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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Hmm, ever wonder why when you go to download an app for a private home security camera they want permission to read eveything I do on the web, all my email, all my phone calls, the ability to tap into my camera at will, to read all my contacts and download any and all info I have about them? I'm not sure what bothers me more, them spying on me and everyone I know or how fuckin stupid they think I am.

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EDIT: I have no idea WTF happened to the quote lines, but whatever...this goes for Nanner too...


Yeah, because the Canadians,  Northern, or Western American states NEVER owned slaves or slaughtered Native Americans... :rolleyes: And the KKK, Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, etc are all only in the lower southern states... cough, cough, bullshit! :P


Besides, Mike your country gave us Justin Beiber AND Nickleback, those are the biggest atrocities of all time done to anyone! :poke:




And Neil Young still sounds like a damn dying cat.



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OK fine I admit it, Neil Young does sing like a dying cat, but that statement is so... unoriginal


Unfortunately the title "Southern Man" paints with a broad fucking brush, and I can see how the song would insult a good man from the south. I also think it's fare to say racism isn't just a southern thing. That being said Joe, I wish you'd be clear about what you are defending here. When I say I'm on Neil's side I'm not judging Southern men, or the South. I'm saying I'm against racism. 


The silly thing is, Neil Young's subjective experience was a rich privileged white man living under the ideological ethos of the Bay Area rock scene. He really had no idea what he was talking about. But it was the late 60s and the country was going through some serious shit. He chose to speak out against systemic racism in the south, when right in his neighborhood there were rich white folks in the Redwoods of Mill Valley, and poor black folks in the projects of Marin City landfill. I can see the hypocrisy there, but it's equally hypocritical to say the kind of racism in the South at that time was just innocent tradition. We all know that wasn't the case. 


40 years later and even the old white hippies of the great North West would agree, Neil's song was ignorant and self righteous, and it failed to be specific in who/what it was criticizing. Did it change anything? I don't think so, at least not for the better. Instead of empowering positive change, it only served to further stigmatize the South and drove more hostility back north. Just look at the posts here and you'll see that legacy.


Clearly, we loose touch with the nature of subjectivity when our head is stuck too far up our own reality. Or in other words, The only way to understand a man is to walk a mile in his shoes. That's my self righteous $.02

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Man I'm bummed, my favorite looser, stooner, biker, car nut, construction, musician hang out spot is now a biz kill because of 1 assholish Mercedes turbo diesel guy.


dude sucks I wanna shoe him off the pasture .


says shit like


torque meister

bro down

well dude you gotta..

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Ya something, I'm just waiting for terry the homeless guy to loose it with him.


in Chinese mythology its important to avoid people that are bad luck, I can just sense the guys accelerated retardation and he is mr fucking know it all, name dropper.

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