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Duncan's 71 "Oz" Goon


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Thanks guys.  Hard to believe, but I bought that paint right after labor day three years ago!  A lot of shit can happen in three years....


Definitely hanging up the spray guns after this project.  I enjoy bodywork, but not so much painting.


It's colored. Very nice. Can't wait to see it all done.

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Boof Kustom Fumigator Pickup tube..




Still, much fancier than I am used to.

This is an amazing idea! I am in New England and have an unheated 2 car garage with an attic and zero insulation, and have been trying to think of a way to surround my car so that I could heat the immediate area and not the entire garage. Cold metal sucks. Great work on the paint! Look forward to outside shots!

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It was raining yesterday while I was painting this.  I also had a couple of halogen lights, and they give off a substantial amount of heat.  While the exhaust fan sucked a lot of heat out of the booth, the bright lights helped keep the car warm which helps the paint flow out a bit better.  I would also recommend using a reducer that is matched with the temperature you are working in.


I think Harbor Freight sells an RV cover that is not terribly expensive.  Enclosing your area keeps over spray from getting everywhere, and you can warm it up a bit with the halogens.  HF sells those cheap, too.  An actual heater could be an explosive hazard. (I'm guessing)


I would also strongly recommend some sort of exhaust fan.  Without it, the small area will cloud up really fast, and it helps keep the fumes and over spray from settling back on the car.  Other than it was a bit cramped, our little booth worked well.  It was definitely "Ratsun" and not too expensive to do.  


I'm going to start color sanding and polishing next week, and will post up some pics as I get that done.     


This is an amazing idea! I am in New England and have an unheated 2 car garage with an attic and zero insulation, and have been trying to think of a way to surround my car so that I could heat the immediate area and not the entire garage. Cold metal sucks. Great work on the paint! Look forward to outside shots!

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So is everything painted now? 


As far as body color goes, I'm thinking that is correct.  I have a part or two that might need repaint, but that's par for the course.


Clear coat after?


No clear needed with single stage paint, and I try to stay away from basecoat/clearcoat paint.  I'm old enough to remember all the problems with it when it first got popular, so I go with single stage whenever possible.  I generally avoid metallic colors, too.  Nothing wrong with either, but I don't paint enough to really learn the nuances of both.  I only paint out of necessity.  I consider myself more of a body guy than a painter. 


One of the guys at the shop was telling me that on one of the hot rod shows, the painter was mixing in clear with his single stage paint.  He says it makes the paint shine like mad when it's done.  That has me sort of intrigued, and I may experiment with that in the future.  

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Thanks for that. It's (unfortunately) not done. I have a LOT of hours to go color sanding and polishing it. I started it today and it's going to take a while to get through it. I think it will look very nice, but it's a BIG job...

Wish I was closer. I love cutting and polishing. I'm anal retentive and love seeing perfection. That curved glass is satisfaction. I just keep finding excuses to turn all the lights on and stare at the smoothness.

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Wish I was closer. I love cutting and polishing. I'm anal retentive and love seeing perfection. That curved glass is satisfaction. I just keep finding excuses to turn all the lights on and stare at the smoothness.



I hear ya.  This post kinda sums it up for me.  (I hope the link works)




The post is number 572 in this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, shit happens.  I am going to scuff and repaint the wagon shell with different paint, but same color.  I'm just not happy with how the paint is working on the shell, and I'm going to use another brand of paint in the same color.  Shot a sample yesterday and deliberately put a run in it so I could sand it out and do a blend.  The new paint does that like it's supposed to. The old stuff I can't get to blend on a spot repair.


Not too big of a deal, but I have about 2.5 days of solid color sanding down the drain.


New vs old stuff.




Same pieces different angle.




Hard to tell from a photo, but the colors match exactly.

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I used this same paint for making repairs on the Sunny and had no problems with it.  I suspect that maybe the manufacturer had to make some changes to it due to changing regulations or similar.  We dealt with this quite a bit when I worked for Fender Musical.


I hate to backtrack like this, but I don't see any other options at this time.  :confused:   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once more with feeling...


Looks pretty much the same, but I'm much happier with the paint.  In hindsight, I should have taken the old masking off and re-masked before I painted.  Dust and dirt got in the paint, and it could have been avoided. Good news is it sands out just fine, but more work on the front end could have saved work on the back end.  I've actually never scuffed a car up and painted it a second time, so it's old dogs, new tricks.  Next time I know..







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