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Trump stated that he "Never met E Jean Carroll." and Called her a "Crazy Nut Job.". In this civil suit they (Jury) determined that she DIDNT prove he ever met or sexually assaulted her, but he "Defamed" her by denying it. 


That was the basis of the "Defamation." All of which are protected speech. If Trumps attorneys were smart he should counter sue the shit out of her in FL and watch as she would get a shit deal in their courts. Its amazing that he would get sued for denying ever meeting a person or having sex with her. 


He has enough cash to lawfare that crazy cunt into bankruptcy and probably should.  

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Wa ha ha ha the accountability dildo.... well the judgement is in, Trump has to pay $355,000,000 fine and can't operate a business in NY for 3 years. More like $450,000,000 with accrued interest and  $ding $ding $ding it's going up every second it's unpaid.. I said '24 would be an 'interest'ing year.


Interest rate is 5.5% (but perhaps 5% for 'good' customers) that's $22,500,000 a year or $1,000 a minute.



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Another one that will go through the court of appeals. A Directed Verdict is not a trial at all. Judge Engoron decided no jury wasnt needed and immediately bypassed Trumps right to a jury with a bench trial. 


This will get overturned but he has to put the 10% of the directed verdict into escrow until the appeals process is over.

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1 minute ago, Mattndew76 said:

Trump stated that he "Never met E Jean Carroll." and Called her a "Crazy Nut Job.". In this civil suit they (Jury) determined that she DIDNT prove he ever met or sexually assaulted her, but he "Defamed" her by denying it. 


That was the basis of the "Defamation." All of which are protected speech. If Trumps attorneys were smart he should counter sue the shit out of her in FL and watch as she would get a shit deal in their courts. Its amazing that he would get sued for denying ever meeting a person or having sex with her. 


He has enough cash to lawfare that crazy cunt into bankruptcy and probably should.  


Yup he should have done it right the first time.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I agree with IZRL but you lost me at Tucker. Again. He's in the entertainment biz. No one watches a show they don't like.



That's because if you are a Democrat (or GOP) you don't hang with 'the other side' so your friends vote just like you. You are insulated from reality or your 'friends' simply lied to you on about who they would vote for.. and who the hell tells everyone who they vote for? Is this high school? 

How can you know Carlson is in the entertainment business if you DON'T watch him ? I find nothing entertaining about politics. I should pay attention though because what these people do affects my life in both positive and negative ways and I need to know who I should support. And thanks for proving exactly what's wrong with those eligible to vote. Stick that head in the sand and ignore things that you might want to pay attention to. I think you can't stand Carlson because he's very good at pointing out the flaws of the liberal mind.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


A lot of my info is from here. I don't care about Stormy just the juicy bits. I think the too/doo is about where the hush money came from? Otherwise who cares?


If he was railroaded, he was financially capable of hiring good attorneys and detectives to look into it, and beating it. Surely he had some say in jury selection!!! WTF happened there? I think he could have beaten this. He had a chance to take the stand and deny it but he didn't. WTFs with that???? What does it say to you when someone refuses to deny something? Surely his council advised him to get up and say what he says in public. The jury needed to hear him say that. The public is sick and tired of old men with power like him an WeInstein. But narcissistic fuck that he is, he did it his way, tweeting and railing at the judge and everyone. Well $5,000,000 later and further defamation and now it's $87,000,000? All preventable or much less. Fuck him.     


Oh, my naive friend!  The judicial system has been twisted in every which way, the leftie liberals could think of.  He had gag orders imposed, they blocked evidence etc etc etc.  Conspiracy theories?  Sure, maybe, but I have studied lots, read lots, heard lots.  He has been railroaded & he will continue to be railroaded.  I can not wait for him to be re-elected, so he can "drain the DC swamp" AND the judicial swamp!!  It's gonna be GLORIOUS...............or this country is doomed to socialism 😡😤

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1 minute ago, yenpit said:


Oh, my naive friend!  The judicial system has been twisted in every which way, the leftie liberals could think of.  He had gag orders imposed, they blocked evidence etc etc etc.  Conspiracy theories?  Sure, maybe, but I have studied lots, read lots, heard lots.  He has been railroaded & he will continue to be railroaded.  I can not wait for him to be re-elected, so he can "drain the DC swamp" AND the judicial swamp!!  It's gonna be GLORIOUS...............or this country is doomed to socialism 😡😤

He said he was going to drain the swamp last time and didn't do it. Why would anyone believe him this time?

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Wa ha ha ha the accountability dildo.... well the judgement is in, Trump has to pay $355,000,000 fine and can't operate a business in NY for 3 years. More like $450,000,000 with accrued interest and  $ding $ding $ding it's going up every second it's unpaid.. I said '24 would be an 'interest'ing year.


Interest rate is 5.5% (but perhaps 5% for 'good' customers) that's $22,500,000 a year or $1,000 a minute.




BTW, what do you think about NY attempting to shut his business down & banning him?  Where do his constitutional rights come into play?  Do you think that he is being treated fairly?  Yup, gonna be a VERY interesting 2024!!

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4 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Oh, my naive friend!  The judicial system has been twisted in every which way, the leftie liberals could think of.  He had gag orders imposed, they blocked evidence etc etc etc.  Conspiracy theories?  Sure, maybe, but I have studied lots, read lots, heard lots.  He has been railroaded & he will continue to be railroaded.  I can not wait for him to be re-elected, so he can "drain the DC swamp" AND the judicial swamp!!  It's gonna be GLORIOUS...............or this country is doomed to socialism 😡😤


Weren't the gag orders to stop his threats against the judge and his asst.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

How can you know Carlson is in the entertainment business if you DON'T watch him ? I find nothing entertaining about politics. I should pay attention though because what these people do affects my life in both positive and negative ways and I need to know who I should support. And thanks for proving exactly what's wrong with those eligible to vote. Stick that head in the sand and ignore things that you might want to pay attention to. I think you can't stand Carlson because he's very good at pointing out the flaws of the liberal mind.


Remember John...............Mike is in another country 🤣🙄😂

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2 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

He said he was going to drain the swamp last time and didn't do it. Why would anyone believe him this time?


He brought his own swamp with him. How many of his appointees are/were in jail now or pending like Rudi

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3 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

He said he was going to drain the swamp last time and didn't do it. Why would anyone believe him this time?


Even a President is limited in what he can actually do.  It sure as hell ain't an overnight thing.  Do you actually think he could do whatever he wanted?  He was bamboozled with every turn he made, by the left.  Just like our twisted judicial system, he could only do what he could get away with, only what he could get past them.........................and he DID, but the left are cunning.  This next term, he will hopefully "clear the desktop", just like POS Brandon did, with most of Trump's policies!!  Trump 2024!!!!! 😎🙏  (once again, I ask WHY is there not an American flag emoji, here in the message system??)

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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Weren't the gag orders to stop his threats against the judge and his asst.


So they said.  If you believe that Trump actually threatened with violence, then once again, my naive friend, you are being bamboozled by YOUR news outlets............whatever they are!!  One l'il off color comment from big mouth, obnoxious Trump & they had their opportunity to create a gag order.  Again, our judicial system being leftie liberal run, they did whatever they wanted.....................

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

How can you know Carlson is in the entertainment business if you DON'T watch him ? I find nothing entertaining about politics. I should pay attention though because what these people do affects my life in both positive and negative ways and I need to know who I should support. And thanks for proving exactly what's wrong with those eligible to vote. Stick that head in the sand and ignore things that you might want to pay attention to. I think you can't stand Carlson because he's very good at pointing out the flaws of the liberal mind.


Politics is like an accident you can't look away from and can't un-see. 



2 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Even a President is limited in what he can actually do.  It sure as hell ain't an overnight thing. 

 Is 1,461 over nites not enough?

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6 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Even a President is limited in what he can actually do.  It sure as hell ain't an overnight thing.  Do you actually think he could do whatever he wanted?  He was bamboozled with every turn he made, by the left.  Just like our twisted judicial system, he could only do what he could get away with, only what he could get past them.........................and he DID, but the left are cunning.  This next term, he will hopefully "clear the desktop", just like POS Brandon did, with most of Trump's policies!!  Trump 2024!!!!! 😎🙏  (once again, I ask WHY is there not an American flag emoji, here in the message system??)

We have seen the Trump show so why would it be different this time? His tweets were unfiltered Trump, nobody altered them and they spoke for themselves what a shitshow he was. Now this is the best the GOP has to put forward to the American people? Still waiting to see who he is actually up against.

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39 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

He said he was going to drain the swamp last time and didn't do it. Why would anyone believe him this time?

He didn't drain it. I didn't think he could. He was so outnumbered. But he exposed it. 

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23 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


He brought his own swamp with him. How many of his appointees are/were in jail now or pending like Rudi

Chris Christie did a bunch to get Trump elected. Also recommended Trump not bring on Flynn and Sessions (others whose names escape me). However, many years ago Christie as NJ AG chose to indict a Kushner for solicitation of prostitution - Jared's dad or uncle i believe. 21 January 17 Christie shows up at 1600 Pee Aaay Avenue ready to go to work and is immediately and unceremoniously shooed away by Kushner loyalists and Trump went along with it. I don't believe he and Christie have spoken since. Trump had high hopes and good ideas but he deferred to and empowered Jared to the detriment of his administration. Yes. Definitely brought his own swamp and exposed his orange talley whacker to the invasive reptilian species of his own introduction and it cost him dearly. Fun fact: Trump made significant in-roads with all voters in '20 with the exception of white males. He actually lost white male voters - you know that same group that Bill told Hill she desperately needed to court in '16 and didn't......? Cheeto Mussolini forgot that you're supposed to save a dance or two for them what brung ya to the sock hop. 

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


Remember John...............Mike is in another country 🤣🙄😂


John thinks I'm from another planet. (close enough) Looking in and witnessing what's going on I can't see how anyone could dredge up an ounce of pity for Him. He's a narcissist who's oblivious to his world crumbling around him and is blind to the fact that it's all his fault. He cannot entertain the thought that he's the cause of his own undoing. This is what you get for surrounding yourself with yes men and not taking good advice. The chickens have come home to roost and more are on the way.   

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


John thinks I'm from another planet. (close enough) Looking in and witnessing what's going on I can't see how anyone could dredge up an ounce of pity for Him. He's a narcissist who's oblivious to his world crumbling around him and is blind to the fact that it's all his fault. He cannot entertain the thought that he's the cause of his own undoing. This is what you get for surrounding yourself with yes men and not taking good advice. The chickens have come home to roost and more are on the way.   

I'd call it a different reality. The rest of what I quoted from you says it all. 

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13 hours ago, john510 said:

How can you know Carlson is in the entertainment business if you DON'T watch him ? I find nothing entertaining about politics. I should pay attention though because what these people do affects my life in both positive and negative ways and I need to know who I should support. And thanks for proving exactly what's wrong with those eligible to vote. Stick that head in the sand and ignore things that you might want to pay attention to. I think you can't stand Carlson because he's very good at pointing out the flaws of the liberal mind.




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1 hour ago, john510 said:

He's a narcissist who's oblivious to his world crumbling around him and is blind to the fact that it's all his fault. He cannot entertain the thought that he's the cause of his own undoing.

Wait, are we talking about Brandon or the Orange Man?


Seems the description could fit both.


(Sarcasm font again please)

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Orange man for sure, but " oblivious to his world crumbling around him " would also fit Brandon.


America needs a hero. Then they will see how ridiculous these two old men really are. I'm sure they 'see' it now but are somehow in denial and willing to overlook what is obvious to others.



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