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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Follow me on this one... The engine is small enough and run cool enough to have a minimal cooling system. And you could easily even put it in sidewayse, for ease of trans hookup! Total Cereal!
  2. 78 L20B for sale, $150...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eagle_Adam
    3. Pumpkn210


      Came out of the goon I drove to your place...

    4. Pumpkn210


      $50 delivery charge to Oregon...

  3. Step#1: Buy A12 and Harley. Step#2: ? Step#3: Profit
  4. L20B Fore Sail... $150

  5. Shorty has all the right weaponry!

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Playing with mannequin again are we! ?

  6. ^^^This^^^ Or you blew up the diff, burnout much?
  7. I'm hosting the Tacoma Monthly BBQ at my shop in puyallup on the 18th.... Come Down?

  8. Its all good Rally, your good people. And it was motsly a misunderstanding.... Regardless, Cheers!
  9. Looks to be a oval port. On the other side of the engine just under the head towards the rear there is a flat spot with the engine size stamped in. And the blue nipple thing is an emmision crap thing and can be removed!
  10. Yo moma so old in her history, class they just wroye down what she was doin!

  11. Workin in my shop is becoming a daily thing... Awsome Possum!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jennifer
    3. Siempreloco
    4. Pumpkn210


      Finished Elmers GooN today, with a little help from my parts pile....

  12. Another satisfied customer at Pumpkn210s Ratsun Garage! Same day service availiable... (253)224-1139
  13. Pumpkn210


    Someone like.....
  14. They came with A12As or A14s... and depending on if auto 4 or 5sp on the ports, plus if it was changed...
  15. Take oics of the engine and intake manifold, then postey!
  16. my fone is smart, S.M.R.T.

  17. Will be an all day thing. I will be there all day getting the orange car ready for the Golden Gardens Meet. My shop is in the alley behind.
  18. Yea, he gave me some lights for my shop!

  19. I been hanging with your weird friend, shane...

    That dudes weird...

  20. I will be puttin on a BBQ at the pumpkn patch so I would like a head count please! And Jenn if ya want I can have a charged batt here waitin, and we can skip the side of the road stuff this time!
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