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Wages have stagnated, but I'm still not convinced that McDonalds should pay a "living wage" ie unless the employee is a manager then these should be starter/first time jobs, not careers trying to raise a family.

Back when kids living at home would work. Now they're to busy with sports, spoiled, too entitled and lazy etc.

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Wages have stagnated, but I'm still not convinced that McDonalds should pay a "living wage" ie unless the employee is a manager then these should be starter/first time jobs, not careers trying to raise a family.


Heck even doing machining you start at exactly where the McDonalds employees do. At the bottom......Once you get your journeyman certificate then you are worth 25-75$ hour, but you have to put your time in along with efforts. 


Corporations avoiding taxes has never affected my motivation to succeed or drive to have a better income. If the government wanted to give me a tax credit deduction I would gladly take it. Its more cash in my pocket.  But if the gubment wants to force all businesses to pay higher wages.. That really doesn't put money in my pocket. It bumps those people into a higher tax bracket, and inflates the cost of everything produced.


I will raise my machine rates to $85.00-$90.00 an hour rather than the current $60.00 to accommodate the added expense

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Problem is that there are too many people running around with a sense of entitlement.....many of who have reached higher office and are polluting the environment with their lazy mentality/propaganda.....work hard and earn it is the enemy to those people...

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Look a little deeper Matt.  No one making $8 an hour is going to earn enough to have any of their income withheld, so the actual "benefit" of Buffit's proposal is moot. 40hr a week at $8 an hour X4, X12= $15,360 a year, and that is still below the household income poverty line. The earned income tax credit would be $390. If McDonalds is not willing to pay a living wage than the government (we) have to pick up the tab on the back end ie, low income housing, food stamps, etc. The Wallmart benefits packet under healthcare says "See Medicare". We pay for that, not the corporation who's taxed at a fraction of what I pay, and who's profits are hidden in off shore accounts. 

Corporations are taxed at a fraction of what you pay ? You must make some serious coin or you have no idea what you're talking about.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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It's tough not to be myopic when looking at this stuff, but not everyone has the same resources to succeed in today's tough job market. Truth is what was considered an entry level job at one time, is now the main source of income for many unskilled workers. To suggest this stems from a lack of ambition is again putting the worker at fault for poor job market. The American labor force is the most productive worker on the planet, yet less of the profit being made is going into their pocket. I don't see how anyone can be concerned that razing the minimum wage could harm the economy when the distribution of wealth in America is so fucked up beyond recognition. I argue that we have reached the point where the American workers can no longer afford to sustain the greed of the wealthy oligarchs, and without some counterbalance the whole thing will implode. 

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If we keep injecting socialism into capitalism yes we will implode, government is outgrown its needs and there are more takers than givers.



Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.......then he was murdered.....go figure!

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It's tough not to be myopic when looking at this stuff, but not everyone has the same resources to succeed in today's tough job market. Truth is what was considered an entry level job at one time, is now the main source of income for many unskilled workers. To suggest this stems from a lack of ambition is again putting the worker at fault for poor job market. The American labor force is the most productive worker on the planet, yet less of the profit being made is going into their pocket. I don't see how anyone can be concerned that razing the minimum wage could harm the economy when the distribution of wealth in America is so fucked up beyond recognition. I argue that we have reached the point where the American workers can no longer afford to sustain the greed of the wealthy oligarchs, and without some counterbalance the whole thing will implode. 


lol.....really?  Since when is this ever been a keystone in our economy?


The reason we keep getting farther and farther behind is because our own gubment bottlenecks the ability to succeed. They need to get outta the fucking way. I haven't seen anyone on here arguing in favor of corporate crony capitalism either. You seem to be the only myopic person with this plastered to your one only retna.


dropping people into a higher tax obligation isnt going to solve a fucking thing either. Do the fucking math. $15.00 and hour pays out more taxes and receives LESS on a return than a person making $8.00 an hour, and is required to carry the NEW ACA policies as well without subsidies. So you just fucking hammered them even more.


Dude get over the corporate bullshit. No one here wants to help them.


Another thing you seem to have overlooked too. Most if not a majority of all entry level jobs are from smaller privately owned companies. Not the big corporate conglomerates you seem to have your cock hard for. Even what's left of the manufacturing in this nation is still small scale ownership....So please tell me how fucking these people is going to help anyone else? 


Sure go after the tax cheater or the loop hole jumping corporations, but do it with new legislation and retro active penalties. Just leave the backbone businesses alone. Middle Class America is the largest employer in this country. So stop fucking them with feel good bullshit.

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Problem is that there are too many people running around with a sense of entitlement.....many of who have reached higher office and are polluting the environment with their lazy mentality/propaganda.....work hard and earn it is the enemy to those people...


I work with a few of these pukes at the big flying tube company. GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME!!!!!!! Fuckers never mowed and raked a lawn, split wood, or bucked hay when it was 90* Thats what I had to do if I wanted something starting at 10yrs old. They got an allowance?

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If we keep injecting socialism into capitalism yes we will implode, government is outgrown its needs and there are more takers than givers.



Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.......then he was murdered.....go figure!

JFK, the man who wanted to end the federal reserve and aid to Israel....murdered by a US marine U2 radar tech who defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War but was allowed to come back with minimal federal scrutiny. when he returned to his native New Orleans he got a job at a coffee company that was right across from an FBI parking garage where he hung out on his lunch breaks. that's where he saw a copy of the NRA's monthly "National Rifleman" magazine that had an ad from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago from which he eventually ordered an Italian Carcano rifle for way more than he could have bought one locally from the many hardware, surplus and department stores that stocked used military bolt guns in fifty-five gallon drums for $5-10 each in that era. It was shipped to a US post office box in an assumed name he'd managed to open using a fake ID. It made for a nice paper trail. Move along, folks....nothin' to see here.

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lol.....really?  Since when is this ever been a keystone in our economy?


The reason we keep getting farther and farther behind is because our own gubment bottlenecks the ability to succeed. They need to get outta the fucking way. I haven't seen anyone on here arguing in favor of corporate crony capitalism either. You seem to be the only myopic person with this plastered to your one only retna.


dropping people into a higher tax obligation isnt going to solve a fucking thing either. Do the fucking math. $15.00 and hour pays out more taxes and receives LESS on a return than a person making $8.00 an hour, and is required to carry the NEW ACA policies as well without subsidies. So you just fucking hammered them even more.


Dude get over the corporate bullshit. No one here wants to help them.


Another thing you seem to have overlooked too. Most if not a majority of all entry level jobs are from smaller privately owned companies. Not the big corporate conglomerates you seem to have your cock hard for. Even what's left of the manufacturing in this nation is still small scale ownership....So please tell me how fucking these people is going to help anyone else? 


Sure go after the tax cheater or the loop hole jumping corporations, but do it with new legislation and retro active penalties. Just leave the backbone businesses alone. Middle Class America is the largest employer in this country. So stop fucking them with feel good bullshit.


Let me get this straight, you're arguing that the federal min wage being held at $7.25 an hour for the passed 17 years is good for low income workers, and doesn't particularly benefit big business. 



short-sighted individual.



Relating to or involving vision with one eye; monocular.


Not the same


I get it, you're a small business owner, but rushing to defend big business is very myopic. The argument that corporations are oppressed under the tyranny of the US government is a tired BS myth. In fact, it is absolutely the other way around. The reason we are "getting farther and farther behind" here at home is because our own gubment allows corporations to move jobs and profits out of the US tax base. The reason it is so hard for small business to compete in the open market is because the system is rigged in favor of big business. Please prove me wrong.


"Since when is this ever been a keystone in our economy?" = Myopic. No one should need public assistance on top of their regular employment just to make ends meet, but if your tax dollars are spent filling that gap you are already paying more for your $1.00 cheese burger. You don't choose to see it e.g Myopic. The price mechanism is misused to distort the economic impact of wage increase. You can't blame the poor for being a drain on the system if you're not willing to give them a living wage.





Do the fucking math in a very narrow way and you can make it look bad for an individual working 40hrs a week. But for a single mother, someone working part time like someone in school, or a home owner, or a disabled vet, etc, those people would GREATLY BENEFIT from a living wage.


How do you define these terms "Most if not a majority (same thing BTW) of all entry level jobs are from smaller privately owned companies." "Middle Class America is the largest employer in this country." That it true, but you seem to overlook that only applies when compared to any one single corporation. so that argument is really kind of myopic.


"but do it with new legislation and retro active penalties.", said the guy who also said this at the top of the post, "The reason we keep getting farther and farther behind is because our own gubment bottlenecks the ability to succeed. They need to get outta the fucking way." You can't have it both ways.

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Let me get this straight, you're arguing that the federal min wage being held at $7.25 an hour for the passed 17 years is good for low income workers, and doesn't particularly benefit big business. 



short-sighted individual.



Relating to or involving vision with one eye; monocular.


Not the same


I get it, you're a small business owner, but rushing to defend big business is very myopic. The argument that corporations are oppressed under the tyranny of the US government is a tired BS myth. In fact, it is absolutely the other way around. The reason we are "getting farther and farther behind" here at home is because our own gubment allows corporations to move jobs and profits out of the US tax base. The reason it is so hard for small business to compete in the open market is because the system is rigged in favor of big business. Please prove me wrong.


"Since when is this ever been a keystone in our economy?" = Myopic. No one should need public assistance on top of their regular employment just to make ends meet, but if your tax dollars are spent filling that gap you are already paying more for your $1.00 cheese burger. You don't choose to see it e.g Myopic. The price mechanism is misused to distort the economic impact of wage increase. You can't blame the poor for being a drain on the system if you're not willing to give them a living wage.





Do the fucking math in a very narrow way and you can make it look bad for an individual working 40hrs a week. But for a single mother, someone working part time like someone in school, or a home owner, or a disabled vet, etc, those people would GREATLY BENEFIT from a living wage.


How do you define these terms "Most if not a majority (same thing BTW) of all entry level jobs are from smaller privately owned companies." "Middle Class America is the largest employer in this country." That it true, but you seem to overlook that only applies when compared to any one single corporation. so that argument is really kind of myopic.


"but do it with new legislation and retro active penalties.", said the guy who also said this at the top of the post, "The reason we keep getting farther and farther behind is because our own gubment bottlenecks the ability to succeed. They need to get outta the fucking way." You can't have it both ways.



Again although I agree with large portions of what you say!! Where in any instance have I argued for big business?? 


You are extremely prone to placing or projecting invalid argument into what people have said. You miss my points entirely and often. 


It is why I said and I quote myself  "Sometimes its just pointless."

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Hey Mattndew, "new legislation and retroactive penalties" is specifically prohibited by the US Coinstitution!  It's called the exclusion of ex post factum laws.


Ex post Facto is reserved for an individual who had committed crimes. So as to keep a person from seeking power and then changing the definition of a law to retroactively try another person again on something that was not a crime before said person had changed the definition.




This does not include tax law.


But since Scalia defined a corporation as an individual it could be argued that such laws could be seen as unconstitutional. 


whatever the case may be I am all for not giving tax breaks to any corporation that is beyond a fiscal bar, and against any loop holes allowing a large company to seem much smaller than they are. 


I like the term "Too big for a break" 


If I can go buy myself a politician or buy my own legislation then I have reached a point where I deserve no breaks from the american people. This type of wealth becomes self sustaining and doesn't need a leg up. If by chance the big business fails the market should be left to mend itself such as what should have happened in 2008.

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Again although I agree with large portions of what you say!! Where in any instance have I argued for big business?? 


You are extremely prone to placing or projecting invalid argument into what people have said. You miss my points entirely and often. 


It is why I said and I quote myself  "Sometimes its just pointless."


You projected an invalid argument there. I said you rushed to defend big business, not argued for it. Your entire argument may have been pro middle class small business, but you fail to recognize that on the national level, a $7.50 min wage costs us money. It may be indirect, but our tax dolors are going to subsidize big business profits when we pay for their employee's welfare. I don't know how I can make this any clearer, why you think this is invalid, or why you think I don't get what your saying.


You highlighted in red what I said about the distribution of wealth in America. The gap in the wealth that American households have accumulated is more exreme than any at time since the Great DepressionI. I don't know about you, but I see this as an untenable dangerous position for the health of the US economy. Is this an invalid concern, does it not apply to all wage earners top to bottom? If working Americans can't afford to live on their own income let alone save for retirement, shouldn't we try to do something about this before it's too late? I get a sense that you don't want a raise in the minimum wage to effect your business, but what would you suggest as an alternative? Something that hasn't been tried already. 

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Do you realize that every time the minimum wage has been raised, the cost of living shot up? More so that the actual raise in minimum wage was muted by the increase of cost of living....

Point one: Yes, naturally.

Point two: Eventually. Though that point is due to other factors contributing to overall inflation. We don't generate as much as we consume.

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Instead of legislation targeting large corps, you may more likely see exclusions for small business.

How do restaurants get away with less than minimum wage? Do they guarantee tips?

I have friends that own restaurants...they don't get away with anything, that industry is heavily regulated.

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