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traffic laws, tickets, and datsun.

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Haha. lets turn this into a fucking hate war against non seat belt drivers and law breakers crying about tickets.


Fuck you op, fuck you!!11!! (with one of joecools dildos)


oh and btw, I haven't worn a seatbelt since I sold my orange and white 620.  Guess what, I know the consequences (ticket wise, and safety wise).  And not a single fuck is given what you think :fu: :fu:


Its just natures natural selection waiting to pluck me off.  Ive ridden with a bunch of you guys (maybe people who posted in this thread, maybe not..). More of you don't wear your seat belt then you let off. You know who you are....

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No one rides with me unless belted.


1970. I just bought a new Dart 340. It was fast had wide tires, light and 300hp and really handled the corners (not by today's standards) So I came flashing off the 401 at 60-70 MPH and onto a clover leaf rated at 35. The gee forces threw me over across the bench seat and my ass hit the passenger door. My legs were caught around the floor shifter and I was hanging onto the steering wheel with both hands and it felt like I was hanging down from a tree branch.The off ramp was a circular shape so I didn't need to steer much and as the car slowed down I was able (barely) to pull myself over to the middle of the seat and get some brakes on. Finally I got behind the wheel.


That one lesson of being helpless and out of control taught me the value of being held in my seat by a seat belt. I have never driven without one since.

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The two times I was pulled over in my truck were for no rear bumperor front plate, and one for no mud flaps. Other than that I had more problems with my 72 valiant than anything else.


From what I understand there are a couple possible exceptions to the no-front-plate thing, I started looking into it when the some of the G37s were sold with front plates and some were sold with no front plate.


One exception is exactly that, if they car was sold with no front plate.  The other is "if the body structure of the vehicle makes compliance with this section impossible", see the RCW---



(5)(a) Display. License plates must be:


     (i) Attached conspicuously at the front and rear of each vehicle if two license plates have been issued;


     (ii) Attached to the rear of the vehicle if one license plate has been issued;


     (iii) Kept clean and be able to be plainly seen and read at all times; and


     (iv) Attached in a horizontal position at a distance of not more than four feet from the ground.


     (b) The Washington state patrol may grant exceptions to this subsection if the body construction of the vehicle makes compliance with this section impossible.



So basically it seems like if your bumper doesn't have a bracket for a plate, they're not going to make you hack it or drill it.  But if there's a space there, they want a plate there.


If it is really important to someone to not have a front plate, they could just put an aftermarket bumper that doesn't have a bracket or holes for one, and they should be a-ok.


SHOULD be, anyway... an officer and/or a judge with a point to prove can do what they want, in the real world.




I also found this petition to re-word RCW46.16A.240, so that it only requires a rear plate and sidesteps all the front bumper shenanigans--






Also agree with the others on seatbelts.  I'm about as anti-authority as they come, and sidestepping authority/enforcement (selective enforcement, that is) issues...

Seat belts should always be worn.  Even if you're gonna drive fast, at least be efficient and capable.  Hard to do that when you're hanging on to the steering wheel from the passenger side of the car.



Don't get me started on whether or not being low or having a loud exhaust should be any of the cop's business, though...  :fu: tha fuzz when it comes to that!

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I agree with just about every post lol. I personally like seat belts though, cant agree with the no seat belts since 1932 or what ever the hell. Used to hate them now I cant drive without them, feels weird. 

In regard to speaking with the judge after fixing the issues. You want to speak to the prosecutor not the judge. He is the one most likely to work with you on the issues and give you a deal to plead down to. If he is a prick you can take your chances talking to the judge but its my experience thats a bigger risk. I would rather seek an adjournment and go back when a different prosecutor is there to talk to and try again then go right to the judge even in that case. 

I just recently got a leaving the scene of an accident dismissed by talking to the prosecutor. 

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the way I drove when I was a kid I had to wear a seat belt to stay behind the wheel 

I feel like I am driving naked without my seat belt on 


at 15 if your exhaust was to loud you need a new muffler 

no mirrors say look at me 

no seat belt says give me a ticket 

if the cop was a real dick he probably could have sited you for being to low 

( there is a minimum center of headlight requirement )


sorry to hear about your luck but its best to make the exhaust quieter or have it tested if you dont think its to loud and take proof to court 

put the mirrors on 

put at least a drivers seat belt in 


take all this proof to court and do mention that you are a college student and you were in the middle of fixing all the above and show proof it is done 

then keep a low profile and cross your fingers the cops leave you and your flashy truck alone 


good luck 

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quit blaming the cops you did some stupid  shit and got caught learn a lesson and chalk it up to the game playa!

Like speeding in two loud ass cars on Taylors Ferry Rd, right into a speed trap of a bunch of cops... "We heard you coming a long way away." Lol...



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dont forget that your truck says nuts on it... and not just painted on.. thats shits embossed in the body!!!!! you prolly pissed em off somehow and he thought, fuck this kid......


Hell half the rigs i've seen going around don't include working brakes :rofl:


you poking fun at me?... i have rear brakes......... :thumbup:

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I think in WA your frame cant be lower than the lip of your rim. Oregon too


Last I knew, if you couldn't place your plate on the front of the car it should be in the front window. I roll with mine on my dash board as the bolts on the front bumper are fucked and I can't get them off to install the license plate. I might dick around with it later. I had a cop follow me just last night. He was parked, whipped out and tailed me for a mile...  Probably because of the plate.  I have no shoulder belts, only lap belts in the car. so it always looks like I'm not wearing a seat belt.  trolol.


I do wear it more than I let off :lol:  But again, it always looks like I'm not wearing one :rofl: fuck the police. My lights, signals all work. Speedo too... I just use my lights when I should, signals when the book says, and the speed limit sometimes.  Last time I got pulled over was a year ago doing 68 in a 55 in the B.  I blamed it on not having a speedo. He said if the power poles look like a picket fence i'm going to fast lol

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Federal law is that no part of a vehicle can be below the lips of the rims.   Otherwords, if you were to remove all the tires and were sitting on the rims, they should be the only parts touching the ground.


I don't know about Oregon, but in WA it's illegal to have the front (or rear) plate inside the window.  The front plate has to be mounted on the exterior of the vehicle.  I got pulled over for "improper display of front plate" since it was on the dash, and was only there because the prior owner had thrown away the license plate bracket.  I was actually junkyard hopping looking for a bracket when I got pulled over.  I ended up using zipties to attach it to the grille, as I never did find a bracket.

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State trooper pulled me over because he claimed I didn't have a front plate, I told him I did, and his response was "get out and show me". It was pouring rain, so I took my time to roll up the window first and set the defrost to high... he wasn't very happy about that. I walk around to the front of the car with him following me, and point to it, clearly visible "there it is.". He was even less happy then, I don't know what he was expecting... lol.


A lot of cops have 5 pound gun, 10 pound lip syndrome. Some just think their word is law. There are a few OK ones. But the odds are against you, so don't give them any reason to trap you and your hard earned dollars will stay in your pocket and out of theirs.



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