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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Smoke, as your friend I recommend going to your safe place before watching this. When people ask me why I don't surf in NorCal I lie and tell them it's too cold. This is the real reason.




What the hell??

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This weed may be a little too strong. I shit my pants and just laid in for 20 minutes yelling "moooooooom" took me that long to realize no one was coming to help.

dude you gotta share some of that


or is it medical? i don't do medical, stopped living for a minute last time i had medical

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My son is home sick today, so... I have extra time to play Rat slap. That's kind of like Whack a Mole where someone says something stupid then I get to judge them from the safety of my home office. I'm So fucking bored.

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No disrespect to you Mr. cool, but I agree with HRH here. This video must be disqualified on sheer piss poor third grade alliteration alone. Gobbler of gullible bathers on beaches? That deserves a full roundhouse bitch slap with a 10 point literary demerit to boot for Gryffindor.  


Get it right....

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