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I never cared that Clinton got some head from a young girl much better looking and nicer than his wife. Didn't care it was in the White House. I wanted the Republicans to leave him alone. It was IMO a private thing and not a Presidential action. And the Trump grabbing some pussy thing, I wonder how many more votes he got because of it ? 

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5 hours ago, frankendat said:

All the bullshit (and I consider rape and racist accusations bullshit) means nothing when the above statement is considered. I don't like Trump, I do not think he is a great leader, President, business man or even an above average human being, but he is not a Democrat.

PREMISE The Democrats want to live in an America that I don't want to live in. The Democrats want to strip freedoms I value and if I refuse to kneel, the Democrats will take all my freedom or my life.

THEREFORE, I don't care if he raped somebody (but I do not believe he did) I don't care if he is a racist or hates women (but I don't believe he is or does) I will even clarify it a bit more, incontrovertible evidence cannot be found that he is a rapist, racist, or hates women, because it doesn't exist. Direct explusive or damning evidence in this category of crime is extremely rare. The Russians knew this long ago and the same politics have been taking hold in the United States. 

I watched a comedy show recently that accused JD Vance of fucking a couch. Somebody he went to college with said he fucked a couch and the reporters were trying to get JD Vance on record denying or affirming he fucked a couch. If JD Vance even acknowledges the question, then it will not matter whether he did or did not, "couch fucker" will gain momentum and might stick. It is similar to the tactic used by the Russians, which is used by the media, both conservative and liberal, but the liberals hold the upper hand in media.

Did Trump say "grab them by the pussy"? Very likely. Does that make him a "woman hater"? Not in my book. I have said much worse and hated some women. 

Returning to the perfect simple rationale at the start of this post, did Trump's actions during his Presidency promote racism or sexism? No. If it was to Trump's advantage to hire or support a minority, be it race or gender, has he ever given any indication that he would not do it? NO, one thing that cannot be denied by anyone of either side, Trump acts in Trumps best interest, always.

American politics has forced me to itemize and dissect my life into what is of highest importance for survival. I have a much better chance of surviving under Trump then under Harris.

CONCLUSION, I vote for Trump. 


Note: This does not make me a "fan boy" or any of the other dismissive adjectives used to demean those who vote for Trump. I am certain, even if (God willing) Trump wins the election, I will continue to have plenty of things to bitch about. I do not support Trump blindly or think the Republicans will solve my problems. BUT, if the Democrats win the election my problems will greatly increase. 



No need to put up a disclaimer though. This is the problem with the world today. Everybody is walking on egg shells worried about everybody else's feelings. This is the reason we got to this point we are in now during this administration... fear. People who think the way you and I do about the insanity that is being pushed on this country today, staying quiet as to not hurt anybody's feelings.


Thankfully it seems people are getting fed up of stepping on eggshells for others and are starting to speak up.



Edited by IZRL
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Carrying on is fine for 'us' the electorate but those elected should be held to a higher standard. They should at least appear to be trustworthy of your support. Even considering electing a convicted felon is beyond the pale. Don't say that all previous pretenders to the office were crooks and liars, they probably were, but at least they kept their noses clean. How standards have slipped.

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

I never cared that Clinton got some head from a young girl much better looking and nicer than his wife. Didn't care it was in the White House. I wanted the Republicans to leave him alone. It was IMO a private thing and not a Presidential action. And the Trump grabbing some pussy thing, I wonder how many more votes he got because of it ? 


What person would vote for someone based on his womanizing? You would be no better than him.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Carrying on is fine for 'us' the electorate but those elected should be held to a higher standard. They should at least appear to be trustworthy of your support. Even considering electing a convicted felon is beyond the pale. Don't say that all previous pretenders to the office were crooks and liars, they probably were, but at least they kept their noses clean. How standards have slipped.


You Canadians elected a Drama Teacher that can't seem to keep from doing blackface and enacting tyranny... so yeah maybe not so much.




• In 2018, Justin was accused of groping former journalist Rose Knight 18 years ago, during a music festival in 2000. According to Rose, he apologised the day after the incident and said he “would not have been so forward” if he knew she was a journalist. 

• When the allegations resurfaced in 2018, he said, “I don’t remember any negative interactions that day at all.” Rose chose not to pursue any further action in both 2000 or 2018.

• In August, an ethics commissioner found that Justin pressured his then attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, to intervene in the investigation of a fraud case around development group SNC-Lavalin Inc. The company “had lobbied federal officials for such an outcome,” according to major Canadian outlets. 

• The series of events led to Jody’s resignation from the position of attorney general, and subsequent resignation of former treasury board president Jane Philpott in solidarity. Both were then ejected from the Liberal party. The fallout from the scandal led to calls for Justin to step down as prime minister. 

• There was also subsequent scrutiny of Justin’s treatment of his women colleagues. If he describes himself as a feminist but boots two prominent women from the Liberal party for being honest, it doesn’t look very good.



"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is threatening his most tyrannical attack on freedom yet through his government’s proposed Online Harms Act (currently Bill C-63). Brought to you by the same farcically-named “Liberal” party who froze the bank accounts of the truckers who protested vaccine-mandates, the OHA is the government’s overzealous attempt to promote online safety. "


Not even a complete list of his scandals either....



Edited by Dguy210
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14 minutes ago, DRIVEN said:

Respectfully, a Canadians opinion in this thread is completely irrelevant.  

True, or at least until we get around to liberating Canada and making it the 51st state. 🤣


As a bonus for the Canadians we WON'T be taking Quebec, they can go off on their own.

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51 minutes ago, DRIVEN said:

Respectfully, a Canadians opinion in this thread is completely irrelevant.  


Not just true but absolutely true. I don't have a horse in this race so the outcome doesn't really affect me so my opinion isn't based on the position Americans are in. In fact I'm still learning. You might say that I'm looking in from the outside. If I was an American, (perish the thought) I wouldn't be a Democrat but some kind of liberal Republican?


3 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


You Canadians elected a Drama Teacher that can't seem to keep from doing blackface and enacting tyranny... so yeah maybe not so much.


I most certainly did not vote for Trudeau so the above was a waste. What the fuck are you talking about voting Joe Biden in????????? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you didn't vote for him either? But we are both stuck in the same position, our fellow countrymen are idiots.

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If Canada would get rid of their gun laws, then I would consider becoming Mikes neighbor. I like open spaces, don't mind the cold, I wouldn't even make fun of the accent. (but I am not learning French)

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13 minutes ago, frankendat said:

If Canada would get rid of their gun laws, then I would consider becoming Mikes neighbor. I like open spaces, don't mind the cold, I wouldn't even make fun of the accent. (but I am not learning French)


See this is why we add it as a State to USA so the gun laws are moot and we don't include Quebec. 



26 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Not just true but absolutely true. I don't have a horse in this race so the outcome doesn't really affect me so my opinion isn't based on the position Americans are in. In fact I'm still learning. You might say that I'm looking in from the outside. If I was an American, (perish the thought) I wouldn't be a Democrat but some kind of liberal Republican?



I most certainly did not vote for Trudeau so the above was a waste. What the fuck are you talking about voting Joe Biden in????????? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you didn't vote for him either? But we are both stuck in the same position, our fellow countrymen are idiots.


Well I know that, I also seem to remember you stating you didn't vote for Turdeau at some point before. But asking for our country to respect a standard that your country can't seems a bit hypocritical, but I do agree about how shitty politicians are in general.


 "What the fuck are you talking about voting Joe Biden in??" Well to be fair the Americans DIDN'T vote Biden in, he was installed, like a toilet at 3am. 

Edited by Dguy210
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22 hours ago, IZRL said:



No need to put up a disclaimer though. This is the problem with the world today. Everybody is walking on egg shells worried about everybody else's feelings. This is the reason we got to this point we are in now during this administration... fear. People who think the way you and I do about the insanity that is being pushed on this country today, staying quiet as to not hurt anybody's feelings.


Thankfully it seems people are getting fed up of stepping on eggshells for others and are starting to speak up.



I wrote the truth for me. In politics, what is felt and what is right are often two different things. Carter was mentioned a while back, and I believe the same as was mentioned by others, that he was a good man, but it still angers me how his weakness damaged my country. I believe that Obama was bad for America, he had a chance to bring the nation together and he choose to not and some of his policies will continue to haunt us. But, I believe he represented the Presidency well. His political actions hurt America, but his presentation was excellent. The opposite, I believe the political actions of Trump helped America, his presentation is awful. Although I do not like Trump, I do not jump on the media bandwagon, accusing him of everything under the sun. I followed the sham trial and found it unjust. The decision on who you want to run the nation should not be based on popularity. If none of this means anything, then I return to your post. How was it under President Trump, how was it under President Biden/Harris, which one would you rather do again? The choice is obvious, easy and drama free. 

I remain convinced that Michelle is not done and Michelle will be the end of the Republicans. Michelle for VP would legitimize Harris, tip the scales for the Dems and provide Michelle the experience that is her biggest weakness. I am glad no one is  talking about it, and I pray to be proven wrong. 

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Carrying on is fine for 'us' the electorate but those elected should be held to a higher standard. They should at least appear to be trustworthy of your support. Even considering electing a convicted felon is beyond the pale. Don't say that all previous pretenders to the office were crooks and liars, they probably were, but at least they kept their noses clean. How standards have slipped.


No sir.... It wasn't that they kept their noses clean. It was that up until Trump, no president has ever been investigated, prosecuted, or convicted. Hard to believe you eat this shit up, calling Trump a felon just like the lefty mob. Every President in history has skeletons in their closets. With how hard they've been going after Trump, for them to only be able to find what they found is unbelievable.


Instead of bashing Trump for what, in any other case/person wouldn't have even reached the courts. Why don't you bash the fact that the left ILLEGALLY weaponized the Justice and Judicial systems to try and remove the opposing Presidential nominee. <<<< This should scare the Ba-Jesus out of people, that the Government did this and got away with it. People's TDS is so great that they become blind to what is truly a threat to our democracy right now (THE LEFT).


The left is running their campaign on phrases like "Trump is Hitler", "Trump will be the end to Democracy" etc. And the lefty pawns are just nodding along like idiots because of their hate for Trump, not realizing the LEFT is actually the threat. <<< "Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

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56 minutes ago, IZRL said:


No sir.... It wasn't that they kept their noses clean. It was that up until Trump, no president has ever been investigated, prosecuted, or convicted. Hard to believe you eat this shit up, calling Trump a felon just like the lefty mob. Every President in history has skeletons in their closets. With how hard they've been going after Trump, for them to only be able to find what they found is unbelievable.


Instead of bashing Trump for what, in any other case/person wouldn't have even reached the courts. Why don't you bash the fact that the left ILLEGALLY weaponized the Justice and Judicial systems to try and remove the opposing Presidential nominee. <<<< This should scare the Ba-Jesus out of people, that the Government did this and got away with it. People's TDS is so great that they become blind to what is truly a threat to our democracy right now (THE LEFT).


The left is running their campaign on phrases like "Trump is Hitler", "Trump will be the end to Democracy" etc. And the lefty pawns are just nodding along like idiots because of their hate for Trump, not realizing the LEFT is actually the threat. <<< "Therefore by their fruits you will know them."


I called him a felon because he is. Previous presidents were smart enough to keep their noses clean that's why. Poor Donald Trump he doesn't deserve any of this NOT!!! `

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18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


I called him a felon because he is. Previous presidents were smart enough to keep their noses clean that's why. Poor Donald Trump he doesn't deserve any of this NOT!!! `

My point was that their noses weren't clean. It's that they've never gone after any presidents other than for Trump.



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Of course they weren't clean, they're in politics. It's therefor a given that Trump wasn't/isn't clean. He's just not as smart as they were. Why didn't he just make the payoff to Cohen with his personal fortune??? No he did it on the books and left a trail.

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Of course they weren't clean, they're in politics. It's therefor a given that Trump wasn't/isn't clean. He's just not as smart as they were. Why didn't he just make the payoff to Cohen with his personal fortune??? No he did it on the books and left a trail.



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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

What? It's not true? Well maybe they did 'go after him'. But ultimately he made it easy for them

This is just one of many reasons why I'm voting for Trump. I could care less if it turns out he sucked off a leprechaun and took his pot of gold as payment. You are in here making a case FOR Harris/the left based only on how you "feel" about Trump. ⬇️⬇️ This is the left⬇️⬇️.


The left is willing to bend the law and put American's lives in danger to follow their personally ideologies. Scary to see that this cancer has spread all the way up to congress. Many democrat judges and senators believe and make decisions based on these types of radical ideologies. Sadly I believe we're forever stuck with this cancer in congress & judicial system.




Edited by IZRL
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Holy smokes! This interview of former KGB agent was filmed in 1984. This is exactly where America is right now (reality is not reality, black can be blue , men are women if they say they are). All educational institutions are pushing Marxist/Socialist ideas as being great.


So according to this guy. It will take these leftist "Socialist sympathizers" getting kicked in the ass by the boot of a concentration camp guard to understand the fact that socialism is bad and for America to start the healing process from this woke nonsense. So after this mass idiot awakening happens it will take another generation (15-20 years) of the education system teaching with patriotism and reality in mind for America to become great again.  We got a long ways to go.


I'm probably the only one in this thread that enjoys long form interviews. So I highly recommend at least watching the short clip below to see what I'm talking about (Mike). After I watched the short clip, it got interesting so I watched the long version.


Short Version of interview


Long Version of Interview


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8 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

Well to be fair the Americans DIDN'T vote Biden in, he was installed, like a toilet at 3am. 

Appears to be the same thing for Harris. I don't think a single American has cast a vote for her but here she is.

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8 hours ago, IZRL said:




What???? You're going to espouse that he was picked on unfairly??? that if everyone else can get away with being corrupt that he should also? OK. Say it... Trump is as crooked as any other president that was not convicted so he should be cleared of any wrong doing and his felony conviction overturned.  

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:


So according to this guy. It will take these leftist "Socialist sympathizers" getting kicked in the ass by the boot of a concentration camp guard to understand the fact that socialism is bad and for America to start the healing process from this woke nonsense.



No they wont get it, they will whole heartedly believe that it wasn't true or real socialism.

How do I know this? What is said about the Soviet Union? it wasn't true Communism. Cuba? it wasn't real Communism it was a dictatorship, the same will be repeated for every country that has failed after becoming a socialist utopia.



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