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Dat Lurka

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Status Updates posted by Dat Lurka

  1. second day in florida. Played at a pub and scored a gig for mondays. Datsun is treating me well. Need to change the fuel filter out.

  2. It was a nice journey.

  3. Hey Ratsun, I'm leaving for the south coast. If you never hear from me again, it's because I'm dead or just having too good of a time. I love you guys.

    1. RedBanner
    2. Str8_69
    3. Kirden


      Later man, even though we all know you will be back...

  4. Christopher Dorner is supposedly dead. He took the first shots of the revolution to come.

    1. Draker


      I hope my winter cabin is still okay.

    2. MikeRL411


      You are out of your fucking mind !!!

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Ollz It'll buff out.

  5. I can't go a year without a funky new skin disease. Pitted keratolysis is the new thing apparently. I wonder if I got it from those new shoes hmmmm Antibiotic time yayyy. Want pics? ollz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TENDRIL


      its where you live ...

    3. TENDRIL


      your turning into a datto,, and you skin issues are rust

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Ollz. Apparently it has something to do with it being sopping wet for the past few months and having to wear shoes all the time. Can't wait to be on the beach.

  6. Ford Exfailure fuel pump. 140$ part, 5 hours.

    1. 510T


      Just did one of those it was a huge biotch.

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      My cutlass was worse.. Shit aprt about the explorer is those fucking ford lines and the shitty plastic tools for removing them. 4 bolts for the skid plate, 1 bolt for the tank strap, then a couple hours to remove the lines and plugs lol.

  7. ISO 620 KC chrome trim. Or suggestions for universal chrome stuffs that's not shit (if i exist)

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Well yeah, I exist, but I mean the chrome.

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Stop talkin to yourself.

  8. 77 king cab. 500$ ratsun price. Must go

  9. Moving back to the Coast, Yay me. BTW my brown KC is for sale and must go. 500$

  10. 77 KC in Clemson SC 500$ NEED IT GONE ASAP! Needs trans reinstalled but was daily driver!

    1. metalmonkey47


      I'll let my buddy know ;)


    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Please do. I'm supposed to be leaving on Monday. I'll take a down payment with bill of sale and leave it at my dads place!


  11. I must sell the KC! I just scored a contract job back on the Gulf and have to leave ASAP! 500$ AS IS come and get it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Several and one has to go NOW

    3. Kirden


      Damn man, nice work on the job, when are you leaving?

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      most likely Monday!

  12. Test drive successful. Good job Ratsun

    1. I'm BLUE
    2. Interrobang


      awesome. to the max.


    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      throwout bearing make noise when I let off the throttle around 30-40 mph but no fucks left to give

  13. This fucking fill plug... It's like pulling the sword from the stone. Both feet on the crossmember and the bitch is goin noooowwheeerrree

  14. why did they take the swaybar off the 78'?

    1. Kirden


      I have decided some POs are crazy...

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      haha true but they came that way.

  15. Nothing proper about it but cutting the trans tunnel back a few inches makes installation a hell of a lot easier! Now to bolt everything back in and change the fluid.

  16. I didn't really need to use a sawsall. But i damn sure made it easier.

    1. crackerjack69


      I <3 sawzall, but the name is misleading. It doesn't really "sawz ALL"

      Tried cutting some sections of a shear blade to make some kitanas. Damn work hardening steel, made it 1/2" through, and started destroying blades lolz.

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      HAha yeah I melted a blade to a pipe once. The blades are what does all the work and you get what you pay for

  17. Gonna go scrub the 5 speed and put it in Sora.

  18. Wore the hell out. Nighty night

  19. Mission accomplished, bitch.

    1. flatcat19


      Kudos, Ass-eyes.

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Let me tell you something ass-eyes, let me tell you ALL something: war has made me very PARANOID! and when you get to eye-balling me, makes my Agent Orange act up, makes me want to KILL!

  20. Looking for the guide on tearing down a 5 speed. I know I've seen it. Do i need to remove the piece the shifter goes into?

  21. Holy fucking shit this transmission will not come off the engine. Why the hell can't things go as they should. I have no idea whats going on and I gotta get this shit done asap.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      I was just going to say it could be rusted.


      Also you might be pinching it a bit if you have a gap at one end or the other.. Support it carefully and retry. I squashed a pilot bushing pulling an engine when I was 15 and likely input bearing as well :-/.


      Use guide bolts.


      And DRIVEN I do that anyways haha.

    3. metalmonkey47


      Did you make sure you got the two bolts at the top of the bellhousing?? They're kind of out of eyesight if you aren't paying attention.

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      DTP- I pulled the clutch fork boot and sprayed everything I could see with penetrating oil. It's soaking right now. I'm trying to tear the other apart while I wait. I got under there with my pops with giant flatheads on each side and we can wiggle it back and forth. Then we ran a chain around it and pryed from the back of the truck with no luck. Matt- Yeah I got the driverside top bolt out and the other was mia. I can get a gap at any side of the trans but the shaft just wont slide ou...

  22. pulling second trans. all the long bolts where loose and upper passenger side is missing.

  23. Somewhere around here is an old lady driving a very nice red 620 with matching steelies with rings and moons.

    1. PrimeLuxeZ


      And who will pass it down in her will to her son, and the son will end up scraping it.

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Or maybe her new boyfriend...

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