D gonna have this all sorted soon and will be cutting my vinyl in the middle of the woods :D
  11. I live up by there now. I'm by Beaver Lake between Wauconda and Cheesaw. I hit up Tonasket and Omak pretty often for supplies. I saw an orange 510 in Tonasket the other day, was stoked!!! I would wanna cruise down from the above mentioned areas once my goon is rollin. I could bring some of my secret recipe buffalo stuffed burgers to grill, and some homebrewed apple cider :D
  12. Our dog humps Canadian fishermen on the dock. Only Canadian ones. I don't know how he knows, but he always knows.
  13. Back in town briefly to pick up some livestock. Did I miss anything?

    1. bananahamuck


      Is Jayden selling his sheep then?? cuz the way he talks those things are pretty well used

  14. My apologies folks, I'm farmsteading up by Canada off the grid, and haven't had any internet access. I'm still working on setting up the solar panel array and after that I will be able to continue taking vinyl orders, despite being in the middle of nowhere :D
  15. Leaving town in a few hours. 500 miles later and I'll be back in paradise until after my birthday. Then shoot back to PDX to take another whack at getting my wagon running.

  16. Back to the woods. I still cut vinyl up there, so you guys can still get shirts and decals from me :D Gonna be a busy Summer of building and prepping for Winter.

  17. I might come down this Sunday.
  18. My GF is amazing in the kitchen.

  19. Good luck! remember, it's not the chain coming off the bottom gear you need to worry about. The chain tensioner is like midway up the timing cover. Make sure it's wedged in place or the tensioner will fall into the oil pan, and you'll be practicing your collection of cuss words :D
  20. Hainz (Bonsai510) put up some excellent videos regarding this repair. I can't remember the link, but the search function may pull it up. I would recommend watching his videos, they should clear up any questions you have. Anyone got the link handy?
  21. Fuckin Christ, is this Ratsun now? The fuck happened? Whining ass bitches droning on and on. Did a bunch of you wake up in a sandbox with a vagina? Get a fucking life, go work on or drive your Datsun, and post some fuckin pics. Valid threads in this section are being bumped down so people can posture and talk shit to each other on the internet like sissies. I propose a new section of the forum if it's not too much to ask: "Whine, Bitch, Bicker, and Cry Here" Then the rest of us who are here to talk Datsun can do so without wading through this garbage.
  22. Yet another beauty. This thing comin to Canby?
  23. Yeah, and a header, and he only wants $200! I'd be surprised if these aren't sold yet. Wish I had the cash. http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/pts/3890885465.html
  24. Yeah, I wish I would have finished this thread. I ended up completing the wire tuck and it looked real good. Tore around town in it raising hell for a few months, then sold it. Pretty hooked on 510 wagons now, but still have a project 620 I may fire up one day. Cool little trucks, I had a lot of fun with this one. The new owner loves it, and his wife hates it.
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