Oh man...its been a while!!
Pulled motor, removed header/intake, removed "Nissan OHC" valve cover, removed roasted ass clutch assembly, degreased and cleaned freegin EVERYTHING!!!, polished-painted-cleaned, had flywheel resurfaced, reassembled clutch/pressure plate, all new seals-o rings-gaskets on motor, (contemplated deleting coolant flow to intake...decided to leave it for the time being since Denver winter is coming RIGHT up!...
Wired garage for 220, borrowed friends welder, fixed broken passenger side shock mount/upper control arm mounting area (cracked almost completely off frame...found 521 in Junk yard and cut entire assembly off donor truck), welded cracked passenger side motor mount, (By the way... :rolleyes: anyone else ever notice how really crummy a lot of the welds are on a 521 frame? I havent actually welded in almost 6 years and I'm not saying I'm great at it...but after looking at what I was replacing I fely way better about it!)
painted frame area, created battery mount tray from Scout 80 glovebox door, installed junk yard find "new"....truly almost brand new... :D ...tie rod ends, relay rod and idler arm assembly
Its been apart a long time...I've been busy on the 69 Dodge as well... :huh:
Motor goes in today! :rolleyes: