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Not Again?

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So yesterday I was driving to Sam's to get my daughter new matresses and half way there I get T-boned in my truck by a 90's honda accord, she hit me on my passanger side were my daughter was, she is fine just scared and had two scratches on her and put her shoulder in the top door but she and I got out ok. The truck got hit on the bed and lower rear cab area its drivable not as bad as the last time. We were heading west on a two lane road in the # 1 lane going 35-40 and she pulls out in my lane about 3-5 cars ahead I went to stop or slow down, theres a car next to me on my right and a car in the center median. I know we were going to hit from when she pulled out in my lane, my first thought was my daughter and not wanting to hit head on so I whip it to the left and she hit the bed and back cab area at about 15 mph, the impact was not bad. I check my daughter she was fine just crying and I jump out and go F-ing off and not say what happen, but her car was not drivable but who cares about her and her kids. My truck is drivable and will need a bed for sure and some cab work to the lower area, and a door other then that its fine along with us. I get pics tomorrow to show damage. I have unisured motorist but I think she doesn't have any she said she did but the CHP got no card from her but there checking her out to see. As for next it will be fixed so as insurance does there thing, so ill be looking for a bed and pass corner cab. Sorry for no pics still mad about it all, but tomorrow ill post!

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Damn dude that sucks but good thing you and baby girl are ok, I would of gone off as well. Hit me in my daily (hondu" I don't care, hit me in my datsun with my kid in it and you better hope someones around to pull me off of you. If that lady is an un-insured motorist she's going to be screwed, lets see some pics so when you get a chance man. You should go get checked out at the doctor man especially the kid she may be fine now but could effect her later on in life.

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Dude again? Didn't you just get that thing back together in the last year or so? So sorry to hear man, glad your daughter is okay. 

Hope this truck comes back together...again....




I wish people payed more attention when driving. She could have really been hurt. 

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I have a parts truck with bed, if you need the passenger side section you can have it for free.  It'd down here in Oxnard but I have to haul it up to Sacramento anyway.  Let me know.

Hey thanks for sure it get them off you, cant say no to get my second baby back looking clean! Much thanks! Ricardo ill pm you my number.

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