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I posted this mainly for Adam Carolla's funny views.  He had a radio show in LA quite a few years ago, and then the station he was on changed format.  I miss listening to him.



Edited by Duncan
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37 minutes ago, john510 said:

You would have to be completely stupid and so liberally distorted to even think that could be possible. And Newsom knows there's plenty of that around to create an ad that bad. That could be the dumbest piece of left wing bullshit I've ever seen. Pulled over for a pregnancy test ? That's how intelligent the Democrats think their supporters are.


That's how intelligent I think they are, why else would they vote for them?

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14 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


That's how intelligent I think they are, why else would they vote for them?


In the Adam Carolla interview I posted above, he says that if Gavin Newsom and AOC were 60 years old, fat, and ugly, nobody would pay any attention to them.  Sadly, he is very correct on that.


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26 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


That's how intelligent I think they are, why else would they vote for them?

You would think some of the sane Democrats would tell them that was a bad idea and they shouldn't use it. Come up with something better.

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:

I posted this mainly for Adam Carolla's funny views.  He had a radio show in LA quite a few years ago, and then the station he was on changed format.  I miss listening to him.




There's the other side exaggerating his support...



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6 hours ago, KELMO said:




"chew your dick off and go fuck yourself"

That has got to be worth about a million interwebs points, IMHO.


Should be someone's signature.

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6 hours ago, KELMO said:

It even says so in his profile that is next to every post he makes.😎 Also the reason I don't give him any shit about misspelling cuz I know he is using a voice to type kind of thingimawhatsit.

Guess I don't pay attention to people's profiles other than to see what part of the country they're from. 


I don't make fun of anyone's misspellings. We're on the interweb talking shit in a car forum not writing a paper in hopes of getting published in a scientific journal. Nobody cares. Only time you see someone turn into grammar police is when they get their feelings hurt and they don't have a better comeback.

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7 hours ago, Duncan said:

I posted this mainly for Adam Carolla's funny views.  He had a radio show in LA quite a few years ago, and then the station he was on changed format.  I miss listening to him.




Carolla was on the show Loveline with Dr. Drew from 1995-2005. Man!! It's the most entertaining, funniest radio show I've ever listened to. I worked graveyard shift in a booth at the exit gate of a rental car agency at the Denver Airport for a few months back in those days. This show is what kept me going. 

Edited by IZRL
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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


There's the other side exaggerating his support...




With the way it cuts at the end, it could have been 1 person he was waiving to, I think that would've made it ok.

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Lol, DOJ was forced to come out and acknowledge the Hunter Laptop was real. 


hlap - Copy.jpg




"The controversy surrounding the laptop, initially labeled as “Russian disinformation,” led to social media censorship and public denial by Democratic officials.

Despite this, the FBI reportedly confirmed the authenticity of the laptop’s contents through interviews and testimonies."



Edited by Dguy210
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14 hours ago, john510 said:

You would think some of the sane Democrats would tell them that was a bad idea and they shouldn't use it. Come up with something better.

Very few have the balls to go against the grain. They'd rather fall in line and swallow the consequences of staying quiet and allowing the patients in their party run the insane asylum. "Blue no matter who". 

Edited by IZRL
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Too many people sitting around waiting to be given their views from people who never question what they are told to say to them by unelected people who never cared about any of us to begin with.  


Edited by gh0stwerx76
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I disagree.


No one has little or no view or opinion of the political situation. Even teenagers have been around long enough to have been exposed to parents or media information and have some opinion however incomplete. Notice I didn't say wrong, as an opinion by definition can't be wrong. 


"... by people that never question what they are told..." Now that's true enough. Opinions are very difficult to change as the one with an opinion trusts theirs far more than someone else's. Beware aligning your opinion with politicians, and unelected celebrities and comediennes, in that case, you are a complete fool. Figure it out for yourself.


So here we are bashing each other over our opinions, like we are actually going to change anything? When our opinions come under attack, we close our selves off and stop listening often becoming defensive. Sound familiar? No one ever has said to themselves: I am going to open myself up and listen to others because I want to change my opinion. Usually it is to hear confirmation of their own opinions. Change, if ever, comes slowly taking years sometimes, and voluntarily. Just remember that your hard won opinion is right, while everyone else's is wrong.



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8 hours ago, IZRL said:

Very few have the balls to go against the grain. They'd rather fall in line and swallow the consequences of staying quiet and allowing the patients in their party run the insane asylum. "Blue no matter who". 


Well they got to their position in the party by not going against the grain. They are all various degrees of Blue. If you want to move up politically you move towards being radically Blue. Positive feedback runaway. It applies to the Red party also.

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47 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I disagree.


No one has little or no view or opinion of the political situation. Even teenagers have been around long enough to have been exposed to parents or media information and have some opinion however incomplete. Notice I didn't say wrong, as an opinion by definition can't be wrong. 


"... by people that never question what they are told..." Now that's true enough. Opinions are very difficult to change as the one with an opinion trusts theirs far more than someone else's. Beware aligning your opinion with politicians, and unelected celebrities and comediennes, in that case, you are a complete fool. Figure it out for yourself.


So here we are bashing each other over our opinions, like we are actually going to change anything? When our opinions come under attack, we close our selves off and stop listening often becoming defensive. Sound familiar? No one ever has said to themselves: I am going to open myself up and listen to others because I want to change my opinion. Usually it is to hear confirmation of their own opinions. Change, if ever, comes slowly taking years sometimes, and voluntarily. Just remember that your hard won opinion is right, while everyone else's is wrong.




Although I believe I'm correct on everything I also know I'm not, I do listen to the opinion of others no matter how wrong I think they are because sometimes there's nuggets of truth or reason in there that helps to enlighten even if they are still wrong


31 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Well they got to their position in the party by not going against the grain. They are all various degrees of Blue. If you want to move up politically you move towards being radically Blue. Positive feedback runaway. It applies to the Red party also.


Wrong! so very wrong The establishment or Country club republican has traditionally controlled the party as far back as I remember during Reagan's era. Easily recognized as Republicans that got named Never Trumpers, they are also the Uni party the same as the Dem's, I call them Democrat light. Until recently the far right has never come close to being in control still isn't but its on the edge.

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Not following. If you want to move up in a party you make a name for yourself. At least at first. You don't oppose everything or anything they stand for is what I'm saying. Yes, there are parties inside parties.

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So here we are bashing each other over our opinions, like we are actually going to change anything?

Bashing? There's an open conversation going on here between people with differing views. Which is more than you can say for the rest of the country. It gets a bit touchy in here sometimes but that's to be expected with these topics. It's not about trying to change things, It's mostly about staying informed at least for me. 

6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

When our opinions come under attack, we close our selves off and stop listening often becoming defensive.

Not everyone. Even though people might be sticking to their guns in the moment. Once they step away, and they chew on it a bit more, sometimes they realize the other person might have had a point, whether they publically admit it or not. Problem is, right now, the left has nothing to offer which is why everything is so one sided in here. 

6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

No one ever has said to themselves: I am going to open myself up and listen to others because I want to change my opinion.

Speak for yourself. This is a mandatory part of growing up. People who refuse or don't have the ability to do this, usually have a ruff go in life. It's not about "wanting" to change your opinion. It's about "being open" to changing it if you realize you're wrong.

Edited by IZRL
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Unfortunately, most political opinions are based on propaganda and disinformation. When they're telling you what you want to hear, it's easy to trust your favorite news personality without questioning. It's how BS becomes truth. Sheeple don't fact check the BS because they don't want to break the illusion of truth.


As the name suggests, Political Psychology studies all aspects of the political processes from a psychological perspective. PoliPsych is the most powerful weapon on the campaign battle field. In fact, it's one of the largest arias of private psych research today. Very few Americans are aware of the covert psychological form of persuasion that the RNC and DNC political strategists use to manipulate and divide the voting public. Strategists use this to craft messaging that appeals to core lib/con beliefs and values. It's like catching their little fish in a barrel with orchestrated precision. Snoop around and you'll see this wormhole goes deeper than you could ever imagine. If you want to avoid the BS, it pays to be informed before stepping in it. 


Private research studies are rarely published, but bellow is a link to a source journal with over 7K volumes of countless academic research studies on this topic.



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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Isn,t flag back to front? sort of like Biden?

The American flag should be displayed with the blue canton to the viewers left per the US Flag Code. the flag is correct as shown.

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3 hours ago, paradime said:



As the name suggests, Political Psychology studies all aspects of the political processes from a psychological perspective. PoliPsych is the most powerful weapon on the campaign battle field.




Let's take for granted both sides (and others) employ people to come up with this, if so the Republicans should fire every MF on the team no if's and's or butts about it they've failed for decades if not longer. I remember when Reagan won it was similar to the current situation in that the other side was so bad that enough of the silent majority said fuck this I'm voting for that other guy because fuck you I'm done. Not because the R team had some great argument because the R's opposed Reagan just like the R's opposed Trump he wasn't part of the team.

Maybe it'll change somewhat now I sure hope so.

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