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Guest roseyroseyrose

oh hey, sorry about that darrel. here is a pic of the emblem without my tits in the way...i also left the pic huge, instead of making it avatar sized...enjoy! (please pardon that rust)


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Guest roseyroseyrose

um, really? i have to blow that avatar back up in photoshop, (er gimp) for you? you can just do that urself!

or go look at insomniacs, that thread has all the tits you could possibly hope for......

am i gonna get kicked off ratsun if i dont?

just in case, i made an email address where ratsuners ive befriended can keep in touch with me:


at least i can still guest if i get banned, heh..... :ninja:

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um, really? i have to blow that avatar back up in photoshop, (er gimp) for you? you can just do that urself!

or go look at insomniacs, that thread has all the tits you could possibly hope for......

am i gonna get kicked off ratsun if i dont?

just in case, i made an email address where ratsuners ive befriended can keep in touch with me:


at least i can still guest if i get banned, heh..... :ninja:


Yes really.


You have to blow it up for us.


Insomniacs has bewbs but post tits is the place to be.


No, you won't get kicked off Ratsun but you will earn some major interwebs points if you post your tits emblems :thumbup:

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Guest roseyroseyrose

here, big enough for ya?


im not terribly competetive, but if youre handing out points for something this minor, ill take them......id rather have help with ideas about why my truk is losing power, really......

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Guest roseyroseyrose

hey wheres my extra points? i dont see them in my profile......all i gots is 45-Good......i think for the 30 seconds that took me to alter and post i deserve at least INFINITY-Primo

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here, big enough for ya?


im not terribly competetive, but if youre handing out points for something this minor, ill take them......id rather have help with ideas about why my truk is losing power, really......


That's ok but a little blury

hey wheres my extra points? i dont see them in my profile......all i gots is 45-Good......i think for the 30 seconds that took me to alter and post i deserve at least INFINITY-Primo


I gave you 2 moar points for your effort mmk?

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Oh how I love this site and the people that are on it.  We were all thinkin it but Darrell said it. :thumbup:




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Oh how I love this site and the people that are on it.  We were all thinkin it but Darrell said it. :thumbup:




i'd say rosey should be getting the praise for this. no getting pissy, no going off about us being assholes or chauvanists or perverts. she just rolled with it. hats off to you rosey!

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Guest roseyroseyrose

wow, this thread grew while i was out......

i wasnt prepared for this, but i have in my pocket an all purpose speech, designed for just such an occasion......

id like to thank my family, for giving me the genes to grow these things, even though sometimes i feel like im just hanging out with them, meeting people that they introduce me to. id like to thank my friends and lovers, for standing by me, holding them up once in awhile, or giving me a reason to lay on my back, to get a little (and a lot) of relief....Or i could speak of thanking the engineers, designers, seamstresses, distributors, and the marketing and sales staff that bring me the support i need, in the form of a "garment" that more closely resembles a brilliantly coloured prosthestic of the the most serious nature-the people who proffer me, my bras........id like also to thank everyone who has carried on entire conversations with my breasts, (peoples grammas, dumbfounded husbands-of-someone-else, and small, drooling babies) thereby "endowing" them with an autonomous nature of their own, that enables them to take over at times like this, making this gratifying, hilarious and heart warming thread into the success that it is.......

oh but ive forgotten to thank you....you, all of you have made this thread possible, and for that, i cannot thank you enough!!!!! without you, this never would have happened, and i wouldnt have come home, to this wondrous reception, with my new fuel filter in the glove box, just in case my truk broke down on the way  to and/or from an evening with edmund white, at the loft theatre.......i made it all the way there, and back without replacing the fuel filter, so i can do it tomorrow, after all.......that wouldnt be possible without you either...... :hug:


thank you!    thank you!                 thank you!


oh, and thanks dm for the extra points......thats one of my favorite numbers :thumbup:

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