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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:




Like John you will deny the source as leftist. So instead do your own homework, go to google and type 'insanity of MAGA supporters' or 'crazy MAGA supporters' or anything negative or calls into question MAGS's supporters mental state. There's lots of the stupidest, ignorant, red neck, moronic, waste of skin, gaped tooth people you will ever see. I suppose all parties have them but MAGA appeals to the lowest IQ the most.


You'll say it was AI generated content then there's no sense going further skip to willful blindness below.... 


As for willful blindness by the GOP, look at anything I have posted about Trump's very poor character. It's practically ALL about poor character.  I had to argue with someone to get them to admit that he's a convicted felon. WTF? denial much? Everything I said is true and very troubling. What party would support such a piece of shit? Well simply put they ignore it. They (and you) have little choice. This is politics today no one cares what they vote for. "Yeah, yeah, he's a piece of shit alright, but he's our piece of shit and the only chance we have of beating those liberals."


So look at a few you tubes and read my posts it's a waste of time but it's your time wasted not mine. When done (if you even do it) you will say (without acknowledging that there are crazy retarded thinking MAGA supporters nor that what I said about Trumps character is pretty damn true) "You complain a lot but don't offer any fix of the problem" First I don't have to, as I feel that pointing out the problem is the first step in fixing it. No one, or few, will admit there is a problem in the first place they just want to bitch about the other side. Who do you contact to voice your displeasure with the GOP's choice say at the local level? Band together, petition your representatives. Spend half the time you spend bitching about the Democrats and get off your ass and do something. I can point but I can't do it for you. No, it's easier to be blind.


Damn so to confirm, you say you're a neutral bystander in this? Just blew a gasket over Trump. That's anything but neutral.



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5 hours ago, john510 said:

Attacks on our government AREN'T much more concerning to me. Attacks on the good people in this country are concerning to me. Especially when the government/law enforcement just sits back and watches. That should be a big concern for the average citizen. We already know the government will protect itself from even the smallest of threats. Will they protect you ? 

We still talking about the J6 BS? The left is just mad because the tax payers who own it came in without paying for the tour. the place is open to the public except when It needs to be used as political ammunition to criminalized citizens who feel like they are being shafted. The clown show was completely sensationalized for maximum effect and the lemmings gobbled that propaganda right up. Powerful people who orchestrate public discontent are sure having laughs about them! Dumb as shit. 


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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:




Like John you will deny the source as leftist. So instead do your own homework, go to google and type 'insanity of MAGA supporters' or 'crazy MAGA supporters' or anything negative or calls into question MAGS's supporters mental state. There's lots of the stupidest, ignorant, red neck, moronic, waste of skin, gaped tooth people you will ever see. I suppose all parties have them but MAGA appeals to the lowest IQ the most.


You'll say it was AI generated content then there's no sense going further skip to willful blindness below.... 


As for willful blindness by the GOP, look at anything I have posted about Trump's very poor character. It's practically ALL about poor character.  I had to argue with someone to get them to admit that he's a convicted felon. WTF? denial much? Everything I said is true and very troubling. What party would support such a piece of shit? Well simply put they ignore it. They (and you) have little choice. This is politics today no one cares what they vote for. "Yeah, yeah, he's a piece of shit alright, but he's our piece of shit and the only chance we have of beating those liberals."


So look at a few you tubes and read my posts it's a waste of time but it's your time wasted not mine. When done (if you even do it) you will say (without acknowledging that there are crazy retarded thinking MAGA supporters nor that what I said about Trumps character is pretty damn true) "You complain a lot but don't offer any fix of the problem" First I don't have to, as I feel that pointing out the problem is the first step in fixing it. No one, or few, will admit there is a problem in the first place they just want to bitch about the other side. Who do you contact to voice your displeasure with the GOP's choice say at the local level? Band together, petition your representatives. Spend half the time you spend bitching about the Democrats and get off your ass and do something. I can point but I can't do it for you. No, it's easier to be blind.

They actually say College and even grade school is a leftist tool indoctrinating the youth.  Yup.  Education is making people less likely to vote for Trump.  I feel like some people need to sit and work that one out for a bit.  

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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

They actually say College and even grade school is a leftist tool indoctrinating the youth.  Yup.  Education is making people less likely to vote for Trump.  I feel like some people need to sit and work that one out for a bit.  

Indoctrination is the RE education tool for the elite, leftists are just the minions.  why are we seeing this phenomenon? In 1902 Rockefeller gifted the national education board its first million dollars and by doing so became the first philanthropist to directly control the mindsets of the young. It was so successful he eventually had endowed the board  with 325 million dollars. In today's money equivalent it would be more than Elons personal wealth. many other powerful wealthy men jumped on board. Many universities indoctrinate the next generation of teachers who In turn exacerbate the cycle. Talk about ROI!  

John D. Rockefeller was quoted, “I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nations of workers.”. For the slower folks in the audience ill paraphrase, well spare you the burden of drawing your own conclusions, well provide them for you so that you can focus on grinding away your best years in Service to the select few philanthropaths and their offspring.  Trump is the wild card, the pothole that busts the rim of corruptions favorite ride. Feel free to take your own advice, have a seat and work that out for a bit. If you feel the urge to know more, start your journey with the words "social construct".  

2 kids finish primary school, 1 goes ass over tea kettle in debt (see above for who gets the interest on this debt) to get their indoctrination completed, gets first job at Starbucks 4 years later cry the world is unfair.Votes left for a promise of school debt relief and a hug that never comes, will maybe be out from under that debt by 40 if they stay at home, kids arent really an option anymore, neither is the home. second kid goes into the trades, 4 years later he's a journeyman making 120K a year, looking to buy the first home, has no debt, good job and is a really attractive option for a potential mate... These are your "MAGA" people. 

Edited by gh0stwerx76
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11 hours ago, paradime said:

You mean like how they do in Iran? Or did you forget the sarcasm font? This isn't Aimed at you specifically, but to the selective ignorance of why people are rioting.over police brutality. Those ignorant are the same people who say they're being opposed by our "police state"..


Wether we agree with it politically or not, protest riots, anti-establishment rebellion, and civil unrest are not new to the U.S. because we're a free country. There have been over 500 incidents of this in our history listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_the_United_States


And that doesn't include the many thousands in racially motivated incidents of violence against minorities. Until the civil rights movement, the justice system turned a blind eye to institutionalized segregation and racial discrimination. That freedom led to mob linchings, arson of minority schools churches and businesses, assassination of their leaders, destruction and/or seizure of personal property, and countless acts of terror/assault. It's patriotic when the majority riots to protect their safety and rights. When minorities rebel against the same injustice, their riots are always characterized as "senseless crimes of vandalism, violence, and motivated by selfish political opportunism". Now, would you have an issue with live rounds being used on the people actively destroying our capital building on J6? Or were those crimes justifiable acts, then say it wasn't motivated by selfish political opportunism? The usual suspects downplay or out right deny this history as liberal brainwashing designed to Destroy America!!! In reality this has nothing to do with the party politics that do nothing but fan the flames. When it comes to harming others with violence vandalism and looting, NONE of it is justified IMO, but it's never that simple. I try to understand why it's happening no matter who is doing it. Then I shoot them.


I would have been all for live rounds Jan 6. They only used one that I am aware of. People out of control destroying other people's or public property I really have no sympathy for. This is just my personal view because I am a builder. Not commercially but I have built most of my own furniture, some of my outbuildings, restored most of my vehicles and boats from others discarded and abandoned projects. Lots of work and labor of love. If some asshat came by throwing molatav cocktails at my stuff trying  to make a political point I have no issues gifting them a 7.62x39 hollow point to the chest. I was at the south central LA greyhound station in 1995. Never understood why you burn down your own neighborhood then complain you live in a shithole and somehow it is somebody else's fault. Same thing with people complaining about living in a "Food desert" keep ripping off the local stores then claim racism when businesses leave or won't build build there. Ye shall reap what you sow.

So how does destroying property paint anyone's grievances in a positive light?

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5 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

Indoctrination is the RE education tool for the elite, leftists are just the minions.  why are we seeing this phenomenon? In 1902 Rockefeller gifted the national education board its first million dollars and by doing so became the first philanthropist to directly control the mindsets of the young. It was so successful he eventually had endowed the board  with 325 million dollars. In today's money equivalent it would be more than Elons personal wealth. many other powerful wealthy men jumped on board. Many universities indoctrinate the next generation of teachers who In turn exacerbate the cycle. Talk about ROI!  

John D. Rockefeller was quoted, “I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nations of workers.”. For the slower folks in the audience ill paraphrase, well spare you the burden of drawing your own conclusions, well provide them for you so that you can focus on grinding away your best years in Service to the select few philanthropaths and their offspring.  Trump is the wild card, the pothole that busts the rim of corruptions favorite ride. Feel free to take your own advice, have a seat and work that out for a bit. If you feel the urge to know more, start your journey with the words "social construct".  

2 kids finish primary school, 1 goes ass over tea kettle in debt (see above for who gets the interest on this debt) to get their indoctrination completed, gets first job at Starbucks 4 years later cry the world is unfair.Votes left for a promise of school debt relief and a hug that never comes, will maybe be out from under that debt by 40 if they stay at home, kids arent really an option anymore, neither is the home. second kid goes into the trades, 4 years later he's a journeyman making 120K a year, looking to buy the first home, has no debt, good job and is a really attractive option for a potential mate... These are your "MAGA" people. 

And these are the ones that believe the Hatiens are going to eat all of their cats and dogs? This has become insanity on both sides. How can anyone take Trump seriously after this last performance? You believe the Hatiens are after your pets? Dudes off in Bidenville. I am somehow hoping he gets dumped and We have an actual sane person on the ticket in Nov. And no I don't belive the asylum seekers or whatever you want to call them belong in the country and certainly shouldn't be receiving our tax money for support.

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29 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

And these are the ones that believe the Hatiens are going to eat all of their cats and dogs? This has become insanity on both sides. How can anyone take Trump seriously after this last performance? You believe the Hatiens are after your pets? Dudes off in Bidenville. I am somehow hoping he gets dumped and We have an actual sane person on the ticket in Nov. And no I don't belive the asylum seekers or whatever you want to call them belong in the country and certainly shouldn't be receiving our tax money for support.


It would seem that YOU get it.

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7 hours ago, tr8er said:

They actually say College and even grade school is a leftist tool indoctrinating the youth.  Yup.  Education is making people less likely to vote for Trump.  I feel like some people need to sit and work that one out for a bit.  

Schooling is making people less likely to vote Republican. It has more to it than just Trump.

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:

The video has a sprinkling of Haitians telling you what some of you are saying isn't happening

and its entertaining



This cat eating thing might be one of those situations where the media denies it's happening until they can't any longer. We already know they arrested some woman for it. Now that doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence but who knows ? Immigrants obviously bring their traditions and culture to this country with them so why would it be so hard to believe ? Grand Master out. Please note the sarcasm.

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

And these are the ones that believe the Hatiens are going to eat all of their cats and dogs? This has become insanity on both sides. How can anyone take Trump seriously after this last performance? You believe the Hatiens are after your pets? Dudes off in Bidenville. I am somehow hoping he gets dumped and We have an actual sane person on the ticket in Nov. And no I don't belive the asylum seekers or whatever you want to call them belong in the country and certainly shouldn't be receiving our tax money for support.



i believe there are no sane people in DC .. 

 If they would have gotten Ramaswamy ( had to google that )  in there,  this really would have been a no brainer.. Kid is a nut-bag , but he would have left her standing there with her chonies around her ankles wondering what the hell just drove over her. 

 Dude is quick ,, smart,, and above all mean





Edited by bananahamuck
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24 minutes ago, bananahamuck said:



i believe there are no sane people in DC .. 

 If they would have gotten Ramaswamy ( had to google that )  in there,  this really would have been a no brainer.. Kid is a nut-bag , but he would have left her standing there with her chonies around her ankles wondering what the hell just drove over her. 

 Dude is quick ,, smart,, and above all mean





Ramaswamy is a danger to the establishment. You're right the guy is smart, actually brilliant. If you start a debate with him you better have your shit together. Him and Ben Shapiro could debate all of the Democrats at the same time and tear them to pieces. 

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45 minutes ago, john510 said:

This cat eating thing might be one of those situations where the media denies it's happening until they can't any longer. We already know they arrested some woman for it. Now that doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence but who knows ? Immigrants obviously bring their traditions and culture to this country with them so why would it be so hard to believe ? Grand Master out. Please note the sarcasm.


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1 hour ago, john510 said:

This cat eating thing might be one of those situations where the media denies it's happening until they can't any longer. We already know they arrested some woman for it. Now that doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence but who knows ? Immigrants obviously bring their traditions and culture to this country with them so why would it be so hard to believe ? Grand Master out. Please note the sarcasm.


I said the same and agree with John. Where protein is hard to come by some cultures may eat crickets and grasshoppers and might even do it here though the availability of protein is more abundant. If they did who would give a shit? Here cats are pets and members of the family. The Chinese restaurant down town served cat when I was a kid. Naturally no one ever saw this done it was just accepted by kids as true.

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13 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

Indoctrination is the RE education tool for the elite, leftists are just the minions.  why are we seeing this phenomenon? In 1902 Rockefeller gifted the national education board its first million dollars and by doing so became the first philanthropist to directly control the mindsets of the young. It was so successful he eventually had endowed the board  with 325 million dollars. In today's money equivalent it would be more than Elons personal wealth. many other powerful wealthy men jumped on board. Many universities indoctrinate the next generation of teachers who In turn exacerbate the cycle. Talk about ROI!  

John D. Rockefeller was quoted, “I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nations of workers.”. For the slower folks in the audience ill paraphrase, well spare you the burden of drawing your own conclusions, well provide them for you so that you can focus on grinding away your best years in Service to the select few philanthropaths and their offspring.  Trump is the wild card, the pothole that busts the rim of corruptions favorite ride. Feel free to take your own advice, have a seat and work that out for a bit. If you feel the urge to know more, start your journey with the words "social construct".  

2 kids finish primary school, 1 goes ass over tea kettle in debt (see above for who gets the interest on this debt) to get their indoctrination completed, gets first job at Starbucks 4 years later cry the world is unfair.Votes left for a promise of school debt relief and a hug that never comes, will maybe be out from under that debt by 40 if they stay at home, kids arent really an option anymore, neither is the home. second kid goes into the trades, 4 years later he's a journeyman making 120K a year, looking to buy the first home, has no debt, good job and is a really attractive option for a potential mate... These are your "MAGA" people. 


I agree, but you are talking to solid brick walls, with TDS mortar........................🤣😵😝

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13 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

Indoctrination is the RE education tool for the elite, leftists are just the minions.  why are we seeing this phenomenon? In 1902 Rockefeller gifted the national education board its first million dollars and by doing so became the first philanthropist to directly control the mindsets of the young. It was so successful he eventually had endowed the board  with 325 million dollars. In today's money equivalent it would be more than Elons personal wealth. many other powerful wealthy men jumped on board. Many universities indoctrinate the next generation of teachers who In turn exacerbate the cycle. Talk about ROI!  

John D. Rockefeller was quoted, “I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nations of workers.”. For the slower folks in the audience ill paraphrase, well spare you the burden of drawing your own conclusions, well provide them for you so that you can focus on grinding away your best years in Service to the select few philanthropaths and their offspring.  Trump is the wild card, the pothole that busts the rim of corruptions favorite ride. Feel free to take your own advice, have a seat and work that out for a bit. If you feel the urge to know more, start your journey with the words "social construct".  

2 kids finish primary school, 1 goes ass over tea kettle in debt (see above for who gets the interest on this debt) to get their indoctrination completed, gets first job at Starbucks 4 years later cry the world is unfair.Votes left for a promise of school debt relief and a hug that never comes, will maybe be out from under that debt by 40 if they stay at home, kids arent really an option anymore, neither is the home. second kid goes into the trades, 4 years later he's a journeyman making 120K a year, looking to buy the first home, has no debt, good job and is a really attractive option for a potential mate... These are your "MAGA" people. 


Quoting J D Rockefeller is as pointless as quoting anyone over 100 years ago. Might have been relevant then but meaningless now. It's.... quaint.


If smart enough to work for 120K a year he might choose to be a Republican but he sure wouldn't be a MAGA. He's way too intelligent for fall for that. Guess you are the second kid but making less than half that amount, own a house not paid off, crippled by debt and raising a family of four driving a seven year old POS Hyundai. Now that's not only honest but believable.

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23 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:



Interesting. I know I'm in California but towards the end there where the guy was talking about benefits might explain something I'm dealing with. I've been on disability for five weeks now because of a hip replacement. As of today the assholes that run our programs for aid haven't sent me one fucking penny ! As of today they owe me $3,600+ in benefits and I have none of it ! I'd bet my house the illegals are getting their aid on time. Me ? I get nothing yet. It's all approved according to the system .I've spent hours on the phone on hold just to get disconnected. Email type communication doesn't work either. Now I'm not broke and missing payments on anything but this has turned ridiculous. I paid into the system and I want what I have coming to me. Next week I'm going to the SDI office and I'll stand in line and wait until this gets resolved. Maybe I'll choose the line for Spanish speaking only ?  It's bullshit. 

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


I agree, but you are talking to solid brick walls, with TDS mortar........................🤣😵😝

Saying that we're talking to brick walls would be an insult to brick walls. They're trying to convince us that all the bad shit the left is doing is all an illusion 


I call out tr8er for trying to convince us that reality isn't reality and he doubles down on it and says that saying that we have a radically left leaning educational system is a conspiracy.


Edited by IZRL
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Lets just agree that the education system has been ignored and has fallen into decay. It's fucked no doubt. Maybe the left pushes harder than the right but where were you? What were you doing while the rug was being tugged out? All I hear is blah blah the left did it. All anyone here does is fuckin BITCH! aaaand bitch

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