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Sweet connection to make. A good bit of time spent with Datsuns represented there for sure! Oh...


One more thing...




Oh...and the smileys really suck now...and the entire thing that Ratsun has become...CURSING!!!!!!!!!!!

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I got my tires from onlinetires.com. It was a great deal. The only thing I have to say about this company is don't be in a hurry. It took two weeks to get them, but is was worth it.


I drove to town today in the MX520!


Here are a few pics I took at the liquor store.






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This is my favorite vehicle in the world.........:fu:


If I had a million dollars and could buy anything.... I would buy this truck......and never paint it......maybe a satin clear coat


But seriously.....my only complaint about this truck was the old wheels stuck out too far.......but now it is perfect....


Bob3 you're my hero.........................................................can we see how low it can go?

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Thats like the opposite of this pic...




I was more than likely not quite to the 100 mark due to speedo gear issues...


Those gauges look stinkin awesome man! Were you at the track for this pic? I mean....of course you were...and so was I when I took the above picture.


Closed course, fully trained professionals, safety measures in place, insurance paid in full.:lol:


Oh...let me know about your desire for a 521...I could be serious this time...:blink:


And on the Goon...I still know of a really good starter car in Nebraska...been parked for years, fairly straight...400 bucks.Light blue.

Edited by denveratsun
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Bob That little 520 has so much class Great job!


Thanks alot. I'm looking forward to having some fun with it. I can't wait for spring!


My wife and I are planning to attend Canby in 2010. I hope they have an auto cross. We'll see what other Dattos can hang . . . . LOL

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