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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Millions of babies are aborted each year because of liberal ideals. That's ok because it's useless kids anyway.


Regulations don't seem to stop those deaths either.


I blame MacDonalds owners for not paying $15.00 an hour and providing health insurance.


I blame climate change on seasons.


Oh and I blame the constant dumbing of society on PC pussies.


Bull shit in the US it's just over a million. (as of the latest statistics for 2012) Bet some had mothers or fathers that had liberal ideals for a while. Maybe if condoms and other birth control instead abstinence were offered???? Abortion as a birth control is wasteful of time money and kids.


How is health insurance going to stop abortions?


I like how last week the temp record was broken yet again. The previous record was set in 1789. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


The dumbing of society is caused by generations of poor schooling..... reap what you sow.

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don't try to muddy the issue with an abortion argument. It's not a matter of who's to blame it's a matter of fact. If we would remove smoke from the equation, flatcat  would no longer be in the equation. 

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don't try to muddy the issue with an abortion argument. It's not a matter of who's to blame it's a matter of fact. If we would remove guns from the equation, gun violence would no longer be in the equation. 


I didn't muddy the water. I shit in your pool.


Your facts appear to be extremely vapid.  FBI Stats has your number of 80 a day down to 35 if you fact check.  http://www.fbi.gov/ 


I know reality is a hard concept, and people really are not accountable for anything.. Objects are...  :fu:


I want to add more but arguing with with ignorance is in itself stupid. 


The nature of man will never change. it will always will be Good VS Bad. And idiots in the middle who are stupid.

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This is the way I see it... and I don't even consider myself a "gun advocate". I have zero interest in guns, know practically nothing about them, and do not own one. So basically, if guns were banned  it probably wouldn't really chap my ass all that much. I say that knowing full well it will never happen though... do you really think a government ruling over millions of armed citizens will try to take away their firearms, when those armed citizens consider the ownership of their guns a dearly held constitutional right? 


But anyway- what do you think banning firearms will accomplish? Will violence and death come to a screeching halt, allowing us all to tiptoe through the tulips singing Kumbaya and kick around a hacky sack for the rest of our natural lives? No.


People are still going to kill each other. Shootings will just be replaced by more stabbings, bombings, and other even more gruesome shit. Think mass shootings are bad? Wait until some nut job tries to reenact Kill Bill with a machete. Will anything with a sharp edge have to go next? The next time somebody plows their car into a crowd of people, are cars going bye-bye? Any knuckle-dragger who made it through junior high chemistry class with a C average could put together a pipe bomb (assuming he's not too busy cooking meth). Will every hardware store have to pull any merchandise that could, conceivably, be used to create a weapon? Where does it end? Pretty much anything you can think of has the potential to be lethal... take away one weapon and people are bound to use or MacGyver up some shit that's even worse. And as far as any of that goes... if I have to die violently, and had a choice of by what means, I'd rather just be shot... I don't want to be slashed, squashed by a car, chopped with an axe, etc. . Shit, shootings are downright humane compared to some of the shit people are doing to one another. 


Frankly, the fact that daily gun related deaths in the US are only in the double digits is pretty fucking amazing, all things considered. The other weird thing is... we focus on that many victims, but nobody ever seems to mention the millions of people who do not die as a result of gun violence each day, or the millions of gun owners who did not use their gun to kill somebody. Weird shit, huh?  B)

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I didn't muddy the water. I shit in your pool.


Your facts appear to be extremely vapid. FBI Stats has your number of 80 a day down to 35 if you fact check. http://www.fbi.gov/


I know reality is a hard concept, and people really are not accountable for anything.. Objects are... :fu:


I want to add more but arguing with with ignorance is in itself stupid.


The nature of man will never change. it will always will be Good VS Bad. And idiots in the middle who are stupid.

poor guy resorts to ad hominem. The link you posted is broken.so you are saying that 35 LEGISLATIVLEY PREVENTABLE deaths a day is acceptable? Of course you shit the pool, that's expected behavior from infants.
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