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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. My dad got me a 57 Chevy 4door Station Wagon for my 12th birthday... Before i geaduated HS I had owned that and... 66 Charger 440 68 Sattelite 4dr 318 65 New Yorker 2dr 413 69 Valiant 2dr 225 Not all at once, one maby two at a time. Miss those Big Bodies!
  2. I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!
  3. Looking for a regular pattern 5sp for an Aseries!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBanner


      I seen one once, it got away...

    3. Pumpkn210


      I loved one once, set it free...

    4. elmerfudpucker


      Dumb@ss! And your next payment is going to be a 5sp for the goon if you dont hurry!! lol

  4. I want those bed hooks! Total Cereal!
  5. The rest of the fellas get jealous... Especially when I drop the beat and do my acapella!

    1. 510kevin


      My salsa makes all the pretty want to dance and take off their underpants

  6. Yessir, the 78 GoooooooN

    Cold make brittle and breaky...

  7. Also need drivers side wiper arm...

    Call Me Prease...

  8. How do you synthasize a methalated alkaloid?

    1. CWhip


      If you can answer that I'll go home with you and be everything wanted in a man! HA!

    2. Pumpkn210


      Im not crazy...



  9. I love all those little rare ass wierd lookin shitz! Modded up more than a couple of These as a kid...
  10. Aint that a hole in the boat?

  11. I wanna catch snakes and ride bikes and play ninjas forever!

    1. Skib


      dont you already?


    2. albyneau
    3. Pumpkn210


      Yea, just still...

  12. Dont care bout the weather, been drivin everyday... will be there!
  13. Thanks Dave! I like that style for sure, the cops in my area wont even let ppl have small turn ups <_< But I alwayse skew towards the classic american stuff... And to the Haterz :rolleyes:
  14. How bout some oics of what your truck looks like! :D And I can dig it, then and meow... ;)
  15. The danger aliens are on patrol patrol!

  16. "help" LOVE that photo! :lol:
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