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Why not a new signiture?

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    Why can't we have a nice,original picture,in this forum.

other than an (obviously) P51 Mustang type one?

         IF there were any WW II Veterans here,I feel would be

really offended by Fishe's (sp) posting.



                                     - Doug

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A Juke! What the fuck is wrong with you! Next you will be wanting lace panties!

I just can't go on knowing you think I was in any way serious about the Juke. I was egging a troll thread bud.


And I hate lace panties. They give me yeast infections. I stick with cotton.

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Isn't than an American plane? Why would any WWII vet be offended by that?



I'd be more concerned with rising suns getting people's panties in a wad. 




Rising sun panties?....I think we already had that thread :lol: 

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