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Covid-19 Prepared?

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13 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

I'll take a jab at what could be causing this but it might be a shot in the dark.




I am NOT a scientist, but I have always at least paid attention to what was going on in life around me.  My gf & I made the decision early on, to NOT get the jab & we have continued to adamantly read, watch, listen etc to everything that was going on within the larger group of those that did.  As time passed, we were GLAD that we made that decision.  We both know people DIRECTLY that are having heart issue.........people that should not be having heart issues.  The other thing we have seen IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, are the greatly increased numbers of deaths from heart related issues in normal middle aged people, young people & especially healthy ATHLETES!  Like he said, why hasn't the main stream media or others started screaming bloody murder about this?  Because these facts are continuing to be brushed under the rug, ignored.  I am confident that the poop is going to hit the fan, but those directly involved in these horrible decisions will likely walk ie Fauci etc.  It is a travesty.  It is disgusting.  Why oh why was the stipulation made very early on, that the pharmaceutical companies could NOT be sued over complications?  When we saw that, we were blown away in disgust & confusion!  This has never been & won't ever be "I told you so!" situation for us, in regards to friends & family, but....................😑  

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The trouble with personal observations is they are always more believable/trusted than actual gathered facts.  


They may get sued out of existence but far and away not everyone will be compensated when the tit goes dry. What's left? Well the government could step in and make payments or you are just shit outa luck.


Re excess deaths....

Perhaps many of these excess deaths could be attributed to stress/high BP. (having to wear masks, closures, quarantines, no travel, lack of services, almost no outside socializing... the fallout from co-vid is staggering. Don't tell me you were not stressed at times) I know early on I had to recognize this and make a determined effort to simply say fuckitall and carry on. Others may not be able to, and if already at risk this may have pushed them over the edge. As well there is the opioid overdose epidemic and difficulty seeing a physician on a regular basis. The cause is not clear ... yet, no not that.   




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The vast majority of people will ignore everything that they are seeing if it says they have made the wrong decision or they have been duped. The tipping point will be when the large numbers who are lying to themselves about what they have done to themselves realises what they have done to their kids. If the numbers start adding up like they are for the older people that's when shit hits the fan. They are not going to be able to take on the full burden of guilt and responsibility for potentially killing or permanently injurying their own child and are going to need to shift that to the people who made them do it.


The deaths in the younger ones is starting already, 12 yr old kids having heart attacks, takes a faIr bit of stress to kill a 12 yr old heart....


 Remind people who made them take it for their political and financial gain. Start with politicians.  



no covid amnesty bullshit from me. 

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1 hour ago, Str8jacket said:

The vast majority of people will ignore everything that they are seeing if it says they have made the wrong decision or they have been duped. The tipping point will be when the large numbers who are lying to themselves about what they have done to themselves realises what they have done to their kids. If the numbers start adding up like they are for the older people that's when shit hits the fan. They are not going to be able to take on the full burden of guilt and responsibility for potentially killing or permanently injurying their own child and are going to need to shift that to the people who made them do it.


The deaths in the younger ones is starting already, 12 yr old kids having heart attacks, takes a faIr bit of stress to kill a 12 yr old heart....


 Remind people who made them take it for their political and financial gain. Start with politicians.  



no covid amnesty bullshit from me. 


Agree.  I too have seen reports of heart failure in teens, which is horrible, but these parents that are having their younger CHILDREN jabbed is beyond comprehension for me................but that is because I saw this quite a long time ago & I know better (at least that's how I feel today).  I can't even imagine the level of guilt these parents (I never had kids) are potentially going to have, if/when their children develop issues.............but you are also correct in the level of denial that will ultimately come with it.  "It's all conspiracy theories & I don't believe ANY of it!".  Then why are your children having heart issues? 😑


It sickens me to even think about this, but these things need to be discussed..............☹️

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News flash. Young people and teens do have heart attacks and did long before 2019. Surely you have heard of a teen athlete dropping dead during a game, it happens but mercifully it's rare. The issue here is if this is outside the normal rate. That is for insurance actuaries and statisticians who keep track of these things not the average shmo who thinks they know better. Just sayin I am certainly not convinced but you can bet your ass I am paying attention and will be watching.

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15 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

News flash. Young people and teens do have heart attacks and did long before 2019. Surely you have heard of a teen athlete dropping dead during a game, it happens but mercifully it's rare. The issue here is if this is outside the normal rate. That is for insurance actuaries and statisticians who keep track of these things not the average shmo who thinks they know better. Just sayin I am certainly not convinced but you can bet your ass I am paying attention and will be watching.


I am NOT a shmo!! 😝


What that video is pointing out IS that the numbers of heart related deaths HAVE increased.  The second Epoch Times video showed the insurance statistics.  I do not disagree that young people have heart attacks/issues, but what is currently coming out are these studies illustrating the INCREASE.  Mike, like I said, I hate that this is even happening..........but it is starting to look like it is more & more likely, that these issues are on the rise.  Exactly why is still left to be seen.........😑

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9 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

No, you are not a shmo.


I agree that it sure looks like there are an increase in unexpected deaths and as they said 18-4? something. I have no idea what the rate is for children under 18, and why was it not included? 


Well, I'm GUESSING because there has not been a full on study yet........??  Wonder if that is because the jab for 5-12 year olds came out much more recently..........?? 

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


I am NOT a shmo!! 😝


What that video is pointing out IS that the numbers of heart related deaths HAVE increased.  The second Epoch Times video showed the insurance statistics.  I do not disagree that young people have heart attacks/issues, but what is currently coming out are these studies illustrating the INCREASE.  Mike, like I said, I hate that this is even happening..........but it is starting to look like it is more & more likely, that these issues are on the rise.  Exactly why is still left to be seen.........😑


         And,I'm sure,will all be attributed to the flu,not Covid.

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15 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

I could be considered shmo material. And average. 😐


My Mom (Mum 😁) would call me a schmo every once in a while, when I was being goofy! 🤪

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2 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

1:44 is the interesting bit


"We need to look for another cause" wtf could it possibly be? I mean if unvaxed don't seem to have heart problems after covid and the vaxed do... wtf could the cause be? 


I'm still leaning towards climate change, or solar flares. It's a toss up between the two. 

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27 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

"We need to look for another cause" wtf could it possibly be? I mean if unvaxed don't seem to have heart problems after covid and the vaxed do... wtf could the cause be? 


I'm still leaning towards climate change, or solar flares. It's a toss up between the two. 


Pretty sure it's glyphosate...yeah, that's it 

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