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Dat Lurka

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Status Updates posted by Dat Lurka

  1. Maybe the classifieds section should be restored right back to how it was before.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danfiveten


      People have been banned for such commmets. OHHHHH!!!!

    3. 420n620


      maybe start a thread about it. yeah ~ that's a marvelous idea. do it. lol

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I've been banned for less, noobs.


  2. I wish I was a Datsun owner.

    1. flatcat19


      Right there with ya!

    2. TENDRIL
  3. nothing last forever

    1. MicroMachinery


      everything lasts forever.

    2. Dguy210


      I will fight entropy. I will kill the rust. I will fix the damage. To do less is not to be human.

  4. Oil rig spewing in the gulf right now..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. erichwaslike


      im wearing ruckys pants.....

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      The sheen is 5 miles by 3/4 mile. It was currently active and they just evacuated. I'll have pics from an inside source soon. Might not affect you other coasters but we're still cleaning up tarballs from the last one.

    4. erichwaslike
  5. I have to get rid of my 620 parts stash before they lock my storage room. I'll post a thread when I get them out and organized somewhere. I know I have headlights in mounts, wiper arms, some knobs and switches, steering wheel center with horn and other stuff I'm forgetting. Any interest, pm me.

    1. MikeRL411


      So, post what you've go. Most of the readers have zero attention spans/

  6. Every time I see a TV they're talking about the nationwide drought. Haven't sen the sun here in a week. Batteries dead from running bilge pump with no sun. Running out of rum.

    1. MikeRL411


      Unless you're afloat you can survive with out the bilge pump. On the other hand, witout rum?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      definitely floating, and out of rum

    3. Phixius


      ummm, dont you need the bilge pump to keep afloat?

  7. Hi, I'm Charles, and its been three months since my last datsun.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19


      Hi, Charles. Welcome to the club.

    3. INDY510


      needed less cut-off wheel

    4. flatcat19


      Him or you. Lulz.

  8. Is a Datsunless infidel still welcome here?

    1. Guest_kamakazi620
    2. Draker


      Raymond II, is that you?

  9. Hey, there's a lunatic on that grass.

    1. laotsu


      that lunatic is you


  10. Howdy Folks. How ya doins?

  11. Fucking urushiol allergy. MY face taste like cortizone. I'm so damn miserable right now.

  12. Smoke it if you got it East Coast! Happy fo tinny y'all

    1. Phixius


      did someone put the puzzle together wrong?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Lol. I like the concept. Never seen it done on such a small bike. I bet I could carry an amp and bass on it!

    3. oldskoolvws


      You better give the passenger a handle bar because he'll be shitting bricks if you don't. But then you'll look like two kids in a driving school car...hahaha.

  13. I have mango mouth,

    1. bananahamuck


      Is that like pineapple palate?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      More like poison sumac. Benadryl and Vaseline breakfast,

  14. I almost posted a WTB ad...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      No don't think I did. Living is dangerous, sir.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      wait, yeah I did.

    4. RedBanner


      Lol, well, you got me there.

  15. So no launch today....

  16. The sea. Sylable of free. Such a place you will find me.

    1. INDY510


      and this bird you cannot change

  17. Stagehand work is great,

    1. RedBanner


      Keep an eye out for my stuff, stage craft industries ftw

    2. Dat Lurka
  18. Some people were killed in Boston today. This morning the USA bombed an Afghan wedding killing 30~ people and appologized for their mistake. -Hypocrisy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devilsbullet


      now that I wont argue with lol.

    3. Kirden


      Shhh, they will come get you...

    4. devilsbullet


      let em. they wont like whats in store if they do

  19. It's motorcycle time. I can't do this no wheels thing any longer.

  20. The question isn't who blew up the Boston marathon but why did they blow up the Boston marathon?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      ya and Canada would kick american ass just like in 1812 :P

    3. Draker


      lol.. they would still be riding horses and using the same equipment too.

    4. Dat Lurka
  21. Can't look at all these datsuns. I'm getting very depressed. I finally got a sailboat to stay on though. Yesterday was my first time sailing in 12 years. It felt so right. Like that feeling I get when I drive a Datsun.

  22. "Also, did you just call me Casper? Cuz that's pretty racist." -Monkey

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Vtac is a disease

    3. Kirden


      Finally got rid of the vtac headache, but I still have a d16z6 head in my room... I can feel it kick in if I tug hard enough...

    4. RedBanner
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