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Homeless cat

Guest Rick-rat

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Guest Rick-rat

2eDeYe" post="1246889" timestamp="1430835684"]


Good to hear you are ok. :)


Do you need any panels for the truck? Hope it's not too badly damaged, it's one of the nicest 620's I know of.



The bed is completely salvageable, will become a convertible rat-rod if I buy it back. hit on the outside of the frame, don't think it is bent, need a closer look


If I buy it back it will probably be to part it out

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Rick I know it's not as nice but you can straight up have my blue kc. If the engine from your truck is salvageable shouldn't be too hard to drop it into the kc

I'm down to help make that happen.


Does she run rick? Or Is the rad fucked and you can't try?

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 i have put a dent in the windshield like that a couple times and, it's probably a good idea to just let the truck go for awhile,, and just catch up on peoples court re-runs. 


It will still be there when your better.. :)

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Rick, 9 times outta 10 that collision will bend the frame.  Anything can be fixed.  But some things are better replaced.  I think you are on the right track finding the pieces that are salvageable, and bringing new life to another truck.  I'm so glad to see the steering wheel not collapsed and caked in blood.  Trees are assholes who never respect the rules of the road.  I say you go get a piece of that tree and carve a fucking shifter knob outta the heart wood.  

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I'm so glad to see the steering wheel not collapsed and caked in blood. Trees are assholes who never respect the rules of the road. I say you go get a piece of that tree and carve a fucking shifter knob outta the heart wood.

all of this


And that would be a badass shifter knob

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i would buy back ... it will prolly be 300 but they arent gonna give u much eiither ... but stand yor ground insurance co's are out to fuck anyone and everyone...... i bought my van back after freakin out to get just 5500 for it ... they wanted to give me 2500.00 or something i stripped that bitch of all my parts and more and took the shell to scraper for tweaker prices but still i was money ahead as u would be getting it back 

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Daaannnng that sucks.  Glad you didn't get tore up too bad.  Like everybody else said, this was one of the best looking 620's I have seen.






on a side note, and not to be a thread jacker but.......

its my 1200th post......maybe I should stop right here.

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