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I rest my case and stand by my earlier comments.


The OP's post appears to be not dissimilar to a post last year about a genuine one owner, used to belong to grandfather, low mileage 510. 


Surprisingly (not) no pics of this miracle vehicle appeared either.


Yet again I say, the OP's post is why parents must! supervise their children when they are using the Internet as cleary no good (and a lot of bored Ratsun devotees) will occur as a result of lack of supervision.


Quick post edit, Draker beat me to it!

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I think he said it was going to be picked up on wednesday. And didn't someone order him not to post until he got pics posted? I would call that obedient. 


That would be the first time a n00b ever listened. Im always hopeful for these threads, because I like to think there are still some undiscovered gems out there hidden in garages/barns... but I havent seen one actually turn into something solid. 

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I say pics don't prove anything either lol could just pull some off the internet.

Correct, and as I said in one of my earlier posts, things can be photoshopped.


For posts on Ratsun for things like hens teeth, unicorns horns, virgins in a whorehouse, honest politicians and rare one owner Datsuns with low mileage which haven't seen the light of day for a looooonnnnnggggg time, it should be mandatory to post a pic which shows the car, and a recent copy of a newspaper (similar to what is done with proof of life photos).


Either the above or a more sensible solution IMLTHO is to support the enacting of legislation which allows trolls to be retrospectively aborted.


Simple really :)

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

... but I havent seen one actually turn into something solid. 



Did you see izzo'z post earlier today...that was a solid......one :rofl:

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Shit, now I'm getting synical too, were running out of daylight and not oic one of the 510. Sir, you are now seeming like the kind of guy that when a woman asks for 10 inches and make it hurt, would just fuck her 10 times, and slap her afterwards...








Just saying.....

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