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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. They have plenty of jello and apple juice(i hate water) for me here.....
  2. Also if you guys can bring/make home made non processed, low sodium food to the bbq. I am limited to 2000mg of sodium per day, and if ya do, can you label it? Its easier than you think, if not, no big deal. Just having you all there will be good for my heart!
  3. The problem is that Im running out of variety. The menu is fairly limited, and they have been messing up my orders daily. Pumpkn needs a break from this monotony!
  4. Uptate: I have been having "heart stop rythms" so in the next few days I will be having a pace maker/defibrillator implanted into my chest. It will keep my heart timed and restart it, until I get a transplant. Kinda nervous, but ready for the next step/challenge!
  5. First of the month it is! Can be potluck, maby a week before let me know what your all bringin. I can fill in the blanks! Sound good?
  6. Update: Im down to 1 IV infusion, and if all goes well, it will be removed in the morning! I may be out of here by the weekend! Will be having the BBQ on the following weekend, if you guys need another week to plan to be there.... let me know! Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo
  7. If only I could remember who's house was on fire...... rofflewafle!
  8. Was informed of this site by a couple friends, figured I would share http://www.giveforward.com/davesgotheart Thanks guys, and I will let you all know the details of the release party/BBQ as soon as Im out!
  9. So I have been moved to floor 5 northeast, room 5212, in the cardiac rehab section. I am also taking visitors, so if got some free time, a you would like to come by....... you know what to do!
  10. Thanks guys, I did have a good birthday! Got all the lines out of my neck and heart, now have only 2 lines in my arm. Could be moved to a regular room in a week, lovin life and another step forward!
  11. Well its my birthday(31) and my 2nd day of physical therapy, man 3weeks in a hospital bed makes one rubbery and weak!
  12. Could be sooner than later. Got great news today, the med change is goin great! If everything stays on track, I could be out in 2 weeks or less! Im so happy, and cant thank you enough for the supports! Your the greatest!
  13. Update: So turns out I do have an antibody to Heparin. But during the time it took for us to figure that out I have been making great progress. To the point that they are lowering my meds and changing them all to pills. Im not even sick enough to get on the donor list! Probibly going on wed the 7th to the "cath lab" for a procedure on my heart to try for a better rythem, by re calibrating my stock pacemaker, kinda... Everything is on the up and up, thanks again for all your support!
  14. Again I forgot to take pics, but Redeye and his lovely woman stopped by and dropped off some flowers for me and Ratsun green paper support! Love you friends, cant explain what this means to me and the family. You all could keep me going thru anything!
  15. Got some good news this mornin. Its lookin like I will be able to get better and keep my stock heart. The new meds are having a positive effect om my BP and heart rate. Gonna spend the next couple days awaiting the results of the Heparin tests, and (hopefully) get my heart in good enough condition to go home!
  16. Just sayin, tomorrow will be the last day I will be taking visitors until I get surgery, or moved, or something. I really need to just do nothing and take it super slow until further notice, gotta get this figured out and under control. I'm sure that you all understand. And I will be having a huge BBQ when I am released! I am also completely off the tabacco and pot, not worth it, cant take those kind of risks anymore.... not with my heart condition...
  17. So I may(may) be alerjic to a med thy use for the surgery, so I may have to wait for a transplant. Or my heart could continue to improve(as it has been, slowly) and medicate out in a couple weeks/month....
  18. I got medical coverage and I think its DSHS, not sure.. huge weight has been lifted! I feel so blessed, by not only that, but the caliber of people I associate with. You all make my day, you are the strength I use during my times of need. Family, Friends, and some of you Ratsun weirdos that I haven't even met, you are all the wind beneath my rat wings
  19. Update: Mom is heading back to Puyallup to the Medicaid DSHS place to try to get me approved for state assistance/insurance. Everything at the hospital is on hold, everything, until I have coverage... Pretty scary to be in limbo like this, especially when its my life in the States hands...
  20. You guys are gonna make me cry..... too late! Your too good to an old car nut, dont know what to say. There certainly arent words in my vocabulary to define how much this means to me, and my parents. Especially after today! I found out that my sister is going back to drugs, ditching my family in our true time of need. Just before I went into the hospital, my mom moved her 87 year old father cause he needs constant care, now this stuff with me. And we have been raising her son(now 7) for over 4 years. I will have to move back in to the parents, disabled for who knows how long... You are really the best crew anyone could ask to be involved with, and again. There are no words to explain the weight lifted with any amount of help and support from you wonderfull people Not crying anymore (thats a lie)
  21. Feel free to come up over the weekend, my surgery has been pushed back to tues at the earliest. And thanks Rick Rat and bryce wineguard for comin up this mornin, you rock!
  22. They removed this: Out of here: It was inflating and deflating the cardiac balloon that was inside my aorta, fun times!
  23. So i go under the knife on friday to have a half electric heart installed. Then I wait for a transplant... I would love to see you all before my surgery, I need all the hugs and support I can get. They are keeping me at the UW medical center, room 5302 in the ICU, unit:5se, just past the 5th floor ICU waiting room. I look forward to seeing whoever shows up, I could really use the support!
  24. First i was like: Then they pulled out a: Then a was all kinds of:
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