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There is a distinction between disabled and difficulties. Conditions like ADHD, or Dyslexia are not considered mental "disabilities". Late stage alzheimer's, down syndrome, brain injuries, brain deformities, autism spectrum, shit like that is learning disabled.

they changed the definition since I was in school I guess



Still have a diagnosed mental condition that I think they got wrong. Fucking idiots the lot of them.

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they changed the definition since I was in school I guess



Still have a diagnosed mental condition that I think they got wrong. Fucking idiots the lot of them.


^Agreed, excluding me of course. Sit with a psychiatrist long enough and you'll have a condition guaranteed, that's their job. Psychology and psychotherapists aren't as diagnosis oriented. 


Back in the day, if you didn't fit the "norm" in the way you learn, it was seen as cognitive issue aka dumb. Funny thing is, on average people diagnosed with a learning disorder have higher IQs. Turns out the societal norm had some catching up to do. 


I'll be the first to admit, psychology is much like the blind leading the blind. Objective observation is virtually imposable. That and the field holds onto dogmatic thinking like their life depended on it. In order to have legitimacy, research must be done using a held theory, and all these theories are divided into two camps, cognitive vs. psychodynamic. It might as well be Democrat vs. Republican, because so much energy is wasted with one trying to prove the other wrong. IMO the DSM V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5th addition) does more harm than good in the wrong hands.

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Trichotillomania is a close neighbor to OCD, but I would imagine it could come in handy as a sleep suppressant in a pinch.


The DSM V kind of consolidated a lot of schizo disorders by removing subtypes. Schizophreniform, schizoaffective disorder are still there, but and paranoid, disorganized, and catatonia are no longer independent diagnosis. 

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not everything is blue, just the removable pieces are


and because i decided it should be black and blue on the inside instead of grey


my ex wife told me i couldn't rattle can a dashboard so i proved her wrong. looked like a meth head doing it but i proved her ass wrong and she has admitted as such

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