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INSMNCS: John Cain

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So, I annoyed, ride the shoulder and pass him and three other slow added in a big shower of dust.



It just infuriates me, the level of ass-hattery in the driving public. 


These 2 sentences are rather circular.


I get that you were frustrated but you sunk to his level to try and prove a point to, by your own description, a moron.  You went on to your haircut still annoyed, and still annoyed enough to keep bitching about it here. He most likely went home telling anyone who would listen how he showed you up and taught you a lesson as the self-appointed WA State trooper of the day. 


It's a pointless endeavor to try and prove jack shit while still behind the wheel.  It's puts way to many other people at risk, for ultimately what reason?  You are a better dickhead driver than the other guy?



And don't get me wrong, I've done stupid shit too.  I've just learned over the years shit like that just ain't worth risking innocent or moronic lives on the road.


Driving is a privilege, not a right and must be treated as such by the more responsible driver.

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I drive about 16 miles a day on a straight highway with a 55mph speed limit. Police are on that road all the time. I cruise about 62 or 63... It's my goal to bait people into speeding tickets when they try to pass.. And when they do pass.... I see them at every stoplight.


Just lock it in and enjoy the ride.

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I drive about 16 miles a day on a straight highway with a 55mph speed limit. Police are on that road all the time. I cruise about 62 or 63... It's my goal to bait people into speeding tickets when they try to pass.. And when they do pass.... I see them at every stoplight.


Just lock it in and enjoy the ride.

I used to do that in my scout all the time. The road I drove to and from work had a 45 mph speed limit was 2 lanes each way with 4 lights before I turned off. I would just drive down the road (speedo said 80) and get passed by some angry asshat see him at the next light and I would wave and laugh. My all time favorite is getting to the light right when it turns green a going buy the guy stopped at the light.

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I used to do that in my scout all the time. The road I drove to and from work had a 45 mph speed limit was 2 lanes each way with 4 lights before I turned off. I would just drive down the road (speedo said 80) and get passed by some angry asshat see him at the next light and I would wave and laugh. My all time favorite is getting to the light right when it turns green a going buy the guy stopped at the light.

I had a guy do that to me on my big rig couple times....they would do 53 55....I would go around at about 60 and next thing I know he be right by by side matching my speed and just sitting there....I put my blinker.....blinked 3x....nothing....he would continue.....I faked coming over....nothing.....so at this point I would take a good look around for smokeys then I introduced them to the shoulder.....good times......I'll do it again in a heartbeat :thumbup:

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The speed limit from here to town is 50mph and slows to 25 past the high school ,,  i can't count the times i have been caught behind someone going 40 and maaaybe 45 in the 50 zone ,,, then they go 45 through the school zone and slam on brakes going into the traffic circles..




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These 2 sentences are rather circular.


I get that you were frustrated but you sunk to his level to try and prove a point to, by your own description, a moron.  You went on to your haircut still annoyed, and still annoyed enough to keep bitching about it here. He most likely went home telling anyone who would listen how he showed you up and taught you a lesson as the self-appointed WA State trooper of the day. 


It's a pointless endeavor to try and prove jack shit while still behind the wheel.  It's puts way to many other people at risk, for ultimately what reason?  You are a better dickhead driver than the other guy?



And don't get me wrong, I've done stupid shit too.  I've just learned over the years shit like that just ain't worth risking innocent or moronic lives on the road.


Driving is a privilege, not a right and must be treated as such by the more responsible driver.


I'll give you that.  I was less the asshat, but still an asshat.  But yeah, I'm working on not doing that so much.  Seems harder than usual lately.  I'm blaming terrorists.  Still, if the first dickhead hadn't dickhead blocked me on purpose...yeah...fuck it, it's circular.  Dammit.  I still want to find that dipshit college kid and thump his skull for him.

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What is it about drivers today? I'm leaving Cheney, and it goes from 45-55 and the whole lane is going slow on the left, so I get in the right and start passing. Some dickhead sees me and pulls in front to block me. So, I annoyed, ride the shoulder and pass him and three other slow added in a big shower of dust. Again in the truck. So I get on the highway, leave them all in the dust and motherfucker catches me on the hill and zips in front between me and another car, right next to a semi. So I flash him and debate pushing his Honda into the concrete barrier but figure that would'nt be good for my truck or the truck driver. So after a minute of that I back off a bit since I already won when he tried to block me. And the fucking moron cuts over three lanes to get the exit I normally take, but I was headed for a haircut. Motherfucking shitheads! Why can't people who don't understand how traffic is efficient get off the roads?!



Yeah, the biggest annoyance is the motherfucking chickenshit does his thing, then gets over as soon as he can.  Fucking infuriating.  Wouldn't look at me when I went past him either.  I had a haircut, but shit like this makes me want to get an 80's Chevy pickup with a gigantic bullbar and start ramming motherfuckers like that.  I wouldn't feel bad fucking up the grill of a gigantic piece of iron.  I think I need the Marauder for my next drive to work.




Been there, done that.   :)  It just infuriates me, the level of ass-hattery in the driving public.  If a guy had done that on the race track to block me in, that's fine, I don't care.  At least he would be racing, not poking the fuck around at 35 in a 45.  Every day I see more and more people who don't understand driving.  They can't maintain speed, they can't go the speed limit or slightly over, they don't know how to anticipate driver's actions ahead of them, and they don't understand dew points so drive 20 mph BELOW the speed limit when it rains and the temperature is 40 degrees!!!


FUCKING MORONS!!!  Why do we make it so easy to get a driver's license in this country?!



True, but the more I work out and get more stamina and bigger arms, the more I want to try out the new strength on the idiot's head.   ;)  And no, I'm not taking roids.  I think I've just finally grown tired of people after 8 years in customer service/slinging parts.



Good thing I normally drive alone. ;)  But very true RVD.  If the chick had been in the car, I would have likely cussed him out from the driver's seat and let it go.



I'll give you that.  I was less the asshat, but still an asshat.  But yeah, I'm working on not doing that so much.  Seems harder than usual lately.  I'm blaming terrorists.  Still, if the first dickhead hadn't dickhead blocked me on purpose...yeah...fuck it, it's circular.  Dammit.  I still want to find that dipshit college kid and thump his skull for him.



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