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America needs a bunch of never worked for a damn thing millionaires to tell us what the right thing is to do just like we need Hillary to tell us how to not be corrupt as fuck...not at all. I love how it was totally relevant actors in that vid...




I don't think there's a millionaire in that lot. Most of these guys are praying to get some voice-over work as a spunky queef offering advice from under the skirt of the next Disney princess. Hot lips is now just "lips", BJ looks like he hasn't had one since M*A*S*H ended and Martin Sheen is so old he's lost his ability to hide his contempt for the average American.

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You know, I lost a small amount of respect for everyone in that.


I think Trump is or still is taking intelligence briefings but he's right to say "These were the guys who sold us on weapons of mass destruction"  They seriously need to have their choker chain jerked really hard.

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He's not representing the folks who voted for him, he's not draining the swamp, he's not prosecuting Hillary, he's not even getting intelligence briefings. This is not only our hand shaker, he is going to be our Commander in Chief. The top ranking military officer isn't working with our intelligence agency. What exactly is left to his charade? Or is it just pride people hold to defend their vote? I'm baffled. Hillary out. So why now Trump? If we can boot both and have the electors choose a qualified third what's the issue?

He's not president yet , I have doubts about his promises but he's our only hope.


The experience qualification bullshit. Obama had none, still nobody can put a finger on his plan, success, legacy.

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The DemocRats hacked the DemocRats.





When I first started to hear bits on this the talk was it was directed by 0bama, being as much as the 0bama's hate the Clinton family.

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The vid doesn't call for a dem or lib. I think Republican makes sense. Congress would be empowered in the selection, and the congress is stacked with republicans. they'd choose a republican. Likely Romney. Many to choose from. But perhaps one that has less interest in personal wealth, and more interest in his country. One that is qualified. The electoral college really was entrusted with this decision for exactly this reason. The founding fathers did not want to empower the people with self annihilation. It won't happen, but if it did, we'd be waaaay less fuct.

He's not representing the folks who voted for him, he's not draining the swamp, he's not prosecuting Hillary, he's not even getting intelligence briefings. This is not only our hand shaker, he is going to be our Commander in Chief. The top ranking military officer isn't working with our intelligence agency. What exactly is left to his charade? Or is it just pride people hold to defend their vote? I'm baffled. Hillary out. So why now Trump? If we can boot both and have the electors choose a qualified third what's the issue?

At least they fooled one person. It's all about getting who they want in office, it's not like the dem electors are going to all of a sudden not vote party line. They want enough to change their vote so they can bitch about hillary having more popular and electoral votes. Then the new agenda is doing away with the electoral college because there's always a ton of idiot youths that can swing a popular election in favor of libs. The constitution line was fucking hilarious too, like people are dumb enough to not realize democrats have shat on and wiped their asses with it in my lifetime (37 yrs). Libs are afraid of loosing roe v wade, which effects only a very small part of the population but hold only contempt for the 2nd and 4th amendments, which effect the every citizen of America.

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He's not president yet , I have doubts about his promises but he's our only hope.

The experience qualification bullshit. Obama had none, still nobody can put a finger on his plan, success, legacy.

Exactly, I remember his whole platform for his first election was "That speach I wrote", he got eleced for unfulfilled rhetoric and a fucking speach and conservatives didn't whine and bitch and ask electors to usurp the will of the voters.

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We know...2008 was the year.

fucking eight years of crap like cash for clunkers, being un-ironically told we cling to religion and guns while he refused to even utter the words "radical Islam", watching him physically bow to world leaders and then being told he didn't, having every school kid I met tell me Michelle had made their lunches inedible, hearing the man bitch that country that elected him as it's leader is still the worst purveyor of racism in the world, seeing the military and old people on social security go without raises as he spent millions importing "refugees" - so sick of this crap.

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Politicians are the problem with this country, and until everyone figures that out, nothing is going to get solved.

That is exactly the reasoning Trump ran on, as a populist his platform was very much anti-establishment politicians, i.e., "Drain the swamp" comments. Many, many people agree with that statement and that was the zeitgeist he tapped into as an outsider to the political party. Ironically, or moronically, depending on your view, that is similar to the "Hope and Change" we saw from the Obama platform, although we now know that was a bait and swap of epic proportions.



Personally, I'm somewhere on the spectrum between Chaotic good and Chaotic neutral.

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That is exactly the reasoning Trump ran on, as a populist his platform was very much anti-establishment politicians, i.e., "Drain the swamp" comments. Many, many people agree with that statement and that was the zeitgeist he tapped into as an outsider to the political party. Ironically, or moronically, depending on your view, that is similar to the "Hope and Change" we saw from the Obama platform, although we now know that was a bait and swap of epic proportions.



Personally, I'm somewhere on the spectrum between Chaotic good and Chaotic neutral.


I personally don't like my posts being edited, most the time the reason for editing is to twist said post for one reason or another or change the meaning all together.

I don't edit quoted posts, so please don't edit mine, especially in a thread like this.

I didn't vote for either of them, I voted for Johnson, the choice we had was pathetic, and are future choices from the two parties are not going to be any better in the future until all these criminals(good ole boys) are gone. 

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I personally don't like my posts being edited, most the time the reason for editing is to twist said post for one reason or another or change the meaning all together.

I don't edit quoted posts, so please don't edit mine, especially in a thread like this.

I didn't vote for either of them, I voted for Johnson, the choice we had was pathetic, and are future choices from the two parties are not going to be any better in the future until all these criminals(good ole boys) are gone. 

Fair enough, I'll note that for the future. I didn't edit to change meaning, just to address the specific point in the previous statement.

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fucking eight years of crap like cash for clunkers, being un-ironically told we cling to religion and guns while he refused to even utter the words "radical Islam", watching him physically bow to world leaders and then being told he didn't, having every school kid I met tell me Michelle had made their lunches inedible, hearing the man bitch that country that elected him as it's leader is still the worst purveyor of racism in the world, seeing the military and old people on social security go without raises as he spent millions importing "refugees" - so sick of this crap.

All while attempting to assault the second amendment he goes ahead with Fast and Furious....hypocrisy much?

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I can't wait for President-Elect Trump to take office on the 20th of January!

Yup, it will all get solved when President-Elect Trump rides into town!

You're sarcasm doesn't fool me, i know you're butthurt that Hillary lost.

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At least they fooled one person. It's all about getting who they want in office, it's not like the dem electors are going to all of a sudden not vote party line. They want enough to change their vote so they can bitch about hillary having more popular and electoral votes. Then the new agenda is doing away with the electoral college because there's always a ton of idiot youths that can swing a popular election in favor of libs. The constitution line was fucking hilarious too, like people are dumb enough to not realize democrats have shat on and wiped their asses with it in my lifetime (37 yrs). Libs are afraid of loosing roe v wade, which effects only a very small part of the population but hold only contempt for the 2nd and 4th amendments, which effect the every citizen of America.

Fooled? This video is just one piece that was new to me. Didn't change shit. Fact is, if Trump doesn't get enough votes, the decision turns to congress. Not electoral college. Congress is stacked with conservatives so how the fuck do you figure? Don't call me out fooled when you haven't even checked your theory. Electors should do their job here. I can't envision a more apt scenario. But you will win, and learn.

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Another interesting fact: if the vote goes to congress, every state gets one vote for President and one vote for Vice President. Further lowering any chance of a democratic candidate. I doubt this will happen, but I do guarantee it would make the majority of this country happy.

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How about just leaving it the fuck alone? Too hard obviously.


Fucking cry babies!

Can't leave it the fuck alone. Term limits dictate that Obama must leave. A new president must be voted for. Dec. 19th is when that vote takes place. Nov. was a poll. Nothing more.

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