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cell phones and driving

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Guest Rick-rat

I wish that all the cell phone towers would be destroyed and not brought back. A lot of people think they are so fucking important that they are constantly on their phones. In stores, restaurants, and feel the need to talk louder so everyone can see how important they are, very rude. I have had a cell phone for 2 years and my and have 24 hours of use on it,  I refuse to text, I guess I'm  not very important

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I can see it now no cell phones at Canby..


Mike will be hiding and not letting all the Datsun guys in if he seen them on there phones driving to Canby.



Technology is here to stay and also datsuns. Cars will get and are safer yet drivers are not that's why now cars park them selves, next is you don't drive the car will do it for you then what ,sleeping and driving will be the new complaint. Give me a fuckin break. You guys need to change your points or something on your L block.

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I wish that all the cell phone towers would be destroyed and not brought back. A lot of people think they are so fucking important that they are constantly on their phones. In stores, restaurants, and feel the need to talk louder so everyone can see how important they are, very rude. I have had a cell phone for 2 years and my and have 24 hours of use on it,  I refuse to text, I guess I'm  not very important


And let's not forget the A**H****s on planes who are so engrossed in their cell phone conversations [and they are not supposed to be on it] during landing that the "forget" to put their seat backs in the upright position.  Did you know that a firm shove to the seat back in front of you will jolt the idiot to the full upright position?  I have personally demonstrated this possibility to several idiots!

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Guest Rick-rat

I wonder how many accidents there will be with the new cars that sense another car and stop themselves. It's ok to text the car will stop itself, I don't need to pay attention, maybe you will realize how unsafe it is when someone crashes into you when they are too busy on their phone to drive, happened to me by some shit head texting while driving. I know that you need one to contact all the people that do the work on your Datsuns 

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I wonder how many accidents there will be with the new cars that sense another car and stop themselves. It's ok to text the car will stop itself, I don't need to pay attention, maybe you will realize how unsafe it is when someone crashes into you when they are too busy on their phone to drive, happened to me by some shit head texting while driving. I know that you need one to contact all the people that do the work on your Datsuns

Wow Ricky boy jealous I have people to work on my Datsuns??


And for record I have been hit 3 times in 3 different cars from behind, all women I might add from changing cd's to putting on make up..what if you were getting a blow job in the car, should we wait until we get home.RIGHT.


Rick remember my slogan, is Bought not built. Kind of catchy don't you think.

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Chuckle..argh,argh argh.Since we are yakkin'-care to guess at my earlier question?


.....no. Not up on the local stuff. It's not just laws and enforcing them it's the the social conscience of everyone raised to the point where they see the wisdom of not doing it.  Like smoking and smoking around other people and children. Like not drinking and driving. There is no down side to you or others to not drinking and driving, to not smoking, to not using a cell phone while driving. That's it.

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You know what would be nice, too? Keyless remotes with 2 way transmission so people can lock their vehicles and get a confirmation beep/vibrate at the remote, instead of the friggin annoying horn honk that all my trash neighbors like to blow at any time of day or night.

you must live in the hood. I hear it all the time as well.
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Horns all have a really easy delete mod. They conveniently have two wires that are removable. I wish everyone did this.

if the alarm goes through the factory horn removing the horn is a bad Idea 

although you may sometimes be considered an asshole for using it it can be a very useful item in many cases 

such as  car rolling backwards toward you at an intersection 

car backing out of parking without looking 

these are two very important times to have a horn 

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I rarely honk the horn. I think drivers need educating on it's use. Just like using an emoticon to temper a sentence meaning to lessen or totally remove the sting. A long loud honk is aggressive and counter productive where as a short pip pip of the horn says " hey, I think the light is green". 


I had some DB lady behind me lay on the horn at a 4 way stop intersection and I was already rolling. I stopped and slow counted to 5 and let someone else through first then idled through. I wasn't angry (like a road rage) just a fuck you casual attitude. Not letting this douche upset my day that's for sure. If someone jumps their turn at a 4 way I say "I guess you thought you were there first, eh?"  "can't make eye contact, can you?" "you're more important than me" all in good fun as I'm paid by the hour and I'm in no hurry to get where I'm going. Besides, by law.. the first car into an intersection, controls the intersection. It's nice if to take turns but who's turn it was doesn't matter to a cap. My work partner is not so forgiving and screams obscenities (to no one in particular) and we end up laughing our asses off. Sometimes it' the only thing that gets me through the day.... not taking things too serious.





if the alarm goes through the factory horn removing the horn is a bad Idea
although you may sometimes be considered an asshole for using it it can be a very useful item in many cases
such as  car rolling backwards toward you at an intersection
car backing out of parking without looking
these are two very important times to have a horn


Kids, bicyclist, pedestrians, wild animals who may be unaware of your presence. I bike a min 50 miles a week and every now and then some douche thinks he needs to blast the horn to warn me that he's back there. I know where I am and I assume that he knows what he's doing so there really is no need to honk a long blast right behind me. They usually get the finger as they pass.

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But it should be YOUR choice.


No, it should not. It should be my shoice to walk down the sidewalk without getting hit by flying bodies from the overpass because it was someones "choice" not to wear their seatbelt. It should also be the passengers "choice" not to get killed by being smothered by someone elses body in the case of an accident or have parts of their body broke by someone elses body who "chose" not to wear a seat belt.


"YOUR choice" tends to be a matter of perspective.


1)Not even close.



Mike-if they try to outlaw cell phones in cars, guess who will stop it? Hint: Same folks who stopped a proposed law in California to outlaw "lane-splitting" on motorcycles.



Despite some people insinuating otherwise in the past, lane splitting is there for safety, the amount of motorcycle fatalities in CA dropped after they instated that law. It is safer to ride around stopped cars than sit there waiting for the dickhead on facebook behind you to run you over cause hes not paying attention.

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Lane splitting is not a Law in California. The CHP only had guidelines on how to conduct yourself if doing it, but, it was not and it still not a law in CA


From CHP site:


Motorcycle Safety Information Update

Information regarding "lane splitting general guidelines" is no longer available. 

A petitioner complained to the Office of Administrative Law that there was no formal rulemaking process for the guidelines, and raised other objections. The CHP discussed the issue with the Office of Administrative Law and chose not to issue, use or enforce guidelines and thus removed them from the website. 

The underlying purpose of the guidelines was to provide common-sense traffic safety information. 

California law does not allow or prohibit motorcycles from passing other vehicles proceeding in the same direction within the same lane, a practice often called "lane splitting," "lane sharing" or "filtering." 

Creating a safer highway environment is the shared responsibility of drivers and motorcyclists alike. This is achieved by staying alert and using common sense and courtesy while on the road. It is also important for motorcyclists to minimize their risks by riding responsibly, always wearing a helmet and other protective gear and to never ride under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants. Here are other important safety reminders:

  • Watch your speed-a motorcycle collision is highly likely to cause injury or death
  • Assume people in cars do not see you.
  • Avoid blind spots in other vehicles, particularly large trucks

  • The California Highway Patrol also strongly encourages all motorcycle riders to sign up for the California Motorcyclist Safety Program, which is administered by the CHP as California's official motorcycle safety and training program. The Program offers courses for new and experiences riders. Find out more about the California Motorcyclist Safety Program.


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I choose to wear my seat belt not because its the law (a good one) but because it will help prevent serious injury or death if someone hits me.I also choose to not use the cell phone while driving so that i dont drive like all the idiots that think they are driving just fine while on the phone.Nobody out there on the phone while driving is just as safe as someone not on the phone.

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I always wear my seat belt mostly because when I was younger I drove like a crazed maniac, I did a pretty good job of driving but only because the seat belt kept me in my seat 

how can you drive a car if you are not behind the wheel 

in an accident the seat belt keeps you in your seat away from the steering wheel and in the safest part of the car 

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Not near the fastest in a 510 by a long shot. It was the mid '70 and the car was bought for $50!!!  It burned oil but ran. The druggie I got it off bought it from the original owner and had it a few months and never licensed it although he partied in it a lot. Wanted the $50 he put into it back... for more weed. The car was used but neglected, washer didn't work from never being used, dizzy advance was frozen stuff like that. I never pushed it at all except one night trying to catch up to someone. I'm guessing maybe 70 ? no idea.

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