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repo question...

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Sorry to start a whole thread or whatever, but I can't seem to get a straight answer from anywhere else on the internet, so I figured maybe someone here would know.


here's the story- I am currently away from home at my current active duty station. so called Girlfriend decides to trade off my b210, fore some pos Honda. I find out, phone home in rage mode, and demand that she at least sell the Honda to get me my money back.

as it turns out, the honduh has a f$%*Ing screwed front half shafts/suspension whatever. Is only worth $450.

GF proceeds to buy $382 of new clothes

now I just want my Datsun back, and if I have the BoS, can I have it repo'd?

the guy who has it is attempting to sell it, but the car has no title, and he has absolutely no paperwork on it. He has however put "800 in parts" on it. (fuel pump and tires aren't that pricey, pal)

I really want the car and all my odds and ends that go with it. He wants 800 for my own car back... Can I have it repo'd when I have no title myself?

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You are screwed.  No reputable repo company will take the gig and you have no proof of ownership to make a claim.  You got a civil suit on your hands, so good luck with that.  The only thing you can do is call the cops and report it stolen.  You are active duty and authority figures give a lot of grace to active duty soldiers.  Source: I'm a repo guy.  If this were my deal, I would go over with my extra key and drive it away.

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Sounds a little sketchy but if your girlfriend did not have a Power of Attorney than she cannot legally sell or trade your vehicle.  So basically sounds like she stole, and traded it and he received stolen property.  Don't know if you can go after the guy for stolen property without having it come back around on your girl, and to top it off she got rid of the honda so you can't even go back and trade it back...Shitty situation.


If you gave her a power of attorney than you are F'd regardless...Unfortunately I see that kind of stuff happen every so often with my younger Marines when they head out on deployment.  


and agree with datzenmike on that one.

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"Seller in due course" of the English common law applies!  Especially in Virginia and Alabama [let us get all screwed up in Lousiana and the Napoleonic code].  Any intermediate sale based on a fraudulent sale is invalid and the title/ownership reverts to the last legitimate owner.  Kick your unit's legal officer or JAG in the nuts until he or she goes back to the basics of the USA common law which incorporates the English Common Law as of 1792 in most states [Lousiana being the PITA exception],  Any parts or other valuable additions added to the disputed vehicle by a stupid intermedate "owner" are at the risk of the idiot who put the time and effort into it.  My son's Toyota pickup was stolen and fraudently sold.  The dumb ass buyer went ahead and put a new engine into it.  Then, and only then he went to register it.  Since my son had reported it as stolen, he got the truck and the new engine back for the 2 day storage fee!  Not a recommended route for a low cost upgrade route, but let the buyer beware!

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He has no title
His girlfriend traded for Honda
OP told her to sell Honda
Spent money she made on selling Honda he ordered her to sell.
Can't pay the guy back or trade them their car back that they traded in good faith.
 O.P ,,,,,, Shit outta luck.
The girl is the devil.


Sorry to start a whole thread or whatever, but I can't seem to get a straight answer from anywhere else on the internet, so I figured maybe someone here would know.

here's the story- I am currently away from home at my current active duty station. so called Girlfriend decides to trade off my b210, fore some pos Honda. I find out, phone home in rage mode, and demand that she at least sell the Honda to get me my money back.
as it turns out, the honduh has a f$%*Ing screwed front half shafts/suspension whatever. Is only worth $450.
GF proceeds to buy $382 of new clothes
now I just want my Datsun back, and if I have the BoS, can I have it repo'd?
the guy who has it is attempting to sell it, but the car has no title, and he has absolutely no paperwork on it. He has however put "800 in parts" on it. (fuel pump and tires aren't that pricey, pal)
I really want the car and all my odds and ends that go with it. He wants 800 for my own car back... Can I have it repo'd when I have no title myself?

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I could still get it back if I pay another 800, witch sucks ass, but its both my first Datsun and the first vehicle I have owned.

so no title means no repo, and no legal hullabaloo. This also means he can't report it stolen. Because it is not his property. Does the BoS not constitute my ownership in the event the law is involved?

the car isn't registered. Bothe the cars involved are non-running. All transport has been done by trailer.


Gf is entirely separate issue. Not gonna splatter my relationship issues all over the interwebs.


what I'm getting is that it has to be done by me, and I can't get down there to it.

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thanks for your service & good luck


This also means he can't report it stolen. Because it is not his property.

sure he can. tell him he should.


when the cops recover it and return it to the legal owner (on the title / already in your driveway), it will be easier for you to sue him for "the theft" and storage fees. maybe even a fraudulent police report.

this does involve that bitch of  GF though...

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Why do you not have a title yourself???? How the hell do you guys operate down there. You pay good money for a vehicle that you don't own?????? What the fuck are you thinking? When I buy a car I get the ownership transferred into my name. (it's about $29) BANG!!! It's mine. To put on the road then or later I take the ownership in and buy insurance for the plates issued to that car. BANG!!! I can drive away.


No one can buy or sell my car. If, I sell my car, I would have to be a half wit to let someone (a complete stranger or family member) drive away with it when it's still in my name. What directly the fuck????????

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Get rid of g/f first.


^^^^^^^^^^Step 1.^^^^^^^^^^^


Forget about the car. Lesson to be learned here is, A car without clean papers, not in your name is worthless. Let it go and save your money for something with a title. And then transfer it to your name..


And again, as for the GF...


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You got screwed. It does suck. But if you like the car, $800 bucks ain't the end of the world. Your beef should be with your chick. The guy who bought your car doesn't fully deserve the punishment. He should not buy cars without a title, but that's the only reason I see him in the wrong. Buy the car, collect from chick in any form you see fit, then dump her for a newer model. You should have the money from your tour.

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The girl has got to go. 



My wife lets me keep this in the kitchen with ZERO complaints. None. 





A girl that doesn't respect your hobbies, or you and yours, will always take what she wants, when. 

What else has she sold that you don't know about?

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The guy that has this b210 actually tried to offer it to me (through my dad's friend). I was a bit suspicious of him, so I asked a lot of questions after reading this thread. He said some story about it coming from California at some point and having carburetor trouble Then I asked where HE got it. He said Vincent. 


I knew to stay away after that.  I'm not getting involved.

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