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Maybe. Hard to say. For sure it don't look good. There was controversy over bombing Japan at the time. Time has sorted it out and ultimately the victor always writes the history books.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Palestinians and Muslims would like to see us (you included) dead and gone along with western values and religions.

Hamas is chanting "death to America", and Americans are sleeping in tents, shitting in buckets, and going on hunger strikes in support of these terrorist 🤣. What's worse, these same Americans are out there chanting along with "death to America". I wouldn't be surprised if these bright college students haven't yet realized they're basically chanting, "death to us".


Funniest thing I've heard is the "gays for palestine" is the same as "chickens for KFC" joke. 


"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it's limits" ~ Unknown 

Edited by IZRL
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17 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Hamas is chanting "death to America", and Americans are sleeping in tents, shitting in buckets, and going on hunger strikes in support of these terrorist 🤣. What's worse, these same Americans are out there chanting along with "death to America". I wouldn't be surprised if these bright college students haven't yet realized they're basically chanting, "death to us".


Funniest thing I've heard is the "gays for palestine" is the same as "chickens for KFC" joke. 


"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it's limits" ~ Unknown 

I think we should be offering these Palestinian supporting protesters a free ride to Palestine where they can really make a difference. A one way ticket of course. 

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I think we should be offering these Palestinian supporting protesters a free ride to Palestine where they can really make a difference. A one way ticket of course. 

We could market it as "Come and see the impact all the time you spent protesting,getting arrested, and missing the 100k classes you're parents are paying for, has made on Palestine." Hand them all a plane ticket, a gay pride 🏳️‍🌈 flag, and shuttle them all to the airport.

Edited by IZRL
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9 hours ago, Cardinal Grammeter said:

If you really want to get agitated watch this documentary (below), look into General Romeo Dallaire who, when ordered by Cofi Anon (UN head) to leave Rwanda, mutinied and did what he could to save lives - his soldiers had no bullets.  


And so like a fool, it occurred to me that if anyone ever deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, it had to be Dallaire!  Ha!  Instead that spineless weasel Cofi Anon, who abandoned Rwanda gets it.  The Nobel PP is a piece of shit.


Documentary The Last Just Man   


        Wait....didn't Obama win one too? - you just know that he deserved it.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Maybe. Hard to say. For sure it don't look good. There was controversy over bombing Japan at the time. Time has sorted it out and ultimately the victor always writes the history books.

Who thought the nuke was controversial at the time ? 

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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Type... controversy over nuking japan into google for pro/con arguments and about the morality of it.

If you're gonna Google anything. I'd recommend scrolling down past Google's AI generated answer. All AI is programmed to lean heavily to the left. Googles's AI is apparently the most left leaning of all. 


I just recently started getting these AI answers. You'll recognize them as the say "AI Overview" on the top left hand corner.

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15 hours ago, john510 said:

All this talk of genocide in Palestine. Was it genocide when we dropped a nuke on Japan twice because they refused to surrender ? 

Who said anything about Palestinian genocide here? Ending WW2 is false equivalent. An A bomb has never been used again since.

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14 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Fuck them! They voted for Hamas. They will never learn until they wake up from the bullshit of Radical Islam. 


Did we lower ourselves after Pearl Harbor? 9/11? The Cola Wars? 



There was no open election in this religious dictatorship. Look it up, Hamas took power in a closed vote election of militant Islamic regional leader.

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:

If you're gonna Google anything. I'd recommend scrolling down past Google's AI generated answer. All AI is programmed to lean heavily to the left. Googles's AI is apparently the most left leaning of all. 


I just recently started getting these AI answers. You'll recognize them as the say "AI Overview" on the top left hand corner.


Maybe you should pick the answers you agree with then.


As for 'AI Overview', I've never seen this. Maybe Canadian Google is different. All AI is programmed to lean heavily to the left.... I'm starting to see a pattern here.

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7 hours ago, frankendat said:

Weapons will never be smart enough to know the hearts of men. Guilty simply for being Muslim? Of course not, but you are known by the company you keep. It is hand wringing and tolerance that perpetuates this war. As for subhuman, as I have said before, I believe in the absolute personal freedom and autonomy of the individual. Humanity is then, choice and by choice, can be forfeit. But those are broad strokes, worthy of more debate and discussion than forums afford. 

In practical application, certainly in the Middle East, a gathering chanting "death to America" should be promptly introduced to a daisy cutter. Since neither we nor our weapons know the hearts of those in this war, we can only take  them at their word. 

Weak leadership, like weak parenting brings suffering, provide instruction and guidance of the correct behavior any apply consequence for deviation. The world court wants a two state solution (which will end up similar to the many attempts proffered by Israel) FINE set something up, like has been attempted over and over again. BUT and this is non debatable provision, if there is any kind of terrorist activity after the matter is adjudicated, then the police better be over run with informants and witnesses pointing the finger at the "extremists" or the "bad actors". If NOT, then kill them all. 

I would have reached this conclusion decades ago, how many more cycles of death are necessary before the world catches up? 

The cycle will not be broken with overwhelming punishment. It doesn't take a parent to know this only produces rebellion and retaliation.

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13 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I don't think no empathy is being offered or shown by those who desire to make it clear Israel's actions are not a genocide.  It also is not because they are "simply" Muslim.  Their faith explains their actions, not necessarily the actions of the adversary, or their "friends" for that matter, whom you accurately pointed out are not too keen on helping or encouraging refugees. 


I don't want any "innocent civilians" to die either, but truth be told their social system breeds support and commitment to the killing cause, with payments to suicide bombers families, rewards for killing Israelis, schools that teach only to radicalize etc.  Begs a reexamination of the concept of innocent given the circumstances.


There are consequences for their political choices, as with most peoples and governments throughout history (when the people have any choice at all...).

I don't think anyone here is saying this is genocide, so were is this coming from? Making broad generalizations about Muslims this way sounds like your judgements are passed the point of reason.

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6 hours ago, john510 said:

Palestinians and Muslims would like to see us (you included) dead and gone along with western values and religions. They're full of hatred to those that don't live like them. It's hard to feel sorry for that. I'd like to see them do their own thing and leave others alone but that's not going to happen. Why do you think neighboring countries to Palestine don't want Palestinians to enter their countries ? Because they know better ! Hopefully I didn't completely misunderstand what I responded to. 

 Because stale propaganda makes you an authority on Muslims? Maybe I didn't completely understand what you're responded to either.  

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2 hours ago, paradime said:

I don't think anyone here is saying this is genocide, so were is this coming from? Making broad generalizations about Muslims this way sounds like your judgements are passed the point of reason.


dMike said it was a genocide

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I'd fight Gandhi for a Nobel Peace prize.

You mean you would beat Gandhi for a Nobel Peace Prize. Gandhi will not fight, didn't you see the movie?

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2 hours ago, paradime said:

The cycle will not be broken with overwhelming punishment. It doesn't take a parent to know this only produces rebellion and retaliation.

Rebellion and retaliation spring from irrational, unreasonable, or misunderstood punishment. Belief that you are allowed or commanded to harm others in the name of an unseen all powerful master or face eternal punishment is irrational and unreasonable. Even belief that you must keep silent and passively support torturers, rapists and thugs or be subject to metaphysical reckoning is irrational and unreasonable.

Achieve a compromise, explain the expected behavior, provide examples, go door to door to insure the message has been spread. Do this exercise, that has been performed by the people of Gaza many times before. But, this time have some fucking resolve. 

If parameters have been deliberated, decided, land allocated, elders consulted and information publicized, then any organization, group or individual, refusing to undertake the political process for change and attempting reform through violence, intimidation, or manipulation is irrational and unreasonable, subject to reform by overwhelming punishment. 

No, I do not want to jaunt off into the theories and allegations against our Presidents. 

The evidence, both current and historical, indicates peace in unlikely because of irrational and unreasonable belief structures. These buildings of belief have stood for centuries and in my life there have been no great gains in knocking them down or modifying them to include other ideas. Unfortunately, resources and the inter contentedness of the modern world, has made it impossible to completely separate the interests of the USA from the politics (and thereby the beliefs) of the Middle East.

While any system of knowledge that predicates itself on the lack thereof, i.e. faith, is subject to scrutiny, Israel/Jews have been an ally to the West and to the USA and willing to temper fundamentalists, Pakistan/Arabs have not. 

I write the same things on this subject again and again because it is all the same and I no longer care to "solve" it. Much like why the atomic bomb was employed, the cost in lives and dollars is too high to continue to send our soldiers to root around and play shoot/don't shoot, with live ammo. Overwhelming punishment is my compromise position, if unsuccessful other avenues will present. 

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7 hours ago, paradime said:

I don't think anyone here is saying this is genocide, so were is this coming from?


5 hours ago, Ooph! said:

dMike said it was a genocide

It's also what the pro Palestine Looney Tunes keep repeating. It's like they give these woke turds the same script with the answers to every question they might be asked when it comes to all the crazy shit they believe. The comical part is when they're asked something that's not in the script. They get a panic look in their eyes and they end the interaction. They're mostly clueless about the causes they say they're so passionate about. 

Edited by IZRL
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6 hours ago, Ooph! said:


dMike said it was a genocide


I said...


On 5/22/2024 at 12:15 PM, datzenmike said:


Well they did. Both sides.


Not counting the previous 75 years of conflict and only the last 8 or so months 1,478 Israelis and over 37,000 Gazans. So 30 to one disparity. Genocide? I would have to say so, yes. Israel penned the Palestinians inside the Gaza strip. Likely told Egypt to not let them in (though I don't know for sure) blocking their exit to the south, blockaded their harbors, denied aid from Jordan to pass through Israel, told them where to gather and then blew them up, blew up hospitals and pretty much waged war on Hamas knowing there were people in the way. WTF did Hamas expect? that they could keep nibbling away at Israel using Palestinians as cover with support from Iran if things go south. Israel just said fuckitall. Netenyahu is a war criminal? Again yeah I think so, but what does he care? He can just stay in Israel. Not like a bunch of Marshals are going to knock on his door. He's be out at the next election and be revered through history as the righteous arm of the lord smiting His enemies and securing a temporary peaceful Final Solution for Israel for the next couple of decades.     


Though I'm not screaming it out. I feel that there are elements of it. I see comparisons to the Jews penned into the ghettos of Warsaw. Oh the irony!


Tell you what. Look back in ten or twenty years and see what history says about it. Even the non lefty AI infiltrated history books.

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6 hours ago, frankendat said:

You mean you would beat Gandhi for a Nobel Peace Prize. Gandhi will not fight, didn't you see the movie?


I saw the movie when it came out in the early '80s. Two things...


1/ Yes I know he was a pacifist so I'm a shoe-in for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.


2/ I was paying homage to Fight Club. Surely you've seen it?



Gandhi was extremely long at almost 200 minutes and there were no car chases. I remember thinking that India must be a beautiful country.

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10 hours ago, paradime said:

There was no open election in this religious dictatorship. Look it up, Hamas took power in a closed vote election of militant Islamic regional leader.


So this is wrong? 


Hamas is an Islamist militant group that spun off from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1980s. It took over the Gaza Strip after defeating its rival political party, Fatah, in elections in 2006.Apr 18, 2024


https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas#:~:text=Hamas is an Islamist militant,Fatah%2C in elections in 2006.

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