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Ecology Beware......

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not sure if this is happening in all ecology junk yards but today I noticed that the security guard was checking peoples pockets. He was catching alot of people with all kinds of stuff. I usually take nuts and bolts, fuses, or bulbs but I guess not anymore.

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Refuse to be searched unless a condition of entry and you have a choice to not go in. Tell them it's a violation of your rights, they couldn't have seen you take it so have no grounds for a search. Police can't search you unless detained or arrested. Tell them to fuck off. For some small things nuts and bolts maybe a matchbox module, tell them it's yours it's broke and are looking for a good one just like it. Unless they searched you on the way in they can't do shit. Sick to your story. Or just don't steal in the first place..

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I too find it annoying if you declare nuts and bolts, they'll figure out some arbitrary amount to try and charge you. Hence, if they have nothing I can use, and I paid $2 to get in, I'm going to get my two bucks worth also. I usually try and hide smaller items inside larger ones.


Keep in mind, this is for uncataloged stuff. Things they actually have prices for, I pay for. It's the small bullshit they want to rip me off for that annoys me. Damn pick and pull yards get freakin' stingy from time to time.

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Why the fuck steal small stuff? Risk getting ban hammered from your favorite getaway from ....... yer significant other .... where you gonna go now? :lol:


Fuses are cheap really ... cmon .... or just fix your wiring .... :lol:


Bolts and nuts ... hardware store. ... ace hardware .... etc .... etc



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^True, though I consider nuts and bolts to be freebies. Or like a spring off a carburetor. If you're making a throttle linkage let's say, and you grab three different springs to try and make the return work, if you declare those, yards around here will want to charge you 5 bucks, which is highway robbery. Especially considering the $2 entry fee. Hence, the pocketing of certain small items. ;)

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If it's nuts and bolts to something I'm buying, I just thread the bolts back into whatever it is; I've never been charged extra for that. If I have a handful of bolts that don't go to anything in particular, then you should be charged. It's hardware.


As far as getting "ripped off", nobody holds a gun to your head and tells you that you have to buy the parts. I've left parts at the counter when I knew they were trying to shaft me on the price. I've also taken the part back out to the yard and come back on another day when the guy at the counter is in a better mood or different altogether. You can get 2 different prices, depending on which way the wind is blowing. If there are set prices on items, then you pay what you pay, or walk away empty handed. Your choice. There's a vendor I see at Canby every year that charges laughable prices for EVERYTHING he drags in the gate. I never see him sell anything, but I suppose that if someone is absolutely desperate enough, he'd make a sale. Nothing wrong with that.

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Yeah there def is highway robbery some days .... put the part down on counter leave it ... and walk away ... price drastically reduced ... :lol: .


Yeah i hear ya on getting nicked Hrh ...


Whoops i meant to say ... just walking around collecting pockets full of bolts etc .... not just the surrounding bolts on the item.... :)


I went to buy a subaru loyale headlight years ago ... i put it down on the counter .... guy says $150 .... i *poker face* put it down on the counter ... start walking away ... guy freaks out and says " $50 .... $15 bucks .... " ... i turn around hand him cash ... he marks the part ... i walk out happy :D

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If I am buying a part such as a alt. bracket, or the alternator or tranny for that matter, I thread all the bolts back into the part I am buying, I also want the bolts that hold the said part on, and I tell them they are in my pocket, if they said it would be extra, I would say "are you kidding", now they do want extra for head bolts, but I have plenty of them, as you see in the photo below, the head bolts are in a nice pile on the matt for anyone that wants them.



Now I as well as anyone that goes to the "U-Pull-It" yards a lot knows, we have all walked out of there without paying for something small and not worth much, it's not a good habit, and it will bleed into other things in our lives if we start to think that it is not a bad thing to do, look at our politicians.

I have found it is best to get a quote for a part before you pull it, and when they say something else at the register, hold them to what they quoted, I have walked out of there everytime with the quoted price or less, more often it is less than the quote.

Also I have found that certain people that work at these places, hate there jobs, and there are no deals there, unless it is a 50% off sale, if I see one of these individuals, I look around and leave, none have asked to search me yet, but if they did, I would empty my pockets and say, "there are no good deals around here when you are working, so I look around and leave", and I have left parts there also, I actually made a rant thread about the columbia yard a while ago.

If someone was stealing expensive things from me, I would not be happy, I don't care about a wheel barrow of barkdust, just don't take the whole pile.

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I didn't get searched, but I did notice a bonus guard standing under a tree

outside of the Ecology. I too was wondering what the heck is he doing there,

catching thieves, or thieves on the run. Plus I think I could out run him

anyways if I tried to jack something and got caught.


My 19yr old son even said..."Poppy, people even pay for this junk?" :lol:

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I heard Pick N Pull is charging their $2 entry fee, then a percentage of your total as an EXIT FEE.


Never noticed an exit fee on my receipts.


The only time they can try and search you is as a condition of entry. Once you've paid for your shit, they can pound sand. Transaction is complete, they have no further rights to, now, your property. If they believe you stole something, they can ask to detain you while the cops show up, but they can't physically stop you. If some numb nuts tried laying a hand on me, he'd need his wife's help to open his ketchup bottles.

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I heard Pick N Pull is charging their $2 entry fee, then a percentage of your total as an EXIT FEE.


Never noticed an exit fee on my receipts.


The only time they can try and search you is as a condition of entry. Once you've paid for your shit, they can pound sand. Transaction is complete, they have no further rights to, now, your property. If they believe you stole something, they can ask to detain you while the cops show up, but they can't physically stop you. If some numb nuts tried laying a hand on me, he'd need his wife's help to open his ketchup bottles.

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