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one thing you should know befor going to canby !

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DO NOT LEAN ON ANY OF THE CAR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT LEAN ON ANY OF THE CAR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT LEAN ON ANY OF THE CAR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT LEAN ON ANY OF THE CAR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT LEAN ON ANY OF THE CAR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years a go I had my hood open on my sr car and some one / or several people where nice enough to lean in to look at my swap and dented both my front fender's .

never lean on some ones car .

I might not open my hood this year since my fenders are fiber glass and i don't want to have to fix them .


If any one has any other use full hints go a head and post them in this thread

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These are not things that should need to be said but I understand your frustration completely. A few years ago I drove my '36 Chevy pickup across the state to attend a show with a buddy. One of those friendly, small town, main street type events. I came back to my truck after looking at some of the other cars to find Cletus sitting in the cab playing with the shifter and pulling knobs while his 3 kids were molesting every square inch of the outside. I calmly approached him and in an extremely friendly tone asked, "How's it goin'? You interested in buy it? (I had small FOR SALE cards in the front and back windows.)

"Oh, I ain't got the money for nothin like this," he answered.

I didn't want to make a scene in front of his kids so in the same friendly and polite manner I quietly invited him to "get the fuck out of my car before I drag your country-ass out". He just chuckled like I was joking. I leaned in and responded with, "Seriously. Now." I guess he needed to be asked twice before it finally registered that it's not okay to just get in other people's cars and mess with stuff. He got out and started muttering something about how I didn't have to be rude...bla bla bla. In the end, no real harm was done to the vehicle but I didn't leave my truck again for the rest of the day. Kind of took the enjoyment out of the show for me though. I guess there's one in every crowd.


One other point of advice to expand on the original post:







Instruct them to look with their eyes and not their hands. If they can't do that -- leave them at home.

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These are not things that should need to be said but I understand your frustration completely. A few years ago I drove my '36 Chevy pickup across the state to attend a show with a buddy. One of those friendly, small town, main street type events. I came back to my truck after looking at some of the other cars to find Cletus sitting in the cab playing with the shifter and pulling knobs while his 3 kids were molesting every square inch of the outside. I calmly approached him and in an extremely friendly tone asked, "How's it goin'? You interested in buy it? (I had small FOR SALE cards in the front and back windows.)

"Oh, I ain't got the money for nothin like this," he answered.

I didn't want to make a scene in front of his kids so in the same friendly and polite manner I quietly invited him to "get the fuck out of my car before I drag your country-ass out". He just chuckled like I was joking. I leaned in and responded with, "Seriously. Now." I guess he needed to be asked twice before it finally registered that it's not okay to just get in other people's cars and mess with stuff. He got out and started muttering something about how I didn't have to be rude...bla bla bla. In the end, no real harm was done to the vehicle but I didn't leave my truck again for the rest of the day. Kind of took the enjoyment out of the show for me though. I guess there's one in every crowd.


One other point of advice to expand on the original post:







Instruct them to look with their eyes and not their hands. If they can't do that -- leave them at home.


I have had this happen also . good point about the kid's

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Canby is usually pretty good about people being courteous, but rule of thumb, you only lean on a car if the owner is leaning on it, and it has shitty paint. And you're not 300 pounds. :D

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It happens. One year at the MSA show I came back to my car and found a 200# lady sittin on my front fender. I guess the look on my face said it all. She just got off and said sorry then strolled off.


Then a couple years at JCCS some ass hat thought it would be a good idea to sit in my car. A friend of mine came running over HEY some dude is sitting in your car. Now I didn't have any for sale signs on it. So I asked the guy ( You want to take her home???)

He says no, I tell him to get the fuck out. I guess some people just don't get it..

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I had a new car with pretty gloss black paint & came over to find this fat=assed couple sitting on the front of my hood! I too very calmly asked them to not sit on my car & they looked @ me like I was an unreasonable asshole. This was not @ a car show. It was @ a camp site but still not cool.


I guess not everyone has the common sense to not fucck up someone elses ride. So signs would be the way to go. "Please dont touch car" or "Stay the FUCK off my whip!" whichever you deem appropriate :angel:

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I agree 100% with this thread BUT ...


Most of this problem will not be coming from the ratsun community... with the exception of children.


My daughters are well versed as to the do's and dont's... :w00t:

Dont touch daddys Orange car..


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Similar topic, the thing I hate most about people is when you park your car in a parking lot and there are people kicking it outside talking and they always have that damn habit to lean on cars that aren't there's. I would find people doing that to my parents cars all the time all I would do is hit the red panic button and they would just run lol funniest shit ever! :D

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don't smoke cigarettes next to my truck..because of the open fuelcell/gas can I use


dont lean on my truck if i don't know you..because it might bottom out on the grass beneath it and crunch something


don't touch my front fenders, foremost...because they are held on with chewing gum and bailing wire


thats about it..




for the lolzz







love ya man!!!

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My daughters are well versed as to the do's and dont's... :w00t:

Dont touch daddys Orange car..



:lol: ... :thumbup:


I've had plent of kids run into my cars ... playing ... bikes ... etc ... i have to laugh it off ... they didnt know or mean ... with the exception of one pubescent little bass-turd ... :/. :lol:


don't smoke cigarettes next to my truck..


dont lean on my truck if i don't know you..


don't touch my front fenders, foremost...


thats about it ..



I think you need rehab ...


For you're period button addiction ...

















..... :sneaky:

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I took a friend who is a paint/body guy to Blue Lake a couple years ago.. he's used to checking out paint jobs and touching cars(at work). Apparently, he was under the impression that it was ok to do this in public. The second I noticed he was doing this, I climbed up him one side and down the other. Needless to say, he keeps his hands to himself at shows now.


It amazes me what people think is ok to do in terms of other peoples' property.. :no:

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The reason i posted this is because i caught my self leaning on my flare last night and felt it flex. and as it flexed i pulled a way. now if some one was not paying attention it would have destroyed my already cracked flare


VIP Velvet Roping an option ? something to this effect allowed ?



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