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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. is drinkin Martinelli's Sparkling Apple-Grape Cider, like a Bawse!

    1. Jennifer
    2. Pumpkn210


      IDGAC its delicious with fish and spinnach!

    3. poor-mans-720


      drink that poofy stuff all the way over here and pick up that brush guard!!! haha!!! lol heard you was a middle man??

  2. fiddle sticks?

    1. 420n620


      how do they taste and where can I get some.
















    2. Pumpkn210


      Inspire by "Pik-Nik" shoestring potatoes! Delicious!

  3. Hey hey kids! Had to get that poop magnet(VW) back to its natural habitat(backyard) Ha ha funny story!
  4. Save yourself! Imma trade for a different 620... Super Sekret!
  5. will A series starters work on other datsun engines?

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Probably not on lseries ... i could be wrong though.

    2. Laecaon


      E series, or J maybe...

  6. A series starters for sale thread is up...

  7. A series starter for sale thread is up...

  8. No pay pal... Guess I need to box and figure out how much to ship...
  9. I have one and can get three more of these rebuilt A-series starters. They were purchased in the 70s by a mech shop owner and never used. $30 A couple ppl had dibbs on them when we thought they were Ls... Its the not shiny one... The shiny one is an L starter.
  10. maby they are A starters... better check before posting thread...

    1. Laecaon


      post pics somewhere?

    2. Pumpkn210


      And ruine the suspence? No way!

    3. Pumpkn210
  11. Got us a mistery starter on our hands....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210




      But cereal, they aren't L starters...

    3. Laecaon


      Oh that sucks...

    4. bananahamuck


      To late you called dibs..

      you must now buy.

  12. I'm goin to seattle to buy 4 starters today...

    1. Blitz


      I have no idea why i read that as "stalkers"

    2. Pumpkn210


      2 are spoken for... I think...

    3. Pumpkn210


      All are wrong kind...

  13. ^^^that^^^ goes in thge spank bank!
  14. It is a good car with alot of potential! It is well worth the price!
  15. ^^^This^^^ Also let us know when and where your races are. I know I will be more than happy to serve as pit crew and local support!
  16. burnt up on reentry.

  17. I think I'm sneaky, but I'm not...
  18. Yea, your problem right. Looks like I will be forced to return one to its natural habitat. I'm thinkin lawn tractor...
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