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Your moms aunt Flo's 411

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Thanks,, but you could have pointed it out BEFORE i pressed the collar on..


On a even more uplifting note,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  at least i know what all those bolts and nuts were for ,,,,,,,,, in the god damn metal coffee can i kicked over yesterday............ They went everywhere ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e v e r y w h e r e



I should just give up and buy a camaro.

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I gots pics but am to pissed off to go on photobucket and be abused by that stupid computer locking up sum-bitch.

and now that my creamy sugar loaded coffee is now gone,,,,,,,,,,,, i shall go resume the swift kick to the balls this car has become in the last couple days.




you're welcome

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, photobucket  makes me sad
Made this to put bearings and collars on since my press is tits up at the moment.
used this to balance axle on while i pounded the crap out of it.

Wheel cylinders are 70 510 since they were about $100. less each than "roadster" ones


And finally ran brand new brakelines ,,,,,,, not exactly sure where u-bolts will sit so lines aren't completely tight up against housing and as straight as i would like them just yet......................
Could they have thought up a more complicated frickin parking brake ,,,, Jesus tap dancing Christ!!??

and for the record fuck you photobucket ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuuuuuck you

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Yep.... what really got me comparing was my friend Bill (and his kids) have many 411s  and i thought he mentioned he was going to use them on the SSS he is getting back on the road for his grand daughter to drive to high school next year...... As much as i talk you would think i wasn't listening,,,,,  but somehow info gets through that steady stream ..........................................once in a while.


:rofl: :rofl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tires are 215/60/13 in rear.


 cut the front 1 1/2 coils since nose was waaaaaaaaay up there  and looked awkward as fuck..........




This is where it sits now ,,, not going any lower as i go up really bumpy gravel roads on a regular basis







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These are Daytons i have had forever ,, but when they give up the ghost i am going to buy a pair of hard pavement treaded Hoosier racing tires that are the same size-ish.   Hoosiers aren't cheap though,,, and they have a softer tread so they will wear out waaaaay faster.

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Looking good, Nice job on the rear axle swap!
Is there room for a wheel spacer on the rear to bring the rear tire out like the front?

Yeah but if i do move them outward i will have to roll the fenders and that steel is way thick and will probably crack the hell out of that cheap-ass paint they used... I have the lug bolts already but just didn't firure i needed to put them in yet.  I am going to order some 1 or 1 1/8  inch spacers so i can run my taller winter tires without it looking so weird,,, like a roadster going down the road............................

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