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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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If I could read her mind I'd probably have better luck. Problem isn't me telling her she's wrong it's everyone around her think she's wrong to leave me which makes her more set on doing it cause they can't tell her what to do. People who I've e never met are taking my side which sounds great but it works against me. Basically i'll never completely understand women and she'll never stop thinking that I am making her mad on purpose. Like she tells me I need to have my car fixed by the time she gets home but she comes home and gets mad because the house is still cluttered when I had no time to do both. She seems to think I should know exactly what she wants.



And from this thread i would say owning a Datsun defiantly makes you a stand up guy haha never met any of you in person but I'm thinking I should go to the next ratsun meet in my area. Probably be pretty awesome


It gets better dude. Sounds like she has lots of drama which makes your life non-peaceful. Seriously there are other women out there, Datsun loving women. You're young with no kids, write this off as a learning experience and move on. There are many women out there that won't give you this kind of bullshit, it hurts now but it gets better. Find someone with a low drama quotient. Good luck.


Oh and stay off Ebay while drunk late at night.

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been there before with my first wife, we even tried counselling but she did not want to work things out and later on she finally told me that while i was in germany she had a few affairs, 1 was with my best friend and the other was with my section chief(military) and wanted to know what my thoughts were about her dating my ex best friend. i told her that i can give a rats ass who she sees, cuz i started the divorce papers after we separated and she packed up whatever she could in my jeep cherokee and her and her slut cousin took off back to N.C. that was back in 96' my current wife have been together 16 yrs. and we have some problems now and then but when i meet her i told her up front that i was going thru a divorce and told her if she wants to leave i'll understand and my passion for cars.


Wow might wanna hit one last counselor meeting....lol.... Doesn't sound like U harbor any ill will towards wife v1.0



And for the record there are like two datsun women..... Ones married and the other one dabbled in soft core porn apparently...... So let's not lie to the kid..just do what u feels right people will always have opinion and will always think they knows what's best for u ..... Only u two know what u share and have ..... We are just sharing our experiences ..... One things for sure your never gonna make her wanna stay.... So try just doing u and agreeing with wha ever she wants to do ....cause anything else will just end up fighting about ..... Fuck ka swap yor truck u got time now

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Hmm eBay drunk sounds fun haha

Just been staying bussy hangin with my long lost friends.

She has been askin what I'm up to every hour so maybe she's thinking straighter... Looks like checking the fluids in the truck might have done something. She didn't know why I'd care cause the truck wasn't my problem. And that truck will be payed off with the insurance money from her subaru she totaled so not really dumping a payment on her just works out better to give that truck to her. I prefer to drive my Datto and don't need 2 trucks. She thought I was gonna keep both and leave her hangin but I'd never do that

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Divorce is cheap you can file it yourself if both parties just want to split.


I agree that if you still want to work it out and feel there is a chance you owe it to yourself and her to seek counseling and try. If it doesnt work like its been said your young and dont have kids so fuck it. Pretty easy to move on and be happy in that situation.


I'm 28 have been married a lil over 2 years now, it can be pretty hard. Shit that shouldnt even be an issue becomes so and neither knows why. Sometimes you have to take a step back and remember why the fuck your together. The small shit dont matter, the big stuff can be worked through if willing.....


One major thing thats changed since I have been married is my respect for people who have been married so long, 10, 20, 30 years with the same person, bananas man lol......

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Hmm eBay drunk sounds fun haha

Just been staying bussy hangin with my long lost friends.

She has been askin what I'm up to every hour so maybe she's thinking straighter... Looks like checking the fluids in the truck might have done something. She didn't know why I'd care cause the truck wasn't my problem.


This doesn't sound like a wife that wants to be single ..... Give her what she wants a divorce u will be surprised ..ps minimum 90 days so getting a divorce isnt like getting married it takes far longer .......there's plenty of time to change minds or move forward.....bitches sometimes say shit to get our attention cause were busy under hoods ..z be a better listener and stop talking when she's mad ..... A one side arguement sounds dumber in person ....

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72 says it well .... People who say fuck it and run ..... Also have the story's of first wife's andes don't know why that happened just like they don know why u would wanna stay ..... Ultimately it's your decision not ours but if u want it by all means show them..... Fuck we all ended up on here for one reason we wanted a dataun at all costs ..... For me it was a secert for a while fearing it may be the period In a Bad stretch of decisions in my marriage .... But instill wanted the goon just like I wanted my marriage and my daughter in my life daily ...z it's different for everyone and no one knows but u .....I done a Pi of shit in my 37 years none of them tougher marriage ...don't let her yoyo If she wants to in and out .... That's a no go just do u be supportive and tell her she can have a divOrce .... It's the least u can do for sharing the last three years o your life together ..... Again drama is like a tide ..... It comes twice a day and once a month its higher then usual..... But will nEver be more than u can deal with .. Do it

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Tried the no talkin makes her thing I'm pissed haha and how does a divorce take 3 months? I don't know anything about this stuff. She hasn't even gotten papers yet. But I can tell when she's bluffing and this is no bluff unfortunately. She left over a week ago and decided what she wanted today

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You need what we over here call a GOIG !



Getting Over It Girl, preferably dumb with big hooters.


Don't forget to kick her out when your finished having fun !


Yep, best way to get over a girl is to get over another girl :thumbup:

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Just getting the papers is arduous task let her go find that out ..... Then most states have a mandatory 90 day cooling off period after u file ...like was mentioned it can be cheap if u agree and since u have no kids it can be easy too .... But it takes more time then anything.... She wants it let her get the papers..... And just because she has sex with u in the next four weeks won't mean she wants to be together she just wants its to be easy as apposed to going and finding someone.... No pressure but it is your chance to go out side the box .... Maybe a finger int he butt maybe bring a sawzall and a car battery..... I dunno at that point it's just cause its easy not because she wants back but it could be the gateway to her figuring out wha she really wants ..... It took a week to come to what she wanted cause it took her friends that log to brow beat it into her mind.... It's good she took a week that means she's unsure ...... I don't think I ever told u to ignore her ...... I said when she talks listen and don't talk ..... Not talking is what got u here

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My lawyer gave me some damn good advice when I was getting divorced. We were still on good speaking terms and all that, so he said to go ahead and file for divorce while things were civil. If we decided to patch it up we could always get remarried. But if she decided to be a pain in the ass she could really stick it to me If she hadn't already signed the papers.


So get the divorce in writing and worry about reconciliation later. And make sure she trades that truck ASAP. Don't trust her to make the payments, I've seen it too many times. You piss her off and she'll just let them repossess it and then it's YOUR problem. It doesn't matter to the finance company what the divorce papers say, you're still responsible.

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Just do her sister and or best friend and show her what drama really is. Seriously though,, the best way to get over some one is to get under some one else. I can almost guarantee she will do it before you do,, unless you go out and draw first blood like last week. Women are like that.


At 23, I would drive to the nearest college hang out bar,, and find some easy bitch and git er done.


Sorry for the harshness,, but Im old, and been through the ringer already. It is possible to love again even if you think this one is the only one.


My advice,, let her go, get some strange, and move on.

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