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I'm going to be honest here

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Im a admin on the ratsun fb page, ive been offline most of the day due to my wife having a tire blow otu on her car. If i would of seen what happend to you, i would of NOT allowed that to happen. Pisses me off that it did, and i apologize. not how people should of acted on the fb page. 

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Im a admin on the ratsun fb page, ive been offline most of the day due to my wife having a tire blow otu on her car. If i would of seen what happend to you, i would of NOT allowed that to happen. Pisses me off that it did, and i apologize. not how people should of acted on the fb page. 

I appreciate it Dan

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Its funny that all these guys got promoted to admins, yet no one is around to stop stuff getting out of control like this. You think with how many they have, someone could have stepped in. 


The issue is that there are nearly 2000 members on there, and its much harder to moderate posts on FB then it is on a forum. 


On Facebook, posts show up like an instant message. One after the other, after the other, and something can get blown wayyyyy out of proportion within 10 minuets. There may be several admins, but no one admin is on enough to catch the issue as it happens. 


I saw the post before it got out of hand. I see almost everything on there, but it only takes one or two inappropriate posts on a FB page to rally hate from hundreds of active posters. 

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So moderating a large group of people is hard?


Sure. It's like fishing in the ocean for sharks. You literally have to weed through all the useless bass first. 


Must be hard enough that their own moderators incite the hate... 


That's a whole other issue in itself and it's being handled. 

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All i got outta this whole thing is that DTP isn't on facebook. I knew there was something we had in common besides all you-can-eat Chinese buffet .


:rofl: hahahaha .... awesome ......... damn it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... now I want sushi and chinese !!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :hyper:


Ever consider breaking into a chinese restaurant in the middle of the night ...

cook yo own chinese food ...

pay for it .. and leave ...

I have .... more than once .. lol

I'd poison myself doing the same at a sushi place...

not that it would stop me.....


*raises up from lazyboy chair and farts* I AM SPARTACUS !!!

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wait im a mod on the ratsun facebook page? this is news to me XD

see all you have to do is come to Ratsun and you can have all the answers  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:  :fu:

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