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Advice on first person killing games.

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Both older sons are pretty much house bound as they are addicted to those type games.  One set track record at his high school ( i might mention a very athletically dominant high school) ,, but has always struggled to make passing grades,, even now in community college...  The other was sent to George Washington University last summer for medical summer programs ( as a high school sophmore) because of his grades..

   Would i rather them both be out chasing trouble like me and his mom did in school??  Having most of our friends from school  either dead years ago or spent time in prison ,,, or both,,,,,,,,,,, probably not.


Just as pornography doesn't make your kid a rapist,, or rock n roll turn you into a drug addict. 




ALTHOUGH ,, since this whiney ass post(its) Post(ass)  shit came up again i would like to address MY take on it.

      .  Wouldn't marrying a woman HALF your age ,, send a huge message to a impressionable daughter that dating guys twice her age is completely acceptable ?? Or is that another "do as i whine about,, not as i do" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type thing??

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^ nailed it. video games were around when some of us older ratsuners were growing up

but as soon as somebody shouted LOOK, HOT CHICKS!! we'd drop everything and hop on our bikes


fast forward: guy i know brought his gamer son to a waterpark

kid's eyes were glued to his ds so ignored all the frolicking girls in their bikinis

so his dad had to do all the drooling himself :rofl:

My nephew does this at the race track, I fight with him all night to put down the ds and watch some racing or clean some mud off the racecar.
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I think it would be helpful if we make a distinction between cognitive differentiation (reality vs simulated reality), and establishing fixed neural pathways through repeated simulation. A child exposed to domestic violence, first hand or witnessed, will develop different brain structure than a child in a safe household. This occurs regardless of race, education, or socioeconomic background. You wouldn't take a 7 year old child to see the exorcist, then explain this was make believe and expect they wouldn't be effected by it.


I think there is merit in saying not all kids react the same though. Child development is a bio-psycho-social construct. Meaning a kid may have natural athletic or cognitive ability, but they may also be shy, or obnoxious. The environment this child is born into will value these traits differently and reflect positively or negatively. In this internal external exchange a child develops a self image, a sense of security, and a way of viewing the world.


That being said, there are stimulation and nutrition/chemical inputs that also modify/alter feelings and behavior. I can see a marked difference in my sons behavior after playing fast paced competitive video games. This environment is self centered instant gratification with no consequence for behavior. A few hours of that and he becomes more selfish, aggressive, and disrespectful. You may say that's just part of being a teenager, but this has been evident sense he started playing on electronics 4 years ago. When his grades have dropped we cut him off from electronics until he brings them back up. Within a week he's a different person, more engaged, happier, creative, and so on. As soon as he goes back on, he's brutish, distant, and acting like a smart ass. Is he aware of this... hell no, but it's night and day out here. 


I don't think it's as easy as saying "this isn't real", because there is a huge gap between conscious self awareness and reality. Just ask a drunk if they're OK to drive and you'll see what I mean. I think self awareness is a key factor in all of this. I would feel more comfortable trusting my son's ability to deal with these games if he showed he was on top of it. As of yet though, I think his maturity level leave him vulnerable to negative programming and addiction to that stimulation. Maybe it is like a drug, there is a natural progression of escalating stimulation input. Mindcraf being the gateway drug and GTA being heroine. 

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ALTHOUGH ,, since this whiney ass post(its) Post(ass)  shit came up again i would like to address MY take on it.

      .  Wouldn't marrying a woman HALF your age ,, send a huge message to a impressionable daughter that dating guys twice her age is completely acceptable ?? Or is that another "do as i whine about,, not as i do" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type thing??





I knew that would get ya'll riled :rofl:






















































On that note,time for a dong pics ready for it?






My cream filled














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You may be on to something there John, and yes it does justify limiting his gaming. I came into this with pretty fixed ideas, and although my thinking has changed, I can't say this has changed my decision. None of this changes the fact that most of my son's social peer group spends their time in a place we won't let him go. Justified or not, this creates resentment and a textbook boundary for him to rebel against. If I have any hope in making this work, I realize his resentment is something I must accept with greater compassion. I can say with certainty the overdeveloped tough guy rigidity act ante working.


In all reality this is like asking "what color should I paint my car?", this is my family, my home, bla bla bla. I'm thankful for this discussion though. It's given me a chance to hear thoughtful and intelligent perspectives on the subject. And from the real gamers viewpoint. 


Thanks again y'all. 


Now back to normal programing



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My nephew does this at the race track, I fight with him all night to put down the ds and watch some racing or clean some mud off the racecar.


Simple way to solve that.  "Accidentally" spill grape soda on his DS.  Or ask him to help you move a tire and have a helper move the DS in the way of the tire, then roll the car over it. ;)  I'm sure I did the same thing with my Nintendo Gameboy at some time when I was a kid, but usually Dad would smack me in the back of the head to deter too much time with it, lol.

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You may be on to something there John, and yes it does justify limiting his gaming. I came into this with pretty fixed ideas, and although my thinking has changed, I can't say this has changed my decision. None of this changes the fact that most of my son's social peer group spends their time in a place we won't let him go. Justified or not, this creates resentment and a textbook boundary for him to rebel against. If I have any hope in making this work, I realize his resentment is something I must accept with greater compassion. I can say with certainty the overdeveloped tough guy rigidity act ante working.


In all reality this is like asking "what color should I paint my car?", this is my family, my home, bla bla bla. I'm thankful for this discussion though. It's given me a chance to hear thoughtful and intelligent perspectives on the subject. And from the real gamers viewpoint. 


Thanks again y'all. 


Now back to normal programing





Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?!  Mark it zero!


Seriously though, have you given any thought to GT4 or carting?  Or paintball?  Paintball is real, and it really hurts and involves guns.  Something like that is not only fun, but it brings to mind the reality or projectile weapons.  Plus you might get to organize some outings with the other kids who play evil games.  And it might be fun to bring your allen key with you in your pocket and after they krono your gun, turn that shit up to 11 and pelt the little shits.  Just sayin' :)

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Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?! Mark it zero!


Seriously though, have you given any thought to GT4 or carting? Or paintball? Paintball is real, and it really hurts and involves guns. Something like that is not only fun, but it brings to mind the reality or projectile weapons. Plus you might get to organize some outings with the other kids who play evil games. And it might be fun to bring your allen key with you in your pocket and after they krono your gun, turn that shit up to 11 and pelt the little shits. Just sayin' :)

I've tested this myself and slower hurts more, the ball doesn't break so it has a more harsh impact and transfer of energy. A faster ball still hurts like a mother fucker though if it hits you right.

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After viewing that vid I'm rather appalled. What next?...  rape beatings and torture, child molesting /murders ?  Is there no limit to our depravity?

This POS.


I am disappoint.

Well...You actually have to do that for this misson

Hope your anger isn't directed towards me didn't mean to piss anyone off just wanted people to know that violence in games in progressing. I like to play violent games it's entertainment because it's stuff I would never dare do in real life. I enjoy the 1st & 3rd person shooters the thriller style games but that's not all I play or buy, some are just way too twisted and demented for me to want to sit in front of my tv screen to play. I think some shooters or violent games are ok depending on how graphic they are and the mind set the kid has ,c.o.d or call of duty for the non hip folks in here isn't that bad if you think about some of the other titles that are out are plenty times over worse than it.

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Whilst you America haters carry on,,,, i might suggest you look up where the company that actually made the video game is based,,, Hint ,, it's FUCKING POLAND!! ..  But you guys keep up the good fight and someday you can tell your grandchildren how you were able to shelter their parents,,, from all the EVIL that is the United States of America..
  Maybe you should think about  bubble wrapping them too.
 looks alot like Dick Cheneys America in here tonight.

This is what freedom looks like. God bless America, our cup runneth over.

WAY to do your research


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