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I want it to rain.

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WTF? Why has it been so dry lately? I want precipitation! Rain, snow, I don't care, just something!!! Oh rain gods, here me now! Put out the fires, bring a shit ton of snow to Spokane!! We're on day 41 of no precipitation, I think.


Anyone else having a dry spell?

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Don't ask for rain in Oregon please.


I'm not in Oregon. :D "And now for the weather report. Hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty, with a chance of crappy." - Good Morning Vietnam At least it's starting to get close to the freezing mark overnight now, but it's been too dry too long over in Spokane.

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The last couple 100+ days have sucked. In the CA central valley usually October is when it goes from hot and ugly to cold and rainy in a period of about 3 days. Of course then everyone bitches about the rain....

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We've been getting intermittent flurries (or maybe its just really slow rain) since last night with the temps hovering just above freezing so it melts as soon as it lands.

Summer is officially over here. Time to dig out the snow tires. :crying:

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