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body shop disaster

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I payd a bodyshop 3k 

told them they could  take there time 

no rush 


id say half way done 


but they let my car sit out in the rain 

and the whole engine bay is covered with a good amount of surface rust

not to mention its completely taken apart so water also got inside  


I went up to the manager asked for a end date 

and had him write it on paper 

although it now sits under a roof 


i am still scared that it might just start bubbling after the paint job 

they told me they would sand it down 

but I think it needs a chemical like rust mort 

to get into the crevices 



any body have any suggestions ?

or any plans I might want to think about?

or could I just sue the bastard later on?


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Sorry, but you are an idiotic. Get references before turning your car over to anybody you don't know. Never pay in advance and get a completion time in writing and a guarantee. Never say take your time!!!! You should stay involved with any work at all times and often show up unannounced. Ask lots of questions. A fool and his money are soon parted.

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Sorry, but you are an idiot. Get references before turning your car over to anybody you don't know. Never pay in advance and get a completion time in writing and a guarantee. Never say take your time!!!! You should stay involved with any work at all times and often show up unannounced. Ask lots of questions. A fool and his money are soon parted.

God help me!


I agree with DM.


Had to check OP's user name, I was sure it was Laotsu trolling (again)

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I lost it. Now edited.




Sorry, but you are an idiotic. Get references before turning your car over to anybody you don't know. Never pay in advance and get a completion time in writing and a guarantee. Never say take your time!!!! You should stay involved with any work at all times and often show up unannounced. Ask lots of questions. A fool and his money are soon parted.




Wasn't / Isn't intended to hurt feelings but a statement of fact. (maybe a 12 hour temp ban?)

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There should be more to this story.  I don't know of any bodyshop who lets cars that are prepped for paint sit outside.  Oh yeah, NEVER pay the full amount up front if it's a job that will take longer than a day.  That IS stupid.

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I lost it. Now edited.







Wasn't / Isn't intended to hurt feelings but a statement of fact. (maybe a 12 hour temp ban?)

developmentally challenged would be the nice thing to say Dmike

its ok we've all been on all sides of this coin pondking

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The original poster has 320 posts, he has been here long enough to understand how it works here. :lol:


The worst thing you can say is , "Take your time, no rush", it gives the place an excuse to bump your work, and you likely will not get any better of a job for a better price.

Now if they offer that option of doing it when they have extra time, you ask, "how long if I go with that option?", if they say anything longer than a month, forget it.

I am self employed, I have customers say that to me all the time, I turn to them and say, "so if I get it done by next month, that will be good?", it's never good, what is good is ASAP, and that is what you want, as there is less chance of stuff getting stolen or damaged, ASAP is the only way 90 percent of the time.

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I pulled my Toyota out of a body shop when they failed to meet their commitment. They gave me a price and requested $500 down which I agreed to. I decided to show up unannounced a couple weeks later only to find Nothing done on it...So I politely told them I will take a refund on my down and asked them nicely to bring my vehicle to the front. The owner tried to dissuade me from taking my business elsewhere...I smiled and told him that maybe his next customer will be just as important to him as I seem to be now. I ended up having Santini's in Westminster shoot it and I couldn't have been happier.

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I appreciate the comments 

even if some might consider to be a downer 


this is my first car 

my first experience dealing with a shop 

I actually would like to learn from it 



I trusted the guy because of another friend 

I seen the work 

and was told it would be done the same 


3k up front 

was a bad move 

but I had the money 

and if I would of kept it 

I know i would of spend it 


Im just wondering how I could start working on a positive outcome 

to an optimistic beginning with a complete f*ck over for the moment 



do you think I should pull my car and sue him for my money back?


oh and of course heres some oics 





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you gotta figure out what you want to do,


if it were me I would just tell them you already filed with the court and they will be getting a letter of intent from you,

demand full refund and buy a sprayer and compressor with the money.


it's easy to give hard ass advice online, but actually defending yourself can be tuff,

you gotta do what you want and be a dick if ya have too.


otherwise just let them finish the job

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I would pull the car, spend some time looking for a shop with a good reputation, get references from more than 1 person, can't believe I'm saying this but.....check social media.


I told a body shop to take their time.....they took 10 months.  I knew the owner and was prepared to wait as I had other Datsun business to do in my garage.

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Try to salvage the relationship;

Ask the shop owner for a progress bill to see what portion of the job has been completed?

Ask the shop owner how many more weeks complete the car?

Ask the shop owner how much more money it will cost you to complete the car?

Based on the answers, decide to continue the relationship or pick up the car and take somewhere else.


Remember, you are relying on the shop to stand by their work in the future. If you turn the relationship into an adversarial one you will regret it for as long as you own the car.


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What I have found is that once a shop cashes that check they begin to see a "take your time" project as a profit loss. Your check went to pay the power bill months ago and in their mind they need to focus on making more money for next months bills, not loosing money working on your car. It is a huge disincentive to go back and finish it, because your money's already been spent, by them

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he signed for feb 20 2015 


sandblasting I think would ruin the car 


I was wondering if many would agree that after the end date if the car was not complete 

and the car was being destroyed by negligence 

then I could sue and win 


for a full refund 


i think acid dipping would be the right way to go 


Im not sure what do to do 

I just want a positive outcome 


whether I have to step in or not 

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Just let them finish it and see what happens, it might be just fine.


Feb 20th would not have made me happy, but you did tell them originally there was no rush, sit it out, and visit the shop every once in a while, don't say nothing unless they ask you something, telling them how to do the work only will cause friction, you don't want friction, you want them to finish the job ASAP.

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I lost it. Now edited.






Wasn't / Isn't intended to hurt feelings but a statement of fact. (maybe a 12 hour temp ban?)

Lol!!! That was French for Welcome to Ratsun. Mike's Canadian.


Back to the topic:

I'd say stay on them, show up like mentioned before and if they don't meet your guide lines, standards, etc... already have another shop and lawyer lined up. 'Dat' simple.

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