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I knew a guy, ( Jim Blakley was his name R.I.P. ) was wearing flip flops when he pulled up to the qwiky mart store in Westport on his street bike ( we were just out of high school) .. He put his foot down while parking then bike jumped forward and in one motion he gunned it because of pain,, in turn ripping off the whole back of his heal area..


God that guy was a party animal ,, a hell of a guy,, and like so many of my high school buddies,, not alive any more. 

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thats what i run now for pegs .... ...been riding in several ankle boots and romeo...but like i did at the dunes 15 years ago gonna rethink the old tough guy no boots bullshit.,........literally i know better then this shit and was still an idiot....



smoke...  i bought "----" in the 90's from a guy that would ride his street bike in flip flops all the time .... i was always like wtf ..... a addidas track suit and flip flops on a tlr 1000. :confused: :confused: ..like royal tenenbaums meet ice cubes biker boys shit :rofl:

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Tough guys wind up all jacked, and hobbling around like an old ladies before their fifty ... like me. I kind like waring the fuzzy slippers and watching soup operas though. Pass the fucking Bon Bons Bitch!

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Here is one for you. I grew up riding motorcycles, so there were certain things imprinted on my muscle memory that need to be done when a bike does this or that. Fast forward a number of years to the first time I rode a three wheeler. When the thing would start to tip, I would just put down my foot. Well, the rear tire is right there and is hungery for feet. Fucker would suck my foot and ankle under it so fast it was mind numbing.


Then, just for the sake of being an ass, I decided to try a big burn out on my friends shop floor with his 250r. Well, when you do that on a bike, you put your feet down to get it lit up, then go. I put on the front brake, dropped my feet, got it spinning at as fast as it would go, let off the front brake, but did not lift my feet in time. Yeah, I stalled it out with my legs.

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worst part this happened right in front of the treadmill window at 24 fitness(han's favorite skin bar..).... i wonder if i looked cool knee sliding ...then looking around like i got hit by a car and seeing no one.... epic u tube fail video in the making ... better then this guy though cuz i didn't scream for my mommy ... just hobbled around like a fool ....



7.30 mark the rest is just a whiner rider..."HELP>>>HELP>>>HELP>>>HELP>>>>HELP>>>>EHLP>>>>HELP>>>>lol...







this video is great cuz guy dont crash and kills deer and his buddy is riding a two stroke super motard........

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Here is one for you. I grew up riding motorcycles, so there were certain things imprinted on my muscle memory that need to be done when a bike does this or that. Fast forward a number of years to the first time I rode a three wheeler. When the thing would start to tip, I would just put down my foot. Well, the rear tire is right there and is hungery for feet. Fucker would suck my foot and ankle under it so fast it was mind numbing.


Then, just for the sake of being an ass, I decided to try a big burn out on my friends shop floor with his 250r. Well, when you do that on a bike, you put your feet down to get it lit up, then go. I put on the front brake, dropped my feet, got it spinning at as fast as it would go, let off the front brake, but did not lift my feet in time. Yeah, I stalled it out with my legs.



I have heard  of some parents having their kids do donuts on 3 wheelers so they can video it just for their own amusement ..



This may or not ,, be FAT510 riding without a helmut. Video is from 2010 so i'm sure they have become a much better parent by now..





And actual randomness

Ducks in my new front yard pond.







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Here is one for you. I grew up riding motorcycles, so there were certain things imprinted on my muscle memory that need to be done when a bike does this or that. Fast forward a number of years to the first time I rode a three wheeler. When the thing would start to tip, I would just put down my foot. Well, the rear tire is right there and is hungery for feet. Fucker would suck my foot and ankle under it so fast it was mind numbing.


Then, just for the sake of being an ass, I decided to try a big burn out on my friends shop floor with his 250r. Well, when you do that on a bike, you put your feet down to get it lit up, then go. I put on the front brake, dropped my feet, got it spinning at as fast as it would go, let off the front brake, but did not lift my feet in time. Yeah, I stalled it out with my legs.



we have had the same experiences on countless occasions

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I had my first motor cycle (well mini bike) when I was six years old, and over the years I've ridden just about every kind of motor cycle there is. Dirt bikes from a Honda 50 mini trail to a Husqvarna TR650, street bikes from a C90 Super Cub to a GSXR1000, and two stroke street bikes from an MB5 to an RG500 Gamma. The way I rode, by all rights I should be dead 50 times over. After all that, the one bike that finally took me down was a fucking GL1100 Goldwing. HUMILIATING! I was only doing about 30MPH and a well insured Lexus darted out in front of me. My L5 S1 disc was ruptured, and although the drugs were fun, it was clear I had to go under the knife.

So here I am, 29 years old recovering from back surgery in a hospital. After the operation there was some funky paralyses in my legs, and part of my rehab was walking the halls with the help of a nurse. One day I got lucky and I had the cutest blue eyed blond filly to take me on my daily stroll. As usual I wore two gowns, one froward, and one backward to cover my ass (literally). I couldn't ware chonies, because I couldn't bend over to pull them up after using the can. I also wore a pair of special sox that had little rubber bits on the bottom for extra grip. Even in my compromised state I was still working it every way to sunday, trying to be the man with this nurse, but my legs weren't cooperating. All I could pull off was a weak ass shuffle, so I turned up the charm and did my best. I actually thought I was doing pretty good given the circumstances.

On this day, instead of hanging back in the halls we headed out to the busy central waiting area. It had a front desk, chairs and end tables where visitors were sitting, and other people walking around. I'm shuffling my way through the lobby area at a pretty good pace and dead center, right in front of the desk is a small carpeted section. It couldn't have been more that a 1/4" rise from the smooth shiny vinyl floor to the carpet, but as soon as those grippy bits on my sox hit the rug the next thing I knew I was on all four with both my gowns flopped over my head like a little tent. I couldn't see a fucking thing, but I did feel a cool breeze swirl around my ass and balls. I could hear fear in the nurse's voice while she was saying "Oh my god, are you alright? Are you in any pain?" All I could say was "PUT MY GOWN DOWN… PLEASE, PUT MY GOWN DOWN!"
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Tough guys wear flip flops.


Crocks count? Or I should say crocks with truck tire tread glued on the bottom?


jrock, ice and elevate. Too late now. Probably won't remember next time anyway and when I remind him will say tough guys wear purple.



I never was into sports, and still aren't. This is why at over 60 I'm still ambulatory and walk straighter than I think.

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All my injuries were from when Canada attacked us.

You're over 220 years old???? FML, you guys are still sore over the War of 1812? move on.




What color crocks?

Black to hide my dirty feet what else? Purple? Those are for jcock.

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