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No, I have good 'free' coverage.



Lets say you don't have coverage. Your kid gets sick, pretty sure just a sore throat, but she's crying and the wife is upset, but its close to Christmas too and money is tight.... just for a second, you had to weigh a financial decision against your daughters well being. So $3 bottle of Tynanol or $80 trip to the ER????? Payment arrangements... makes it so much better.


Urgent care visit is only 25$ out of pocket and get seen by either a doctor or Nurse practitioner... Funded by capitalism.  Non emergency cases usually go here and no insurance is needed. 


Personal experience with the urgent care office.


Lit a brush fire that was prepped by my neighbor....BOOM!! huge explosion caught me on fire and burned a large portion of my face and hands. Went to Urgent care. They assessed and treated me at no charge. Urgent care called the hospital for my arrival once they determined I needed further care.

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No, I have good 'free' coverage.



Lets say you don't have coverage. Your kid gets sick, pretty sure just a sore throat, but she's crying and the wife is upset, but its close to Christmas too and money is tight.... just for a second, you had to weigh a financial decision against your daughters well being. So $3 bottle of Tynanol or $80 trip to the ER????? Payment arrangements... makes it so much better.

Not free, bro!, you pay for it.

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Not free, bro!, you pay for it.


Fuck, I already said that. Yes the government covers it from taxes or GNP or whatever. I don't have to worry about the costs I don't even see nor the bill. In many cases doctors are paid a flat rate for some visits and procedures.... just like a mechanic.... which basically he is.

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Thought of another socialism... farmers joining together to harvest, store, transport and market their corn, wheat, eggs. Economic advantage of joining together to cut out the middle men for economic interests that separately they could not do.



So, all pay into a government funded  non profit and guaranteed universal health care. Hell why not have it taken out of your income taxes so you don't even miss the money? No insurance companies to pay profit to, they're out. Government pays doctors and hospitals directly for billing. Economic benefits for all, cheaper rates, everyone covered.


But NO,..... " fuck the government, fuck insurance companies, fuck my rates and fuck all the losers I won't pay for, fuck everyone I will never give up the right to fucking bitch about it"  .............. Yeah,that will help.


Unfortunately this government is not going to let any of this happen, they are the middle men standing side by side with the special interests, they will find all you said above against the law except maybe for the payment of the doctors and hospitals, as they are there to be fleeced also.

This is likely the very reason why Trump was elected, a lot of people are sick of this government and they maybe thought this would get something changed, we shall see.

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Thanks. I hear horror stories about going to the hospital and out of pocket costs. $10 band aids and $30 for three Tylenol.


What would a couple of stitches cost?

Again, not against insurance here, just against government handling it, i had insurance before the ACA and it was pvt market provider, now i pay penalty because i cannot afford $600.00/mo with $7500.00 deductible.


If i break a leg ill go to ER and make payments arrangements....still cheaper than Obamacare.

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Obviously America is broken in many respects.


Insurance is profit driven, so you pay more than the actual cost. Have the government pay the hospital and doctors and the government raises the money through necessary taxes and you don't see any of it. You 'pay' but you don't see it being 'paid'. Yes non workers are covered not just workers. If the government can print more money to get out of debt they can print more to cover it's citizen's health.


2015 military spending is just under $600,000,000,000 or $1900 per person or 54% of all expenditures while health care is 6%... The F32 costs at least 120 million each....so by a couple less this year.

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Obviously America is broken in many respects.


Insurance is profit driven, so you pay more than the actual cost. Have the government pay the hospital and doctors and the government raises the money through necessary taxes and you don't see any of it. You 'pay' but you don't see it being 'paid'. Yes non workers are covered not just workers. If the government can print more money to get out of debt they can print more to cover it's citizen's health.


2015 military spending is just under $600,000,000,000 or $1900 per person or 54% of all expenditures while health care is 6%... The F32 costs at least 120 million each....so by a couple less this year.

The government has become a money pit, there's a lot of "i rub your back and you rub mine" type deals, government contracts are given to favor special interests rather than competition for the work, it is a corrupt system that needs complete overhaul, eliminating the special interests alone will free up lots of money for healthcare to those who cannot afford it, imagine that?

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Thanks. I hear horror stories about going to the hospital and out of pocket costs. $10 band aids and $30 for three Tylenol.


What would a couple of stitches cost?




Last time I had stitches it was about 200.00 per stitch. When I wrecked my truck, 3 hours in the ER was $47,000.00 and $1,000.00 ambulance ride

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Thought of another socialism... farmers joining together to harvest, store, transport and market their corn, wheat, eggs. Economic advantage of joining together to cut out the middle men for economic interests that separately they could not do.



So, all pay into a government funded  non profit and guaranteed universal health care. Hell why not have it taken out of your income taxes so you don't even miss the money? No insurance companies to pay profit to, they're out. Government pays doctors and hospitals directly for billing. Economic benefits for all, cheaper rates, everyone covered.


But NO,..... " fuck the government, fuck insurance companies, fuck my rates and fuck all the losers I won't pay for, fuck everyone I will never give up the right to fucking bitch about it"  .............. Yeah,that will help.



Our system is tainted, over used for runny noses..costing a fortune..

It is mandatory to have,you may be able to choose to opt out,bit of a process i have read.... not sure

There are fees every year for each person, given they have reduced and sometimes waived based on income


If you have no doctor,try and get one now..its tough as hell..due to the fact its a over stretched system

If you have work med/dental its also a tiered billing system to insurance provider


Auto insurance costs a small fortune for anyone now, I would hate to have to pay the non discounted premiums,It costs myself with the highest discount(except for the seniors) at 43 % and -20 something they put on the papers, it still costs me with 1 mil liability,and to and from,and collision and comp,and the roadstar package thing, about $1100yr with discount for one vehicle...


ikkey bikkey is a "publicly" owned corp,but it is for profit,despite what the brainwash people with,they invest with profits,bonuses etc etc etc..



As for govs printing money, to get out of debt,thats all wrong...look at the t2 group now,they did all that spending etc etc,doled out more for this and that,with the hopes it would help the economy,it has not. They are putting bandaids on alot now,to try and slow the inevitable economic fall, its all out there, people are so far in debt,its higher than the governments debt...thats huge!


House hornyiness is at a all time high, with many of the millenials living far beyond the means they have, a point or two in a variable rate mortg,will be non obsorbable


when the bubble meets the pin, it will be a mess..we are not immune to it..houses are not a economy..





got a little off topic with some of that,but its all relative in a way

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I really hate it when someone says this country is broken, it's not broken, it works exactly the way them criminals want it to work.


What is broken are the minds of the people running this country, they have to be mentally disabled if they think what they are doing is right, and if they are not mentally disabled, then they are criminals, and I could care less that they the criminals made laws that say they are not criminals when if someone else does the same thing they are criminals.

The problem I see is that the career politicians(good ole boys) need to be voted out of office, but they have been there so long and have so much political money that in their areas/districts everything is nice, roads are nice, schools are nice, everything is nice for them folks, why would they ever vote them out.

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Auto insurance costs a small fortune for anyone now, I would hate to have to pay the non discounted premiums,It costs myself with the highest discount(except for the seniors) at 43 % and -20 something they put on the papers, it still costs me with 1 mil liability,and to and from,and collision and comp,and the roadstar package thing, about $1100yr with discount for one vehicle...


I pay about $550/yr for 2 vehicles, liability only, but then again I don't take a big stupid risk and buy a $50k automobile that would kill my financials if I wrecked it with liability only...

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But you are 'forced' to have car insurance? No one legally drives on public roads without it. 


That's what "forced" means. If I want to drive, I am forced to have insurance, I am forced to wear a seat belt, etc.




But families band together under one roof for economic reasons.  Nothing wrong with this and an advantage. 


But they do it by choice. And they can choose to strike out on their own any time they like. 



Time for America to realize socialism isn't a bad word. There are advantages to it that are unavailable to the individual.


Well, good luck with all that...   :rofl:

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