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27 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

LOL geezus blowing up the locks won't let the Pacific and Caribbean oceans connect. Wa ha ha ha ha. Goodby trade with Asia.. talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Or for that matter moving military assets from east to west.


The average age of Americans is 39.8 and climbing. Birth rate is dropping so is a few decades who is going to work to keep the economy going when you can't or retire??? Baby boomers are well into their seventies. In two decades most will be gone. You'll be glad of the illegal immigrants arriving today. This is probably why politically (someone crunched the numbers) they are allowed in, you'll need them later.  






Bullshit, we surpassed the number of young required decades ago, what's happening now is just self destruction. I really see it that way there is so much white self loathing we are hell bent on wiping out everything to do with our culture.

Edited by Ooph!
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On 10/20/2023 at 11:48 AM, ratpatrol66 said:

So since this is about Trump right now, yes he is a complete fucking idiot!!! Am I a democrat for saying that, fuck no! Am I a Joe Biden follower because I said that fuck no! Donald Trump is a show man, attention whore. I'll just stop there. He does have a way of talking to people and drawing them in. He should go stand on 5th Ave. and I hope someone shoots him in the mouth to shut him the fuck up. It took a long time for Hillary to shut her fucking mouth. I don't think we will ever stop hearing from this buffoon.

Take this with a grain of comic font:


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride isn't over, so for your safety, keep your damn seatbelts fastened! Logic and objective reasoning are dangerous, so just go along for the ride and our country's constitutional government will all be over in no time. Anyone trying to get off this ride will be labelled an idiot anti American commie pinko fag, and mercilessly attacked by our Destruction Park staff security. 

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Alright, hear me out here. I know this is all depressing and all, but we just let trump debate. I don't support Trump or Biden. I'm just saying, we cant laugh every now and then?  We have the two candidates, like normal, and then we have Trump in the middle firing off insults at random. 


No good? 

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11 minutes ago, Ratrod720 said:

Alright, hear me out here. I know this is all depressing and all, but we just let trump debate. I don't support Trump or Biden. I'm just saying, we cant laugh every now and then?  We have the two candidates, like normal, and then we have Trump in the middle firing off insults at random. 


No good? 

Trump's the one NOT wanting to debate.At this point what's to debate ? We know Biden's been a complete failure and Trump couldn't stick to the topics without going off on the name calling and personal attacks.That's his biggest fault.If he could only keep it clean and semi Presidential he could easily gain support.At this point it's probably too late for that.My only hope is enough people realize how bad Biden really is to their well being and choose the lesser of two evils.It's also sad that so many would rather struggle/suffer under Biden then vote Trump.It's like kicking your own ass because you're mad at somebody else.

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On 10/20/2023 at 4:06 PM, john510 said:

Hillary never shut her mouth.Two weeks ago she suggested Trump voters needed to be rounded up and deprogrammed.That's Hitler type shit right there and nobody in her party has a thing to say about it ? Hell they probably like the idea.


Why does her rhetoric seem vaguely familiar to me? Pot meet kettle


You'd think that after her equally asinine "Basket of deplorable" comment blew up in her face, the hag bitch would have learned something. She must really love the taste of her left foot I guess.


This is moron politics as usual, and I have ZERO shits to give for it. If I'm being honest about the messaging here, to suggest there's some vast liberal conspiracy at play trying to take Trump down sounds as weak as Hillary when the right was doing the same shit to her poor little infidel Willie. It doesn't change the fact that we have two piles of human waste as our choice for POTUS though.


It's election season, so tune in next week viewers for another episode of As The World's stomach Churns. 

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, john510 said:

My only hope is enough people realize how bad Biden really is to their well being and choose the lesser of two evils.It's also sad that so many would rather struggle/suffer under Biden then vote Trump.It's like kicking your own ass because you're mad at somebody else.


Add Newsome to that list.  If he gets to the oval office, the entire country is doomed.   btw, he just allowed illegals to get in-state tuition rates in San Diego area Community Colleges, and he just signed a bill that pays blacks $5,000 to attend any HBCU's, which apparently there are none in California.  I'm sure someone will sue and it will get overturned, but passing these laws that allow benefits that are race-based, and offered to illegals is certainly discriminitory, IMHO. 


I certainly don't mind helping people who need help, but in-State tuition is based upon YOU and ME paying taxes which goes to the education system.  Why in the hell should I pay for foreign citizens to attend college on my tax dollar?



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2 hours ago, paradime said:

Take this with a grain of comic font:


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride isn't over, so for your safety, keep your damn seatbelts fastened! Logic and objective reasoning are dangerous, so just go along for the ride and our country's constitutional government will all be over in no time. Anyone trying to get off this ride will be labelled an idiot anti American commie pinko fag, and mercilessly attacked by our Destruction Park staff security. 

My Canadian friends want me to gain Canadian citizenship and I'm seriously considering it. Not that I'm going to run for the boarder next election. I certainly am not denouncing my American citizenship. I love it here but also love it in Canada. Well I don't know where i was going with this so fuck it. Definitely on this ride not matter how shittie it gets. HOLD ON!!!

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Trump's the one NOT wanting to debate.At this point what's to debate ? We know Biden's been a complete failure and Trump couldn't stick to the topics without going off on the name calling and personal attacks.That's his biggest fault.If he could only keep it clean and semi Presidential he could easily gain support.At this point it's probably too late for that.My only hope is enough people realize how bad Biden really is to their well being and choose the lesser of two evils.It's also sad that so many would rather struggle/suffer under Biden then vote Trump.It's like kicking your own ass because you're mad at somebody else.


            The biggest problem is that there is SO much hate in both parties that

neither one will honestly work with  work with the other,or dare vote for a candidate

from the other party.

        Again,stop spending money like a drunken sailor,and make each bill introduced 

just about one thing,without all of the hidden pork,or other add-ons. 

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3 hours ago, angliagt said:


            The biggest problem is that there is SO much hate in both parties that

neither one will honestly work with  work with the other,or dare vote for a candidate

from the other party.

        Again,stop spending money like a drunken sailor,and make each bill introduced 

just about one thing,without all of the hidden pork,or other add-ons. 

Add this one: For every rule/regulation/legislation added one or two must be removed. 

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

LOL geezus blowing up the locks won't let the Pacific and Caribbean oceans connect. Wa ha ha ha ha. Goodby trade with Asia.. talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Or for that matter moving military assets from east to west.


The average age of Americans is 39.8 and climbing. Birth rate is dropping so is a few decades who is going to work to keep the economy going when you can't or retire??? Baby boomers are well into their seventies. In two decades most will be gone. You'll be glad of the illegal immigrants arriving today. This is probably why politically (someone crunched the numbers) they are allowed in, you'll need them later.  





Not exactly, "MOAB" is the military acronym for "Mother of all Bombs" it is the biggest non-nuke. The canal needs locks so the ships can be transported up and down hills, I was suggesting removing the hills. Of course, scientists say if the sea life from both sides mix, then the world is fucked, but what ya gonna do. 

Your illegal argument is the common "grateful", "hardworking", stereotype. I am not discounting such examples exist, I am merely noting that there are many "angry" , "criminal", eyeballing America as a cow set for slaughter. And no matter how many tear jerking sneaking into America stories the "news" proliferates, illegally entering the country makes it far more likely the immigrant falls into the second category. 

The illegal immigrants arriving today will be taking, by government proxy and individually, by force tomorrow.  


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14 hours ago, paradime said:


Why does her rhetoric seem vaguely familiar to me? Pot meet kettle


You'd think that after her equally asinine "Basket of deplorable" comment blew up in her face, the hag bitch would have learned something. She must really love the taste of her left foot I guess.


This is moron politics as usual, and I have ZERO shits to give for it. If I'm being honest about the messaging here, to suggest there's some vast liberal conspiracy at play trying to take Trump down sounds as weak as Hillary when the right was doing the same shit to her poor little infidel Willie. It doesn't change the fact that we have two piles of human waste as our choice for POTUS though.


It's election season, so tune in next week viewers for another episode of As The World's stomach Churns. 

You don't see a concentrated effort from the left to take Trump down ? I wouldn't necessarily call it a conspiracy but it is right here in front of our faces.I don't recall Republicans putting in an effort to ruin Bill Clinton nearly as big as what they're doing to Trump.Clinton's impeachment was for lying to Congress under oath.And he got away with it.It didn't really bother me.His sex life was really nobody's business even in the White House.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

To cut down to sea level is unworkable. For every inch down, VAST amounts of material must be removed as the sides must be sloped. Not saying it can't be done, just not really needed or cost effective.

I hadn't worked out the particulars, or even devoted a good deal of thought to the idea. This is the "destruction" forum, fire from the hip and work out the details later :). But seriously, Americans are the best in the world at blowing up vast amounts of material and as long as it can be loosely linked to FREEDOM or kids, "cost effective" and "needed" are irrelevant.

Didn't somebody somewhere on the WWW just mention that the money charged by Panama to use the canal funds cartels who use children as sex trafficked drug mules? That canal was paid for by the American tax payer and should be free. (at least for Americans) ---Bombs away 

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The idea to make the Panama canal sea level on both sides could provide major changes to our eco systems besides the local environmental changes. The current method uses fresh water to flow both directions keeping the oceans seperated and the Pacific is 40cm higher than the Atlantic.

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3 hours ago, john510 said:

You don't see a concentrated effort from the left to take Trump down ? I wouldn't necessarily call it a conspiracy but it is right here in front of our faces.I don't recall Republicans putting in an effort to ruin Bill Clinton nearly as big as what they're doing to Trump.Clinton's impeachment was for lying to Congress under oath.And he got away with it.It didn't really bother me.His sex life was really nobody's business even in the White House.

Yes, of course there is a concentrated effort, but that's not unique to one party, and so is painting it as some evil conspiracy by the other side. Just like Clinton's dumb ass, Trump created the mess he's in. It's not the left fault for using his dumb ass shit to their political advantage. It's ugly, but if the right had the same gift, I don't think they would hesitate to do exactly the same. Spinning it from each political perspective is all part of the lens crafting narrowed perception game. What scares me is that the powers that be have convinced Americans their country's survival depends on waring these blinder glasses to be informed. How else could BIG $ interest get the public to vote against their own best interests? That's the nature of the beast when we accept that greed is greater good. 

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:

The idea to make the Panama canal sea level on both sides could provide major changes to our eco systems besides the local environmental changes. The current method uses fresh water to flow both directions keeping the oceans seperated and the Pacific is 40cm higher than the Atlantic.


Yes but only a couple of inches difference at the Pacific entrance to the canal. If it were at sea level the canal would become tidal. Another problem.

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45 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Yes but only a couple of inches difference at the Pacific entrance to the canal. If it were at sea level the canal would become tidal. Another problem.


It's higher on the Pacific side due to the planets rotation, the higher water would create a cataract through the  canal and eventually pile up on the west coast of Africa and the Mediterranean possibly doing the same at the Suez. Would it then begin a new current sloshing around the center of planet and pulling the northern and southern edges closer and closer?

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Tired of Panama.


Welcome to Canada...



Label them "tweakers" and it's good for a few laughs. This shit's all too real for me, because these folks were my clients in the booby hatch. The mental health system in the US is ridiculously overwhelmed and under funded, so now with more crazy shit pours out onto the streets and suddenly it's an epidemic.


Like many others, I got burned out fighting a never ending losing battle, and in large part, it's why I gave up playing the health care industry's effectively unsuccessful but hugely profitable Wack-a-Mole game. 

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Back in the '60 growing up I lived in a town that had the provincial psychiatric hospital. (has 1916 on the buildings, so built before WW1) It was a couple of hundred acres with a working farm for the inmates on it (closed down in early 60s?) and miles of roads and huge buildings. There were lots of 'nuts' walking around town, that was common to see but not any problem. There were lots on site that sometimes wandered away and got lost and this caused a problem but I never heard of any incidents of violence and craziness in town. The really fucked up were locked up. A friend's dad was an orderly and they lived on the premises.


Jump ahead 20 years. It's all closed down now. So where are they? "here's a hand full of pills and a phone number, there's the door" "new patients... just stay where ever you're from and take meds"

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Had an uncle born in 1925 whose brain was fried by sicknesses and ultra high fever when he was a toddler. He was even given up for dead several times and he'd slip back into the world of the living. As he got up into his thirties he had halucinatory episodes in which people were plotting against him and would sometimes get violent, sometimes pushing his mother around and bruising her up. He spent a number of several year stretches in Vinita State Hospital, the largest mental facility in Oklahoma's NE corner. They would get him levelled out and on meds and functioning semi normally and his mother would get his older brother to take her up and check him out. They wouldn't make him take his meds and he'd get out in the ozone again and the cycle would start all over. He died in the late 70's. The nut house was shut down in the 1970's, as was the vast majority of facilities, and now the poor souls just mingle untreated in general society. Sad part is that so many of the off-kilter critters running around are self-induced crazies. Compounding the felony, countries around the world are now emptying out their prisons and nut houses and sending them to our southern border. This is light-years a[art from the 'Melting Pot' that was a major ingredient in the building of one of the greatest social projects in human history.


Be as prepared as you can for the brave new world that's coming, Brother.

Edited by difrangia
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