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DON'T Use Photobucket on Ratsun

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There home office was described as a ghost town compared to the past a few years ago, maybe that will happen again, but until this site/forum hosts it own photos it will be at the mercy of photo hosting sites, and the overwhelming majority of members on here will not pay for photo hosting.

They say I am using over 500mb, at this moment I believe that means I have more than 500mb stored there, I suspect 25mb isn't very much, what used to be the issue was too many people were looking at my photos, that has not been an issue for me for years.

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I have a question, is bandwidth and photo storage the same thing?

I thought storage was the storage of photos and bandwidth was how often a photo is viewed, is this correct?

I ask because in the past when I posted photos hosted by Photobucket and it was viewed by too many, it would get locked out and a warning was sent to me via email that I was using too much bandwidth, this only happened a couple times early on just after I joined Ratsun, but I have not used PB for anything in a very long time except storage of what I have had there for about a 5 year period, I have not signed on there in a very long time, most my threads are buried pages deep, yet PB has told me I am using too much bandwidth, could this be storage being called something else?

Or could people searching Datsun kingcab on the internet and seeing one of my photos be the issue as a lot of my photos show in that type of search? 

They say I am using over 500mb of bandwidth per month, I am restricted to 25mb per month, I just don't see people on Ratsun looking at my photos anymore being all my threads with PB photos are buried so deep except the 521 kingcab thread which is getting no replies except for my update post.

I am not whining, I am just trying to understand how PB works or if they are calling apples oranges.

They are also saying I can unsubscribe to the messages, has anyone ever done that(unsubscribe) and found themselves with no account?




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25 minutes ago, wayno said:

I have a question, is bandwidth and photo storage the same thing?

I thought storage was the storage of photos and bandwidth was how often a photo is viewed, is this correct?

I ask because in the past when I posted photos hosted by Photobucket and it was viewed by too many, it would get locked out and a warning was sent to me via email that I was using too much bandwidth, this only happened a couple times early on just after I joined Ratsun, but I have not used PB for anything in a very long time except storage of what I have had there for about a 5 year period, I have not signed on there in a very long time, most my threads are buried pages deep, yet PB has told me I am using too much bandwidth, could this be storage being called something else?

Or could people searching Datsun kingcab on the internet and seeing one of my photos be the issue as a lot of my photos show in that type of search? 

They say I am using over 500mb of bandwidth per month, I am restricted to 25mb per month, I just don't see people on Ratsun looking at my photos anymore being all my threads with PB photos are buried so deep except the 521 kingcab thread which is getting no replies except for my update post.

I am not whining, I am just trying to understand how PB works or if they are calling apples oranges.

They are also saying I can unsubscribe to the messages, has anyone ever done that(unsubscribe) and found themselves with no account?





You are correct in your definitions.


It's either they are lying about the usage or you've got a lot of pics floating around. I think my email from them says I'm using like 2.5GB of bandwidth.. I just ignore the emails. I'll need to go back and relink all my pics to my new hosting.. someday...

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I have posted a lot of photos over the last 9 years, I quit using them after the first big change.

I just don't see that many people looking at my PB hosted photos anymore, I received a message from them a while back about my stored photos and how much space it took, they said nothing about bandwidth then.

PB is just annoying now, their attempt to hold every ones photos hostage was the start, and even though they have a new CEO their policies appear to be the same, they try to scare people into giving them money, it reminds me of Portland OR when the released prisoners out of jail live on TV, showing them running out of the building.

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I have all my photos and many on a hard drive. I only put photos that I wanted into a hosting site I would never store them there. In this day and age storage space is cheap and getting cheaper and larger and larger. Look at you-tube, they store 300 hours of viewing every minute!!!!!!! every friggin' minute. That's 12.5 days worth every minute. 432,000 hours a day. So fuck FB and their whining.

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Wayno, I got the same email.  I haven't uploaded any pics in a while.  I did recently go on PB and deleted all but ones I remembered posting on this forum.  I've only posted on here, and a few other forums I don't go on anymore,  using PB.  So, I'm pissed because some of my pics on here, I want to remain on this forum, they are informational on some of my threads or comments.  Pictures in a "How to" topic, are important to understand what your are trying to convey.  So, after I did delete most of my pics on PB, I have them on hardrives, I received another email about being over the bandwidth!  So, looks like all my threads and post with pics from PB will be blurred, cause I'm not paying PB!  I'm not going through the hassle of another pic hosting site, modifying all threads with the new hosting site etc.  Just to much computer crap for me, rather been driving in my car, spearing, sailing, skiing, or kicking back!

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  • 3 months later...

All my photos hosted with Photolame are blurred now, I won't pay them so they have turned to extortion again, I see others are also on their list.

I may someday have to fix my photos, but I don't see the point of going with another free hosting site and I will not pay for hosting because when I die the photos will just disappear, so unless Ratsun starts hosting photos itself like other forums I will just wait Photolame out again like I did before and maybe they will restore the photos again like they did before.

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Basically you want something that costs money, for free. Free hosting, with or without ads, was a bubble of the dot com boom. Marketing has shifted to a different strategy away from simple banner ads. You're not going to get free hosting anymore and should learn to deal with it. You don't want to shoulder the cost but you'd like Ratsun to?

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Companies offer free samples or trial membership for 30 days, all the time, with the hope that it will generate additional sales. If offered for free then they can afford to offer it.... and I'll take that offer. Like Wayno said these fuckers make millions hand over fist so they can easily afford a percentage of non payers.  So...




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Ratsun.net is a unique place on the internet as far as I know.  It is free to post here.  To keep server costs down. Ratsun.net does not allow pictures to be stored in Ratsun.net servers.


So, when you ask one of our site administrators "Do you give free work away for every X amount of paying customers?"  Yes, they do.   I cannot imagine the amount of unpaid time site administrators put in this site.


THANK YOU !  administrators.


Now, about Photobucket.  I too took the free bait, and have lots of pictures stored there.  These pictures are now blurry in Ratsun.  I am disappointed at Photobucket for making these changes, and I do  not like the way they implemented the changes.  One parallel is like a neighborhood drug pusher who gives you the first few hits for free, until you are addicted.


I am now paying for my own server space to store my pictures.  But I have hundreds of old pictures I need to now upload to my server, and then change the links in Ratsun.net posts.


By the way, thank you administrators for allowing unlimited time to edit old posts in Ratsun.net.




Edited by DanielC
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Icehouse (Jeff) shoulders the entire cost of this forum, less what people may donate to his PayPal. He doesn't ask for money but is very thankful if it shows up. He told me how much a year once, and that was a long time ago, by now it must be close to $100 a month!  Maybe more, I don't know. He believes a forum should be no different than being in your garage, having fun twisting wrenches, working on a Datsun and shooting the shit with a beer in hand. It's his wish that it not be used to sell advertising apace here and I for one applaud this. Thank you Jeff!


Seems administering is a lot easier than it used to be. The old forums were full of spam and idiots trying to get in that got the boot but it was time consuming. Christ one morning before work I had to delete 34 new posts for love potions and spells from India. Find, erase it, find the IP address and ban it and the users name and password, say a minute each? The filters and fire walls are much better now. Now it's down to only reading all new member posts and approving it or not, moving posts, deleting accidental and intentional double posts, new passwords for those who have been away and forgot them, correcting the spelling of new post titles so that the search engine doesn't overlook it, etc. As of Sept 14 2018 or one year ago today, I have 4,865 private messages sent/received, many are administration requests to change, erase, open/close or adjust something.... most are just Datsun related questions. Back to 2007 there are over 78,000 messages or 6,500 a year so yeah this year is slower than average. I don't know what all the other mods and admins put in. We just keep our heads together an it rolling along.

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2 hours ago, DanielC said:

Ratsun.net is a unique place on the internet as far as I know.  It is free to post here.  To keep server costs down. Ratsun.net does not allow pictures to be stored in Ratsun.net servers.


So, when you ask one of our site administrators "Do you give free work away for every X amount of paying customers?"  Yes, they do.   I cannot imagine the amount of unpaid time site administrators put in this site.


THANK YOU !  administrators.


Now, about Photobucket.  I too took the free bait, and have lots of pictures stored there.  These pictures are now blurry in Ratsun.  I am disappointed at Photobucket for making these changes, and I do  not like the way they implemented the changes.  One parallel is like a neighborhood drug pusher who gives you the first few hits for free, until you are addicted.


I am now paying for my own server space to store my pictures.  But I have hundreds of old pictures I need to now upload to my server, and then change the links in Ratsun.net posts.


By the way, thank you administrators for allowing unlimited time to edit old posts in Ratsun.net.





My comment about giving away free work was to mike & wayno, who seem to think they are entitled to free hosting, shouldered by others.  It was not directed towards the ratsun.net owners/operators.  I try to donate when I can.  If people expect free hosting (of any type), they are either ignorant/misinformed about how things work, or feel entitled to costly services for free.  I've been paying about $12/mo for decades for hosting & domain, because...that's how it works.

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It's offered for FREE!!!!!! I don't feel entitled to free hosting, I didn't ask or demand free from some place, I just take advantage of it when it's there. Photobucket changed the rules and tried to fuck me and everyone else taking advantage of their service which was shitty to begin with. I can be pissed at them if I want to. They e-mailed me saying they were sorry, new management, blah blah blah. I told them to fuck off and went elsewhere. Best way to treat that behavior is to run them down every chance I get. I don't use it for anything else but pictures posted on Ratsun, I don't even know all the things I could use it for and don't. For this it's worth exactly.... free.


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I don't deny they went about changing their policy in a very poor manner, but expecting free hosting is ridiculous, and you can't be pissed when the gravy train ends.  If they now have reasonable market rates, then it's just stubbornness and entitlement to boycott them expecting free service.  And you can't run from one temporary free service to another and then complain when your links die.  


Get a domain, get a host, and put up your pictures.  Keep backups of your pictures.  Host doesn't suit you anymore?  Change hosts and redirect domain and everything will continue to work.

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I realize with free you get what you pay for and it may have a shelf life. But PB were cunts. Their 'service' was always shit, always. Slow, loading and down loading, some days it didn't work at all and every year or less they would change everything and would take days and days to figure out and use it again. But I continued with it for years and years. Then I have to pay 400 to get them released? If they had come out and said they can't continue free any more it would have been easier to choke down. It's like cable TV you pay and pay but only watch one or two channels. Like I said only use it for the pictures I post here.


19 minutes ago, wayno said:

A company like Photobucket should just close their doors and not exist anymore, they even screwed over the people that paid them.

Picasa just told everyone they were getting out of the hosting business, that is what PB should have done.





 PB .... just kill yourself.



I'm much less bitter at PB now and doing well with my new free account elsewhere. Been a couple of years now and the only complaint is I haven't found a way to organize pictures in an album. Works excellent

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the process of changing photobucket picture links in threads I have started, to server space I am buying.  

I cannot possibly remember all the other threads I have posted in over the years.

If anyone comes across a post I posted in, and it still has the photobucket link picture, it is OK, or even encouraged that you contact me by a PM on Ratsun, and I will try to get a usable picture in your thread.

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6 hours ago, DanielC said:

I am in the process of changing photobucket picture links in threads I have started, to server space I am buying.  

I cannot possibly remember all the other threads I have posted in over the years.

If anyone comes across a post I posted in, and it still has the photobucket link picture, it is OK, or even encouraged that you contact me by a PM on Ratsun, and I will try to get a usable picture in your thread.

I went through this. There is a one click download tool you can add to Firefox which might help since they disabled the bulk downloaded. 

to make life easier you can use chevereto to get a very close photobucket experience minus all the crappy things, that you own. That’s what I ended up doing. 

highly recommended! 


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i always use www.flickr.com for hosting of pictures. Yes i have to pay them some yearly fee but that insures me i have acces to all pictures when and where i want. they will never blur or keep stuff out of my reach.

if something is free, you ar spaying with your data or you will have to pay afterwards. nothing is for free. except some old Datsun parts i have laying around.

Companies don't do free. 

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I personally hope they stay in biz.  With over 8000 pictures on ratsun...all hosted on PB.......them shutting down will kill a lot of info.  I don't like them either.  I'm willing to pay to keep the pics alive, but I'm not willing to move and relink all those pics.  

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